
香港中文大学耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Dr CHANG Wai Tsz

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29

Dr CHANG Wai Tsz

AppointmentsAssistant Professor
Chief, Division of Otology and Neurotology
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, CUHK
Assistant DirectorInstitute of Human Communicative Research, CUHK
Associate Consultant (Honorary)
Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, Prince of Wales Hospital

Dr Chang is the chief of the otology and neurotology division in the department with specialinterest in hearing degeneration, auditory implantation, vestibular diseases, tinnitus, transcanalendoscopic ear surgery and skull base surgery. She pioneered endoscopic ear surgery in HongKong since 2016 and performed the first transcanal skull base surgery in the same year. Sheperformed most of the auditory implants and is the leader of many of the otology research inher centre. She is currently the assistant director of Institute of Human CommunicativeResearch, trainer of The Hong Kong college of Otorhinolaryngology, Neurosurgery, the Asia Pacific Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Training Group (APOST) and the World Skull basegroup. She is a member of the international working group on Endoscopic ear surgery (IWGEES), secretary of the Pan-Asia Working Group on Endoscopic Ear surgery(PAWGEES). She has collaborations with John Hopkin’s Centre for research related to elderlyhearing loss and dementia. She is the chief author of the Total Endoscopic Ear SurgeryDissection Manual published by the CUHK with a total of more than 30 publications includinginternational journals, peers reviewed abstracts and book chapters.
Academic and Professional QualificationsMBChB (CUHK); MScEPB (CUHK); FRCSEd (ORL); FHKCORL; FHKAM (Otorhinolaryngology)
Selected PublicationInternational Survey of Operative Practices for Otologists and Neurotologists During theCOVID-19 crisis; SE Ridge, DA Chari, ED Kozin, AK Remenschneider, OF Adunka, MAristegui, WT Chang, YF Cheng, JW Chung, MS Cohen, MG Crowson, JS Golub, O Handzel, B Isaacson,. A Iyer, S Kakehata, D Marchioni, JF Nogueira, N Patel, AM Quesnel,A Rivas, SR Saeed, R Salzman, F Santos, AJ Saxby, M Tarabici, N Verhaert, R Vincent, GWanna, S Wolpert, DJ Lee. Otology & Neurotology 2021; 42(8):1275-1284
Cochlear Implantation in Postirradiated Ears: A Case-Control Comparative Study. WT Chang, KNK Yeung, BPK Luk, KKY Leung, JKK Sung, MCF Tong. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology 2020; 5(6):1163-1167
Dexamethasone Eardrop with Grommet Placement vs Intratympanic Steroid Injection for Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Randomized Prospective Clinical Trial. WT Chang, BCY Zee, HSH Lee, MCF Tong. American Journal of Otolaryngology 2020; 41(4):Article No. 102515
Adopting Chopsticks Technique in Endoscopic Ear Surgery – An Alternative to Single- Handed Operations. WT Chang, MCF Tong. HSOA Journal of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery 2020; 6(2):Article No. 100046
Hearing loss and hearing rehabilitation; WT Chang; The Hong Kong Medical Diary; 2017; 22 (8):19-21
Endoscopic Transcanal Approach to Remove Extensive Petrous Cholesteatoma. WT Chang, JF Thong, MCF Tong. Journal of Otology & Rhinology 2017, 6(1) doi:10.4172/2324-8785.1000303
Total Endoscopic Ear Surgery Dissection manual; WT Chang, M Tong; The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016
Intraoperative View of a Glomus Tympanicum; WT Chang, WSS Tsang Ear, Nose & Throat Journal 2012; 91(12):E25-E26
Patient Satisfaction After Closed Reduction of Nasal Fractures; TCW Hung, WT Chang, AC Vlantis, MCF Tong, CA van Hasselt Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2007; 9(1):40-43


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