
香港中文大学物理系老师教授导师介绍简介-Marco Yu Hang LAI

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

Marco Yu Hang LAI Lecturer
Phone (852) 39434076
Email yhmlai(at)phy.cuhk.edu.hk
Office Room 216A, 2/F, Science Centre North Block

Education:PhD, Physics, The Ohio State University, 2018
BSc, Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011
Position:Aug 2021-now, Lecturer, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Interest:Strong-field atomic physics
Ultrafast optics
Selected Recent Publications:Y. H. Lai*, K. S. Rao, J. Liang, X. Wang, C. Guo, W. Yu and W. Li, "Resonance-enhanced high harmonic in metal ions driven by elliptically polarized laser pulses
Distinguishing monomer and nanoparticle contributions to high-harmonic emission from laser-ablated plumes
High-power few-cycle Cr:ZnSe mid-infrared source for attosecond soft x-ray physics
Experimental test of recollision effects in double ionization of magnesium by near-infrared circularly polarized fields
Diffractive imaging of C60 structural deformations induced by intense femtosecond mid-infrared laser fields
Polarizability effect in strong-field ionization: quenching of the low-energy structure in C60
Experimental investigation of strong-field-ionization theories for laser fields from visible to midinfrared frequencies
Tunable mid-infrared source of light carrying orbital angular momentum in the femtosecond regime
Diffraction using laser-driven broadband electron wave packets
Surface plasmon dispersion relation of a metallic wire in a nonlinear dielectric medium", Optics Communications 304, 111-115 (2013)

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