
香港中文大学机械与自动化工程学系老师教授导师介绍简介-CHEN Chun 陈淳

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29

CHEN Chun 陈淳
Assistant Professor
TEL: 852 - 3943 8052
Room 305, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building
Building Energy & Environment Laboratory

Dr. Chun Chen received his B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from the Department of Building Science at Tsinghua University in 2009 and 2012, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University in 2015. After his graduate study, he worked as a Visiting Assistant Professor in at Purdue University. Dr. Chen joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as an Assistant Professor in August, 2016. His research interests include indoor air quality, energy-efficient buildings, aerosol dynamics, and airborne infectious disease transmission.
Research Interests
Indoor air quality
Aerosol dynamics
Aircraft cabin environment
Airborne infectious disease transmission

Current Projects
Principle Investigator, RMB250,000 (~HKD293,000), A method for estimating indoor PM2.5 of both outdoor and indoor origin based on monitoring data. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Young Scientist Program, No. 51708474, 01/2018 to 12/2020.
Principle Investigator, HKD750,000, Investigation of the air resistance of nanofiber window screens for reducing indoor exposure to PM2.5 of outdoor origin. Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Early Career Scheme (ECS), No. 24208518, 01/2019 to 12/2021.
Principle Investigator, USD130,000 (~HKD1,014,000), Assessment of the total pressure loss in flexible ducts in the environmental control system of commercial airplanes. The Boeing Company, Research and Development Project, No. 2019-GT-120, 07/2019 to 06/2020.
Principle Investigator, HKD873,995, Enhancing the performance of electrospun nanofiber filters by structure optimization and their application in buildings for effective indoor PM2.5 control. Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, General Research Fund (GRF), No. 14204520, 01/2021 to 12/2023.

Teaching by Years
EEEN3010 Building Automation and Control
MAEG5150 Advanced Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics (Co-Instructor)
EEEN2040 Building Service Engineering and Green Building

EEEN3010 Building Automation and Control
EEEN2040 Building Service Engineering and Green Building
EEEN4998/4999 Final Year Project (4 students)
MAEG4998/4999 Final Year Project (2 students)

EEEN3010 Building Automation and Control
EEEN2040 Building Service Engineering and Green Building
MAEG5150 Advanced Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics (Co-Instructor)
EEEN4998/4999 Final Year Project (1 student)
ENER4998/4999 Final Year Project (2 students)
MAEG4998/4999 Final Year Project (5 students)

Journal Papers (in the recent five years)
Xia, T., Bian, Y., Shi, S., Zhang, L., Chen, C.* (2020). Influence of nanofiber window screens on indoor PM2.5 of outdoor origin and ventilation rate: an experimental and modeling study. Building Simulation, doi.org/10.1007/s12273-020-0622-5.
Bian, Y.^, Wang, S.^, Jin, D., Wang, R.*, Chen, C.*, Zhang, L.* (2020). A general anion exchange strategy to transform metal-organic framework embedded nanofibers into high-performance lithium-ion capacitors. Nano Energy, 75, 104935.
Bian, Y., Chen, C., Wang, R., Wang, S., Pan, Y., Zhao, B., Chen, C.*, Zhang, L.* (2020). Effective removal of particles down to 15 nm using scalable metal-organic framework-based nanofiber filters. Applied Materials Today, 20, 100653.
Pan, Y., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., Chen, C.* (2020). Influence of surface roughness on particle deposition distribution around multi-slot cabin supply air nozzles of commercial airplanes. Building and Environment, 176, 106870.
Yu, X., Chen, C.* (2020). A simulation study for comparing the cooling performance of different daytime radiative cooling materials. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 209, 110459.
Xia, T., Chen, C.* (2020). Toward understanding the evolution of incense particles on nanofiber filter media: its influence on PM2.5 removal efficiency and pressure drop. Building and Environment, 172, 106725.
Bian, Y., Wang, S., Zhang, L.*, Chen, C.* (2020). Influence of fiber diameter, filter thickness, and packing density on PM2.5 removal efficiency of electrospun nanofiber air filters for indoor applications. Building and Environment, 170, 106628.
Liu, W.*, You, R., Chen, C.* (2019). Modeling transient particle transport by fast fluid dynamics with the Markov chain method. Building Simulation, 12, 881–889.
Lai, D.*, Chen, C.* (2019). Comparison of the linear regression, multinomial logit, and ordered probability models for predicting the distribution of thermal sensation. Energy and Buildings, 188–189, 269–277.
Pan, Y., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., Chen, C.* (2019). Experimental measurements and large eddy simulation of particle deposition distribution around a multi-slot diffuser. Building and Environment, 150, 156-163.
Xia, T., Chen, C.* (2019). Differentiating between indoor exposure to PM2.5 of indoor and outdoor origin using time-resolved monitoring data. Building and Environment, 147, 528-539.
Chen, C.*, Zhao, B., Lai, D., Liu, W. (2018). A simple method for differentiating direct and indirect exposure to exhaled contaminants in mechanically ventilated rooms. Building Simulation, 11, 1039-1051. (Invited paper for the special issue of the 10-year anniversary of the journal)
Bian, Y., Wang, R., Ting S.H., Chen, C.*, Zhang, L.* (2018). Electrospun SF/PVA nanofiber filters for highly-efficient PM2.5 capture. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 17, 934-939.
Liu, C.*, Yang, J., Ji, S., Lu, Y., Wu, P., Chen, C.* (2018). Influence of natural ventilation rate on indoor PM2.5 deposition. Building and Environment, 144, 357-364.
Bian, Y., Wang, R., Wang, S., Yao, C., Ren, W., Chen, C.*, Zhang, L.* (2018). Metal-organic frameworks-based nanofiber filters for effective indoor air quality control. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 15807-15814.
Bian, Y., Zhang, L.*, Chen, C.* (2018). Experimental and modeling study of pressure drop across electrospun nanofiber air filters. Building and Environment, 142,244-251.
Lai, D., Chen, C., Liu, W., Shi, Y., Chen, C.* (2018). An ordered probability model for predicting outdoor thermal comfort. Energy and Buildings, 168, 261-271.
Xia, T., Bian, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, C.* (2018). Relationship between pressure drop and face velocity for electrospun nanofiber filters. Energy and Buildings, 158, 987-999.
Shi, S., Bian, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, C.* (2017). A method for assessing the performance of nanofiber films coated on window screens in reducing residential exposures to PM2.5 of outdoor origin in Beijing. Indoor Air, 27, 1190-1200. (The journal’s top 20 most downloaded papers published between July 2016 and June 2018)
Chen, C., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., Chen, Q. (2016). Modeling particle deposition on the surfaces around a multi-slot diffuser. Building and Environment, 107, 79-89.
Chen, C., Zhang, X., Groll, E., McKibben, A., Long, N., Dexter, M., Chen, Q. (2016). A method of assessing the energy cost saving from using an effective door closer. Energy and Buildings, 118, 329-338.
Honours and Awards
Dean’s Exemplary Teaching Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017
Best Student Paper Award (First author), the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2014), 2014
Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, Purdue University, 2014
Grant-in-Aid Award, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 2013
Best Paper Award (First author), Building and Environment journal, 2012
Boeing Scholarship, Boeing Company, 2012

相关话题/自动化工程 机械 香港中文大学