Prof. LONG, Zhuoyu, Daniel 龙 卓 瑜 教授
Associate Professor
BS (Tsinghua University)
MSc (Chinese Academy of Science)
PhD (National University of Singapore)
Research Interests :
* Supply chain risk management
* Project management
* Inventory control
* Target-based risk management
* Robust optimization
Office: Room 605, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building
Tel: (852) 3943-8330
Daniel Z. Long received his bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in 2005, the master degree from Chinese Academy of Science in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Decision Sciences, National University of Singapore in 2013. His current research revolves around distributionally robust optimization, risk management, and various applications on operations management such as logistics and supply chain management.
Selected Publications
V.T.F. Chow, Z. Cui, D.Z. Long. “Target Oriented Distributionally Robust Optimization and Its Applications to Surgery Allocation”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, forthcoming, 2021. (link)
D. Z. Long, M. Sim, M. Zhou. “Robust Satisficing”, Operations Research, forthcoming, 2021. (link)
A. J. Conejo, N. G. Hall, D. Z. Long, R. Zhang. “Robust Capacity Planning for Project Management”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33(4): 1533-1550, 2021. (link)
J. Zhang, D. Z. Long, R. Wang, C. Xie. “Impact of Penalty Cost on Customers’ Booking Decisions”,?Production and Operations Management, 30(6): 1603-1614, 2021. (link)
X. Chen, D. Z. Long, J. Qi. “Preservation of Supermodularity in Parametric Optimization: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions on Constraint Structures”, Operations Research, 69(1): 1-12, 2021. (link)
L. G. Chen, D. Z. Long, M. Sim, “On Dynamic Decision Making to Meeting Consumption Targets”, Operations Research, 63(5): 1117-1130, 2015.(link)
N. G. Hall, D. Z. Long, J. Qi, M. Sim, “Managing Underperformance Risk in Project Portfolio Selection”, Operations Research, 63(3): 660-675, 2015.(link)
L. G. Chen, D. Z. Long, G. Perakis, “The Impact of a Target on Newsvendor Decisions”, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 17(1): 78-86, 2015.(link)
D. Z. Long, J. Qi, “Distributionally Robust Discrete Optimization with Entropic Value at Risk”, Operations Research Letter, 42(8): 532-538, 2014. (link)
Working Papers
Z. Cui, D. Z. Long, J. Qi, L. Zhang. “Inventory Routing Problem under Uncertainty”. Under review. (link)
D. Z. Long, J. Qi, A. Zhang. “Supermodularity in Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization”. Under review. (link)
Awards and Grants
Finalist in the 2021 MSOM Best OM paper in OR
Second prize in the 2013 POMS-HK student paper competition
RGC General Research Fund: “Supermodularity in Two Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization”, 2022-2024, PI.
RGC Collaborative Research Fund: “Mitigation Strategies and Operations in Confronting Novel Infectious Disease”, 2021-2023, Co-PI.
National Natural Science Foundation of China – General Program: “The Role of Supermodularity in Robust Optimization: Theory and Its Application in Supply Chain Management”, 2020-2023, PI.
RGC General Research Fund: “Target-Oriented Distributionally Robust Optimization and Its Application”, 2019-2022, PI
CUHK Direct Allocation Grant: “M/M/1/N Service Systems with Balking”, 2019-2022, PI.
RGC General Research Fund: “Preservation of Supermodularity in General Parametric Optimization Problems and its Applications in Operations Management”, 2015-2018, PI.
RGC Early Career Scheme: “Dynamic Decision Making with the Objective in Meeting Profit Targets”, 2014-2017, PI.
CUHK Direct Allocation Grant: “Managing Inventory and Pricing Decisions based on Limited Demand Information”, 2013-2015, PI.