Prof. SHENG Liugang
Associate Professor
Tel: (852) 3943-8231
Email: lsheng@cuhk.edu.hk
Office Location: Room 929, Esther Lee Building
Home Page: http://www.lsheng.weebly.com
Ph.D. (University of California, Davis)
MA (Virgina Tech.)
MA, BA (Peking University)
Research Interest
International Economics
Development Economics
Applied Econometrics
Awards and Honours
Courses Taught
BiographyProf. Sheng is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also the Director of the Trade and Development Programme of the Economic Research Centre of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. Prof. Sheng’s research interests cover international trade, international macroeconomics, and economic development. His papers have been published in (or accepted by) many reputable international and Chinese journals including Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Pacific Economic Review, China Economic Quarterly, and Law and Social Sciences. Prof. Sheng received his PhD in economics from University of California, Davis in 2012. He also obtained MA in economics from Virginia Tech in 2008. Before he went to US, he received the bachelor and master degree from Peking University in 2002 and 2005 respectively.
"Did China Diversify its Foreign Reserves?" Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2013, Vol. 28(1), 102-125.
“Expanding Export Variety: The Role of Institutional Reforms in Developing Countries,” with Dennis T. Yang. Journal of Development Economics, 2016, Vol. 118, 45-58.
“State Capitalism: A New Perspective of Land Sale in China”, with Wei Tian and Hongyan Zhao. Pacific Economic Review, 2016, Vol.21, Issue 1: 84–101.
“News Shocks in Open Economies: Evidence from Giant Oil Discoveries,” with Rabah Arezki and Valerie Ramey. Forthcoming Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016.
Working Papers
“Offshoring and Wage Inequality: Theory and Evidence from China,” with Dennis T. Yang, 2014.
Refereed Publications in Chinese
“Yield, Currency Composition of Foreign Reserve and Hot Money in China,” with Hongyan Zhao, China Economic Quarterly, 2007, Vol. 6, issue 4.
“Wage and Education Returns in China Cities,” with Dennis T. Yang, China Economic Quarterly, 2007, Vol. 6, issue 3.
“Econometric Analysis of the Law Enforcement in China,” with Yingmao Tang, Law and Social Sciences, Law Press. 2009, Vol. 4.
“On the Low Efficiency of Law Enforcement in China,” with Yingmao Tang, Law and Social Sciences, Peking Univ. Press. 2006, Vol. 1.
Awards and Honours“Infrastructure and International Trade: Evidence from Chinese Firms”, Hong Kong RGC grant, project number: 15056516, HK$620,521 (Jan 2017- De2019)
“News Shocks in Open Economy: Evidence from Giant Oil Discoveries”, Hong Kong RGC grant, project number: 14502214, HK$267,960 (Aug 2014-Jul 2016)
"The Shale Revolution and Renaissance of the US Manufacturing Sector
https://www.econ.cuhk.edu.hk/econ/index.php/programs/curriculum/course-offered/underg/course?layout=underg&code=ECON3310&year=2021&term=1">ECONOMY OF CHINA[Course Outline]
2nd Term
ECON8006A: THESIS RESEARCH[Course Outline]
香港中文大学经济学系老师教授导师介绍简介-盛柳刚Prof. SHENG LiugangAssociate Professor
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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