高级讲师BSc in Biochemistry, (First Class Honour), CUHK; PhD in Biochemistry, CUHK
电话:3943 1380
地址:610O, Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building, CUHK
个人简介 Dr. Lee is a Lecturer at the School of Biomedical Sciences. She obtained her BSc and PhD degrees from the Department of Biochemistry, CUHK. She is experienced in teaching biochemistry, cell biology and physiology in the Faculty of Medicine. Besides, she has been teaching the University General Education courses for over ten years. She is interested in the development of e-learning pedagogy for effective teaching and learning and has received a number of teaching development grants. She participates actively in student academic counselling. She is the recipient of 6 Teacher of the Year Awards from the Faculty in 2011, 2015-2018, the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education in 2015, and the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award in 2015 (General Education).
Teaching and Research Interests
Selected Publications
Cell biology and multidrug resistance in human cancer, metabolic pathway.
Biochemistry courseware development.
Academic advising.
Lee RKY, Ng BYN, Chen DMH. Using Metro Lines for Integration of Nucleotide Metabolic Pathways. Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2019. May; 47(5):532-537.
Yuan W, Ho HP, Lee RK, Kong SK. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering biosensor for DNA detection on nanoparticle island substrates. Appl Opt. 2009 Aug; 48(22):4329-4337.
Lee RK, Ong RC, Cheung JY, Li YC, Chan JY, Lee MM, Suen YK, Fung KP, Ho HP, Yu B, Li M, Kwok TT, Kong SK. Polyphyllin D - A potential anti-cancer drug to kill cancer cells with multi-drug resistance. Current Chemical Biology. 2009 Jan; 3:409-419.
Ong RC, Lei J, Lee RK, Cheung JY, Fung KP, Lin C, Ho HP, Yu B, Li M, Kong SK. Pollyphyllin D induces mitochondrial fragmentation and acts directly on the mitochondria to induce apoptosis in drug-resistant HepG2 cells. Cancer Lett. 2008 Mar; 261(2):158-164.
He H, Kong SK, Lee RK, Suen YK, Chan KT. Targeted photoporation and transfection by fiber femtosecond laser at 1550nm. Optical letters. 2008 Dec; 33(24):2961-2963.
Lee RK, Lui PP, Ngan EK, Lui JC, Suen YK, Chan F, Kong SK. The nuclear tubular invaginations are dynamic structures inside the nucleus of HeLa cells. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2006 Mar-Apr; 84(3-4):477-486.
Courseware Development Grant, CUHK [PI; Sept-2018]: “Articulation of Metabolic Pathway Using Articulate Storyline (Oi-Volcano)” (HK$89,295)
Student Campus Work Scheme, CUHK [PI; May-2018]: “Courseware Development of Urea Cycle Using Student-Centered Approach” (HK$2,475)
Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant, CUHK [PI; Mar-2018]: “Articulation of Metabolic Pathway Using Articulate Storyline (Powerland)” (HK$41,650)
Courseware Development Grant, CUHK [PI; Feb-2017]: “Articulation of Metabolic Pathway Using Articulate Storyline (Sweetielands)” (HK$29,400)
Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2016-19 Triennium, CUHK [co-PI; Jan-2017]: “Application of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for Teaching Multidisciplinary Topics in Biomedical Sciences” (HK$496,980)
Student Campus Work Scheme, CUHK [PI; Dec-2016]: “Glossary Item Writing for Learning Cellular Metabolism” (HK$2,200)
Student Campus Work Scheme, CUHK [PI; May-2016]: “Development of E-Learning Materials for MBChB and Biomedial Scienes Students” (HK$2,475)
Courseware Development Grant, CUHK [PI; Feb-2016]: “Articulate of Metabolic Pathways Using Articulate (Nitrogen Metabolism” (HK$9,000)
Student Campus Work Scheme, CUHK [PI; May-2015]: “Glossary Itwems Writing for Effective Learning” (HK$2,850)
Courseware Development Grant, CUHK [PI; Jan-2015]: “Development of Interactive Microlearning Courseware for Gastrointestinal Physiology” (HK$40,800)
Courseware Development Grant, CUHK [PI; Apr-2013]: “Development of an Interactive Web-based & Mobile-based Courseware for Effective Learning” (HK$58,000)
Courseware Development Grant, CUHK [co-PI; Dec-2010]: “Animated Glossary for Biochemistry Courses with Students of Heterogeneous Background” (HK$70,000)
Teaching Awards
Teacher of the Year Award 2018 (MBChB Year 1), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Teacher of the Year Award 2017 (MBChB Year 1), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Teacher of the Year Award 2017 (MBChB Year 2), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2015 (General Education), CUHK
Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2015, University General Education, CUHK
Teacher of the Year Award 2016 (MBChB Year 1), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Teacher of the Year Award 2015 (MBChB Year 1), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Teacher of the Year Award 2011 (MBChB Year 1), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Presentation Awards
Poster Award, “How to Make a “Most Suitable” Courseware for Students? Let them Design! Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2018
Poster Award, “ARAcupoint – Illustrating Acupoints on Own Face with Augmented Reality Technology. Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2018
Poster Commendation, “Articulation Storyline as a Tool for Knowledge Integration (Nucleotide Metabolism) Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2017
Poster Award, “Articulation of Metabolic Pathways using Articulate Storyline, Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2016
Poster Award, “Micro-module Production: Annotated Videos and Student-made Animation for Gastrointestinal Physiology”. Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2015
Poster Award, “Creating an Online Question Bank to Promote Peer Learning using the CU eLearning System”. Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2014
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29
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