
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity经济系老师简介-Dr.Anovia YifanDai戴易凡博士

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Dr.Anovia YifanDai戴易凡博士WLB 521, 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, H.K. anovia_dai@hkbu.edu.hk
(852) 3411 2177
Assistant Professor,Department of Economics

Research Interests
Game Theory, Industrial Organization, Search Theory

Choi, M., Dai, Y., & Kim, K. T. (2018). Consumer Search and Price Competition. Econometrica, 86(4), 1257-1281.
Rong, R., Houser, D., & Dai, Y. (2016). Money or friends: Social identity and deception in networks. European Economic Review, 90, 56-66.

相关话题/博士 香港浸会大学 经济系