
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity教育学系老师简介Dr. MOORHOUSE, Benjamin Luke, Ed.D, FHEA

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Dr. MOORHOUSE, Benjamin Luke, Ed.D, FHEA

Assistant Professor in English Language Education, Department of Education Studies

BSc (Hons) (Plymouth), PGDE (HKU), MEd (HKU), EdD in TESOL (Exeter)

Fellow, Higher Education Academy (HEAdvanced)

SCOPUS profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57195513283

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Benjamin_Moorhouse

Academic & Professional Experience

2020- present Assistant Professor, Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
2015-2020 Lecturer, English Language Education Division, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2014-2015 Advisor Teacher, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau, Government of Hong Kong
2013-2014 Teacher, Pui Kiu Primary School, Sui Sai Wan, Hong Kong
2007-2013 Teacher, Po Leung Kuk Gold & Silver Exchange Society Pershing Tsang School, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
2005-2007 Teacher, Victoria International Kindergarten, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong

Research Interests

  • English language teacher education
  • Teaching English language to young learners
  • Technology and English language teaching and learning
  • Homework and English language teaching and learning
  • Students as Partners


  • University Early Career Teaching Award, The University of Hong Kong 2018-2019
  • Faculty Early Career Teaching Award, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, 2017-2018



  1. Moorhouse, B.L. (Under Contract). Teaching Abroad during Initial Teacher Education. Springer
  2. Moorhouse, B.L. (2020). Writing with Young English Language Learners (RELC New Portfolio Series 6). SEAMEO Regional Language Centre: Singapore

