
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity教育学系老师简介Dr. TANG, Kwok Chun

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Dr. TANG, Kwok Chun

B.Sc.(Hons), P.C.Ed.(Distinction), M.Ed.(Distinction), Ph.D., University of Hong Kong
Teaching Consultant, Department of Education Studies

Current & Recent Academic and Academic Management Experience

2007 – 2010 PT PgDE Programme Coordinator, Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
2007 – 2009 Double Degree (Mathematics) Associate Programme Director, Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
2006 – 2010 Principal Lecturer, Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
1999 – 2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
1997 – 1999 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Open University of Hong Kong
1993 – 1997 Demonstrator, Department of Education, University of Hong Kong
1990 – 1993 Senior Graduate Master, St. Peter's Secondary School
1983 – 1990 Graduate Master, St. Peter's Secondary School

Research Interests

  • Small-class teaching and learning,
  • Mathematics teaching and learning,
  • ICT in Mathematics education,
  • Macao educational development,
  • Sociology of school knowledge

Consultancy/Professional/Community Services

  1. Principal Investigator of the EDB project (2009), titled: “Provision of Services for In-Service Teacher Professional Development Courses on Learning and Teaching in a Small Class Environment” from 10/2009 to 09/2011. (Project Code:EDB(ECP)1/1/15/080/09 & Project Fund: $14,118,120)
  2. Principal Investigator of the EDB project (2009), titled: “Provision of Services for In-Service Teacher Professional Development Courses on Fostering Communities of Practice to Enhance Learning and Teaching English Language in a Small Class Environment” from 01/2010 to 06/2010. (Project Code:EDB(ECP)4/1/15/080/09(E) & Project Fund: $1,323,894.80)
  3. Principal-Investigator of the Quality Education Fund Project (2005), titled: “Developing School Based Assessment in alignment with Mathematics New Senior Secondary Curriculum”, with Mr. Wan C.K. from Lock Tao Secondary Schools as CI, from 9/2006 to 8/2007. (Project Code: 2005/0778 & Project Fund: $361,700)
  4. Curriculum consultant of a web-based teaching and learning package – Junior Secondary Mathematics. The appointment was offered by the Information Technology Education Resource Centre, Education and Manpower Bureau (Sep 2002 - April 2003). (http://resources.ed.gov.hk/~jsmaths/)
  5. Consultant of the production of a Mathematics (Statistics) IT-based Resource Package for Primary and Secondary Schools in Hong Kong, Department of Education, HKSAR, (Feb 2000 - Feb 2002).
  6. Vice-President, the Hong Kong Educational Research Association, 2009-now.
  7. A member of the CDC-HKEAA Committee on Mathematics Education (Senior Secondary), Curriculum Development Council, HKSAR (2003-now).
  8. A member of the CDC-HKEAA Working Group on New Senior Secondary Mathematics Curriculum (School-based Assessment), Curriculum Development Council, HKSAR (2006-now).
  9. A member of the School Council of S.K.H. Lui Ming Choi Secondary School (2002-now).
  10. A member of the School Council of Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School since (2009-now).
  11. The Hong Kong representative of the Imaginative Education Research Group, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada (2003-2004).
  12. 籌備委會員主席,香港數學教育會議2009。該教育會議由香港數學教育學會、香港浸會大學教育學系及香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學聯合主辦,主題為『全民數學‧全民學數』,舉辦日期為二零零九年六月十二日(星期五),地點為香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學。

Selected Publications


  1. 黃毅英、梁玉麟、鄧國俊及陳詠心(2009)。《香港數學教育專業知識基礎的集體追求》。香港:香港數學教育學會。
  2. 鄧國俊、黃毅英、霍秉坤、顏明仁及黃家樂 (2006)。《香港近半世紀漫漫「小學數教路」:現代化、本土化、普及化、規範化與專業化》。香港:香港數學教育學會。


  1. Tang, K.C. (2006). History of Mathematics for the Young Educated Minds: A Hong Kong Reflection. In F. Furinghetti, S. Kaisjer and C. Tzanakis. (Eds.). Proceedings of HPM 2004 & ESU 4 (Revised Edition). Iraklion, Greece: University of Crete, pp.630-638.
  2. Bray, M. & Tang, K.C. (2006). ‘Building and Diversifying Education Systems: Evolving Patterns and Contrasting Trends in Hong Kong and Macau’, in Bjork, Christopher (ed.). Educational Decentralization: Asian Experiences and Conceptual Contributions. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, pp.71-95.
  3. Tang, K.C. (2005). 'Secondary School Mathematics Curricula.' in Bray, M. and Koo, R. (2004) (Eds.). Education and Society in Hong Kong and Macau: Comparative Perspectives on Continuity and Change (2nd Edition). Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, pp.223-234.
  4. Tang, K.C. (2003). 'The Social Origins and Development of Macau's Decentralized Education System.' In Mok, K.H. (Ed.).Centralization and Decentralization: Educational Reforms and Changing Governance in Chinese Societies. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.59-79.
  5. 鄧國俊 (2005)。<初中有向數的教與學:隱喻理論與學養心智理論的啟思>。黃毅英主編。《蕭文強教授榮休文集:迎接新世紀重新檢視香港數學教育》。香港:香港數學教育學會,頁126-140。
  6. 鄧國俊 (2003)。〈香港及澳門教育制度的生成及演化:以雅卓絲雙週期理論作比較〉。余振、余永逸及鄺錦鈞編 (2003)。《雙城記II-回歸後港澳的政治、經濟及社會發展》。澳門: 澳門社會科學學會,頁493-509。
  7. 鄧國俊及鍾永康 (2003)。〈數學史與數學課程改革:學養心智理論的啟思〉。鄧幹明及曾倫尊主編。《學會學習:數學課程改革評析》。香港:香港數學教育學會,頁92-109。

Journal Articles

  1. Wong, N.Y., Leung, A.Y.L., Tang, K.C. and Chan W.S. (2009). ‘Research in Mathematics Education in the Past Twenty-Five Years in Hong Kong’.Educational Research Journal, Vol.24, No.1, pp.41-70.
  2. Tang, K.C. (2004). ‘'Computer Algebra System (CAS) Calculator for the New Senior Mathematics Curriculum: Possibilities, Limits and Challenges'.Proceedings of the Hong Kong Mathematics Education Conference 2004, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, pp.67-77.
  3. Tang, K.C. (2003). 'Gender Difference in Mathematics Ability (數學能力性別差異)'. House of Tomorrow, 11 (2), pp.1-8. [in English and Chinese]. (2003)
  4. Tang, K.C. (2003). 'Imagination in Teaching and Learning of Directed Numbers: Two Chinese Examples', Proceedings of the First International Conference on Imagination and Education, the Imaginative Education Research Group, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, 16-19 July 2003.
  5. 鄧國俊 (2008)<香港新高中數學課程:有關校本評估的思考>。《優質學校教育學報》。2008年第5期,頁65-72。(http://www.hkpera.org/forum/attachment.php?aid=541)
  6. 鄧國俊、黃毅英、霍秉坤、顏明仁及黃家樂 (2007)。<從半世紀香港小學數學課程發展看當前數學課程改革的前景>。《基礎教育學報》。2007年第16卷第1期,頁115-131。
  7. 黃毅英、鄧國俊、霍秉坤、顏明仁及黃家樂 (2007)。<「以兒童為中心」數學教育再思:半世紀香港小學數學課程發展的啟示>。《台灣數學教師(電子)期刊》。2007年3月,第9期,頁7-29。(