Dr DING Xiaofan John
Research Assistant Professor
johndingadd this for spam@add this for spamsurgery.cuhk.edu.hk
Xiaofan Ding obtained his PhD degree in the Division of Life Science at HKUST in 2014 and pursued his post-doctoral training in CUHK (2014-2019). Xiaofan Ding’s research focuses on two fundamental areas in HCC: (1) Intra- and inter-tumor (epi)genetic heterogeneity, (2) cancer epigenetics and functional genomics. He managed to employ a variety of computational methods to integrate information from multiple sources, such as transcriptome, cancer genomics and epigenetics, to generate molecular alteration landscape and identify key regulatory elements in HCC.
Research Interests
Cancer genomics and epigenetics
Intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity
Epigenetic regulation
Selected Publications
Ding XF, He M, Chan AW, Song QX, Sze SC, Chen H, Man MK, Man K, Chan S, Lai P, Wang X, Wong N*. Genomic and epigenomic features of primary and recurrent hepatocellular carcinomas. Gastroenterology 2019; 157:1630-1645.
Wong AM, Ding XF, Wong AM, Chan AW, Song QX, Kwong J, Xu M, You W, Man MKH, He M, Chen J, Zhang Z, Lau C, Yu AC, Wei Y, Yuan Y, Lai PBS, Zhao J, Man K, Yu J, Kahn M, Wong N*. Molecular Distinctions of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease-associated Liver Cancer accentuate β-Catenin-mediated Immune Evasion. (Journal of Hepatology 2021) (under review) (Co-first).
Ding XF, Tsang SY, Ng SK, Xue H*. Application of Machine Learning to Development of Copy Number Variation-based Prediction of Cancer Risk. Genomics Insights 2014; 7:1-11.
香港中文大学外科学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Dr DING Xiaofan John
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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