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Moorhouse, B.L. & Kohnke. L. (in press). Conducting formative assessment during synchronous online lessons: University teachers’ challenges and pedagogical strategies. Pedagogies: An International Journal
  2. Moorhouse, B.L. (2021) Hybrid Teaching: What is it? How do we do it? RELC Journal (Invited Conversation with Expert) https://doi.org/10.1177/00336882211053051  (Open access)
  3. Moorhouse, B.L. & Kohnke, L. (2021). Responses of the English-language-Teaching Community to the COVID-19 Pandemic. RELC Journal. https://doi.org/10.1177/00336882211053052  (Open access)
  4. Kohnke, L. & Moorhouse, B.L. (2021). Using Kahoot! to gamify learning in the language classroom. RELC Journal. https://doi.org/10.1177/00336882211040270 
  5. Moorhouse, B.L. & Wong, K.M. (2021). COVID-19 as a catalyst for teacher pedagogical and technological innovation and professional development. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 10.1080/02188791.2021.1988511 
  6. Wong, K.M. & Moorhouse B.L. (2021). Digital competence and online language teaching: Hong Kong language teacher practices in primary and secondary classrooms. System https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2021.102653 
  7. Moorhouse, B.L. (2021). Beginning teaching during COVID-19: Newly qualified Hong Kong teachers' preparedness for teaching online. Educational Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/03055698.2021.1964939 
  8. Moorhouse, B.L. & Wong, K.M. (2021). Blending asynchronous and synchronous digital technologies and instructional approaches to facilitate remote learning. Journal of Computers in Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40692-021-00195-8 (Open Access)
  9. Moorhouse, B.L. (2021). Beginning teaching during COVID-19: Advice from newly qualified teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2021.1952844
  10. Moorhouse, B.L. & Tiet, M.C. (2021). Attempting to implement a pedagogy of care during the disruptions to teacher education caused by COVID-19: A collaborative self-study. Studying Teacher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/17425964.2021.1925644 
  11. Moorhouse, B.L. (2021). Qualities of good homework activities: Teachers' perceptions. ELT Journal. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccaa069 
  12. Moorhouse, B.L. & Konhke, L. (2021). Thriving or surviving emergency remote teaching necessitated by COVID-19: University Teachers' Perspectives. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-021-00567-9 (Open Access)
  13. Kohnke, L. & Moorhouse, B.L. (2021). Adopting Hyflex in higher education in response to COVID-19: students' perspectives. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-learning. https://doi.org/10.1080/02680513.2021.1906641
  14. Moorhouse, B.L., Li, Y., & Walsh, S. (2021). E-Classroom Interactional Competencies: Mediating and assisting language learning in synchronous online lessons. RELC Journal https://doi.org/10.1177/0033688220985274   (Open Access)
  15. Moorhouse, B.L., Lee, J., & Herd, S. (2021). Providing remote school based professional support to teachers during school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning: Research and Practice https://doi.org/10.1080/23735082.2020.1825777 (Open Access)
  16. Kohnke, L. & Moorhouse, B.L. (2020). 'There's an app for that!' Writing technology reviews for academic journals. RELC Journal https://doi.org/10.1177/0033688220945419 (Open Access)
  17. Kohnke, L. & Moorhouse, B.L. (2020). Facilitating synchronous online language teaching through Zoom. RELC Journal https://doi.org/10.1177/0033688220937235
  18. Moorhouse, B. L. & Beaumont, A. (2020). Utilizing video conferencing software to teach young learners in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 class suspensions. TESOL Journal  https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.545. (Open Access)
  19. Wong, K.M. & Moorhouse, B.L. (2020). The impact of social uncertainity, protests, and COVID-19 on Hong Kong teachers. Journal of Loss and Trauma .https://doi.org/10.1080/15325024.2020.1776523 (Open Access)
  20. Moorhouse, B.L. (2020). Adaptations to a face-to-face initial teacher education course 'forced' online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Education for Teaching https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2020.1755205  (Open Access)
  21. Moorhouse, B. L. & Beaumont, A. (2020). Involving parents in their children's school-based English language writing using digital learning. RELC Journal. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033688219859937
  22. Moorhouse, B.L. (2020). Teaching Abroad during Initial Teacher Education: The effects as perceived by recently qualified teachers on their preparedness for teaching. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 
  23. Moorhouse, B.L. (2020). 'The Literature Selection Bookmark'. The Reading Teacher  DOI: 10.1002/TRTR.1910 (Open Access)
  24. Moorhouse, B.L. (2020). Preparing pre-service English language teachers for the literacy classroom: Modelling good practices. Journal of Education for Teaching DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2020.1733397
  25. Moorhouse, B.L & Kohnke, L. (2020). Using Mentimeter to elicit student responses in the EAP/ESP classroom. RELC Journal (Invited Special Issue) https://doi.org/10.1177/0033688219890350
  26. Moorhouse, B. L. & Harfitt, G.J. (2019). Pre-service and in-service teachers’ professional learning through the pedagogical exchange of ideas during a teaching abroad experience. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/1359866X.2019.1694634
  27. Moorhouse, B. L. (2019). Seesaw: Tech Review. RELC Journal. Vol.50(3) 493-496
    https://doi.org/10.1177/0033688218781976 (Open Access)
  28. Moorhouse, B. L. & Oh, H.M (2019). Students as Partners Beyond Formal Education: A Mentoring Partnership in the First Year of Teaching. International Journal for Students as Partners. 3(2), 156-162.  https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v3i2.3893 (Open Access)
  29. Moorhouse, B. L. (2019). Bitsboard: Tech Review. RELC Journal. Vol 50(1)  https://doi.org/10.1177/0033688217730147
  30. Wong, K.M. & Moorhouse, B. L. (2018). Writing for an audience: Inciting creativity among young English language bloggers through scaffolded comments. TESOL Journal. Vol. 9(4). DOI: 10.1002/tesj.389
  31. Moorhouse, B. L. (2018). Standardized homework practices and teacher autonomy: Experiences of primary English language teachers in Hong Kong. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Vol 25(5). 345-354.. DOI: 10.1007/s40299-018-0391-4
  32. Moorhouse, B. L. (2018). English language teachers' homework practices in Hong Kong. Journal of Asia TEFL. Vol.15(3). 819-828. DOI: 10.18823/asiatefl.2018.15.18.819 (Open Access)
  33. Moorhouse, B. L. (2018). Taking an active role in our preservice teachers' overseas teaching experience: Report on an experiential learning project in China. Journal of Education for Teaching. Vol 44.(2) . http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2017.1370482
  34. Moorhouse, B. L. (2017). Barriers to professionalism in the Native-Speaker Teacher Scheme in Hong Kong. TESL-EJ: 21(3): 1-17. (Open Access)
  35. Moorhouse, B. L. (2014). Using critical pedegogies with young EFL learners in a Hong Kong primary school. International Journal of Bilingual & Multilingual Teachers of English. 2(2) 80-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.12785/IJBMTE/020201 (Open Access)

