TONG Shiu Sing Senior Lecturer
Phone (852) 3943 6400
Email sstong(at)
Office Room 223, 2/F, Science Centre North Block
Facebook Fans Page(汤博士的物理空间)
Education: PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BSc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Current Position: Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Associate Director, Centre for Promoting Science Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Teaching Awards: Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2015, CUHK
Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2015, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2011, Faculty of Science, CUHK
Physics Teaching Award 2010, Department of Physics, CUHK
Research Interest: Physics and Astronomy Education
Application of IT on Learning and Teaching
Contextual Approach of Learning and Teaching
Physics of Open Wave Systems
Research Projects: Project/Major Grant held as PI Organization
Development of Learning and Teaching Package on Motion Video Analysis in the New Senior Secondary Physics Curriculum Education Bureau, HKSAR
Professional Development Course for School Teachers and Technical Support Staff (2009-11): High Definition Motion Video Analysis for Learning and Teaching the New Senior Secondary Physics Curriculum (9/09-6/11) Education Bureau, HKSAR
Using the education resources in China Digital Science and Technology Museum (CDSTM) to promote science education and literacy in Hong Kong Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KTPF), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
「香港科学动感之旅」, a virtual museum for China Digital Science and Technology Museum (10/07-10/08) Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education of the P.R. China, and China Association for Science and Technology
Provision of Services for Professional Development Programme on Learning and Teaching Strategies for the New Senior Secondary Physics Curriculum: 'Atomic Physics' (5/07-3/09) Education Bureau, HKSAR
Production of Learning and Teaching Materials for New Senior Secondary Integrated Science Curriculum: 'Radiation and Us' (3/07-3/09) Education Bureau, HKSAR
Professional Development Programme for Physics Teachers on Enriching Knowledge for the NSS Physics Curriculum (4/06-7/06) Education Bureau, HKSAR
Development of a Course Module 'Astronomy' for S4-6 Students in Hong Kong (4/04-9/06) Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR
Production of Web-based Education Kit on Energy Efficiency for Secondary Schools in Hong Kong (4/04-9/06) Funded by CLP Power Ltd., and The Hongkong Electric Company Ltd., Supported by EMSD, EDB and HKEdCity
Production of IT-based Resource Materials for Physics (1/03-1/04) Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR
Web-based Self-Learning Package for Secondary School Teachers in Hong Kong: Using Contextual Themes in the Teaching of Physics in Secondary Schools (3/00-1/04) Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR
IT-based Resource Package for Secondary Schools in Hong Kong (Subject: Physics) (4/00-9/02) Education Department, HKSAR
Selected Recent Publications: S.S. Tong, H.K. Won, P.K. Kwong, Y.L. Wong, L.C. Lee and K.L. Fung. NSS Physics in Life Series (I: Heat, II Mechanics, III: Waves, IV Electricity and Magnetism, V Atomic Physics, VI Astronomy and Space Science, VII Atomic World, VIII Energy and Use of Energy, IX Medical Physics, English and Chinese versions, including experimental packages, question bank, videos, animations, miscellaneous IT and web-based supports), Longman Hong Kong Education (2009-2010).
D.H.C. Ong and S.S. Tong. 'A web-based teaching and learning package for New Senior Secondary Physics Curriculum' Elective: "Atomic World' (Atomic World website), formally launched on 27 June, 2008
K.C. Chung, S.K. Kong, K.W. Mak and S.S. Tong. 「香港科学动感之旅」, a virtual museum for China Digital Science and Technology Museum, a national project jointly held by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education of the P.R. China, and China Association for Science and Technology. Launched in October 2008.
S.S. Tong. Energy Efficiency Education Kit for Secondary School, a web-based learning package to support energy education. Funded by CLP Power and HEC, supported by EMSD and EDB, formally launched on 27 August 2006 at Science Museum, Hong Kong.
S.S. Tong, K.S. Lam and S.C. Chiu. Physics in Life Series (I: Heat, II: Mechanics, III: Waves, IV: Electricity, Magnetism and Atomic Physics, English and Chinese versions, including experimental workbooks, question bank, videos, animations, miscellaneous IT and web-based supports), Longman Hong Kong Education (2003).
S.S. Tong. Contextual Physics in Ocean Park, a web-based learning package to support contextual learning of physics in Hong Kong Ocean Park. Supported by Science Education Section, EMB and Hong Kong Ocean Park, launched in August 2004.
S.S. Tong and W.H. Wong. Contextual Physics, a web-based self-learning package for secondary school teachers in Hong Kong, launched in July 2002.
S.S. Tong and W.H. Wong. Physics World, an IT-based resource package for secondary schools in Hong Kong (Subject: Physics), launched on 20 October 2000.
香港中文大学物理系老师教授导师介绍简介-TONG Shiu Sing
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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