Book Chapters

  1. Kohnke, L. & Moorhouse, B.L. (2022). Higher education instructors inclusive design practices during COVID-19: a Hong Kong perspective. In Sharpe, R, Bennett, S & Varga-Atkins T (Eds.) Digital Handbook of Higher Education. Edward Elgar Publishing
  2. Moorhouse, B.L. (2021). Teaching Abroad during TESOL Initial Teacher Education. In Barnaawi, O. & Anwaruddin, S. (Eds.) TESOL Teacher Education in a Transnational World. Routledge
  3. Moorhouse, B. L. (2020). "My Students Always Sigh When I Assign English Language Homework!" in Floris, F.D & Renandya, W.A. (Eds). Inspiring Stories From the English Language Classroom. Indonesia: TEFLIN Publications
  4. Moorhouse, B. L. & Wong, K.M. (2019). “Developing a School-based Literacy Programme for Lower-grade Primary Learners: The case of a Hong Kong primary school” in Reynolds, B.L. & Teng, M.F. (Eds.) English Literacy Instruction in Chinese Speaking Asia. Singapore: Palgrave. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6653-6_2

Short Articles in Magazines and Newsletters

  1. Moorhouse, B.L. (2021). Writing for Creativity. English Teaching Professional. Issue 134. p.21
  2. Moorhouse, B.L. (2021). Attempting to understand the ‘unnatural’ online teaching environment: Reflections from an English language teacher educator. BAAL News Issue 118. 13-14 https://www.baal.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/118_BAAL-News-FV.pdf
  3. Moorhouse, B. L (2020). Support for Writing. English Teaching Professional. Issue 126. p.53
  4. Lee, J. & Moorhouse, B.L (2019). Writing with a smiley! English Teaching Professional. Issue 123. pp.8-10.
  5. Moorhouse, B.L & Kohnke, L. (2019). What's wrong with right and wrong? Modern English Teacher. 28(3). pp.18-19
  6. Moorhouse, B. L (2019). Fanfiction. English Teaching Professional. 120. pp.26-27.
  7. Moorhouse, B. L (2018). Using Whatsapp to improve out-of-class communication. The Teacher Trainer Journal. 32(3).
  8. Moorhouse, B L., Chan, J., Wong, C., Liu, T., & Ma., B. (2018). Bringing stories to life through art. Modern English Teacher. 27(2).
  9. Moorhouse, B. L (2018). Hello, my name is... English Teaching Professional.115. pp.19-21.
  10. Moorhouse, B. L (2017). The importance of including homework in our teacher training programmes. The Teacher Trainer Journal. Vol(3) (2-4).
  11. Kohnke, L. & Moorhouse, B. L ( 2017) Classroom management dilemmas in the age of mobile devices. TESOL Secondary Accents.
  12. Moorhouse, B. L (2017). Reaping the rewards of good behaviour. English Teaching Professional.112. pp.21-23.
  13. Moorhouse, B. L & Wu, S. (2017). Using ‘The Most Dangerous Writing App’ in the classroom. The EFL Magazine. (September 2017)
  14. Moorhouse, B. L (2017). Using Mentimeter for teacher training and language teaching. Modern English Teacher. 26 (3). pp.41-43.
  15. Moorhouse, B. L (2017). Increasing in-class participation with online tools. The Teacher Trainer Journal. 31(2). pp.16-17.
  16. Moorhouse, B. L (2017). Cooking with children. English Teaching Professional. 109 pp.26-27.
  17. Moorhouse, B. L (2017). English game days. English Teaching Professional.108 pp.23-25.
  18. Moorhouse, B. L (2016). Creating the right environment. English Teaching Professional.107 pp.22-25.
  19. Moorhouse, B. L (2016). Inspiring Ideas. English Teaching Professional. 106 pp.20-21.
  20. Moorhouse, B. L (2016). Giving young learners a choice of homework. Modern English Teacher. 25(3) pp.26-27.
  21. Moorhouse, B. L (2016). Making process writing work. English Teaching Professional. 105 pp.20-23.
  22. Moorhouse, B. L (2016). iPads. Learning tools or toys?. Modern English Teacher .25(2) pp.27-28.
  23. Moorhouse, B. L (2015). Writing rulers - a tool to support revising and editing. Modern English Teacher. 24(4) pp.56-57.

Conference Presentations

  1. Moorhouse, B.L., Li, Y. & Walsh, S. (2021, June). E-Classroom Interactional Competence: mediating and assisting language learning during synchronous online lessons. 6th Asia-Pacific Languages for Specific Purposes & Professional Communication Association Conference. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  2. Moorhouse, B.L. (2021, March). Involving Parents in their Children’s English Language Writing Using Digital Learning. 55th RELC International Conference, Singapore.
  3. Wong, K.M & Moorhouse, B.L.(2021, March). (Re)considering Learner Engagement Through Digital Technologies: Lessons From Hong Kong. TESOL 2021 Convention. Online Mode
  4. Moorhouse, B.L. (2020, December). Teaching abroad during initial teacher education: The effects as perceived by recently qualified teachers. International Conference on Learning and Teaching. EDUHK, Hong Kong
  5. Moorhouse, B. L (2019, March). Standardised homework practices in English language teaching: Experiences of primary school teachers. 54th RELC International Conference, Singapore.
  6. Kempston, T. & Moorhouse, B. L (2019, March). Helping English language learners respond creatively to texts with online tools. 54th RELC International Conference, Singapore.
  7. Moorhouse, B. L (2018, June). Barriers to Professionalism in the Native-Speaking English Teacher Scheme in Hong Kong. The 16th Asia TEFL, 1st MAAL, 6th HAAL 2018 International Conference, Macau.
  8. Moorhouse, B. L & Wong, K.M. (2018, June). Developing a school-based reading programme for lower primary learners in Hong Kong: A case study and lessons learned. he 16th Asia TEFL, 1st MAAL, 6th HAAL 2018 International Conference, Macau.
  9. Moorhouse, B. L (2018, March). Active involvement in our pre-service teachers' overseas teaching experiences. 53rd RELC International Conference, Singapore.
  10. Wu, S. & Moorhouse, B. L (2017, November). Using e-learning to support tertiary level English language learners to revise their work within the process writing approach - Students' beliefs on its effectiveness. CETHA Conference. Hong Kong.
  11. Moorhouse, B. L (2016, March). Effective use of guided reading in the EFL classroom. 51st RELC International Conference in Teaching Literacies - Emerging Pathways and Possibilities in Language Education. Singapore.
  12. Moorhouse, B. L (2015, June). 'Meaningful Homework' in the Hong Kong Primary EFL Classroom. CAES International Conference: Faces of English: Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy. Centre for Applied English Studies, The University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong.
  13. Moorhouse, B. L (2015, July) ‘Meaningful Homework’ in Hong Kong Primary EFL Classrooms. The University of Exeter 1st EdD Summer Research Forum. The University of Exeter. The United Kingdom.
  14. Moorhouse, B. L (2014, June). Using critical pedagogies with young EFL learners in a Hong Kong primary school. 5th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

Academic & Professional Activities

  • Member, Curriculum Development Council Committee on English Language Education. Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR (September 2021 - present)
  • English language curriculum consultant, Pui Kiu Primary School (January 2022- present)
  • Co-editor, International Journal for Students as Partners (April 2020- present)
  • Outreach Officer and Executive Committee Member, Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) (September 2015- present)
  • Reviewed for various SSCI/SCOPUS journals, e.g. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (Springer); Research in Education (SAGE); TESOL Journal (Wiley); Educational Studies (Taylor & Francis); RELC Journal (SAGE); Asia Pacific Journal of Education (Taylor & Francis); System (Elsevier); Computers in Education (Springer)

Research, Knowledge Exchange and Teaching Projects

External Grants

2021-2023 Principal investigator, University Grants Council, Early Career Scheme (ECS), $498,736. Identifying the context and subject-specific professional digital competencies beginning English language teachers need to ensure readiness for the teaching profession

Internal Grants

2018-2019 Co-investigator, 'Student-teachers providing free English Language instruction to school students from lower socio-economic backgrounds in Community English Language Professional Workshops: An Experiential Professional Development and Community-based Project. Teaching Development Grant, The University of Hong Kong2018-2019, (PI: Suzi Nicholson, CIs: Margaret Lo, Cheri Chan, Nicole Tavares)

2017-2018 Co-investigator, 'Student-teachers assessing ESL reading through Running Records: An experiential, community-based project' Teaching Development Grant 2017-2018, The University of Hong Kong (PI: Suzi Nicholson, CI: Margaret Lo

2016-2017 Team Leader, University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Education,  'Bringing Stories to Life Through Art.' (Team Members: Suzi Nicholson, Jenny Chan, Tiffany Liu, Cedia Wong & Bridget Ma)
