Prof. Sidharth (Sid) JAGGI 施义德教授Associate Professor (SMIEEE, MITS)
Education: B. Tech. (IIT Bombay), MS, PhD (Caltech)
Research Area: Communications and Information Theory
Tel: (852) 3943-4326
Fax: (852) 2603-5032
Address: Rm 706, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building, CUHK
Email: jaggi [@]
Research Interests Network coding
Network information theory
Coding theory
Algorithm design for networks
Courses Taught IERG 5154: Information Theory
IERG 4200: Channel Coding and Modulation
ENGG 2013: Adanced Engineering Maths
IERG 2011A: Adancd Engineering Maths (Syll A)
IE Bridge Course
Biography Sidharth Jaggi received his Bachelor of Technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in 2000, and his Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees from the California institute of Technology in 2001 and 2006 respectively, all in electrical engineering. He was awarded the Caltech Division of Engineering Fellowship 2001-'02, and the Microsoft Research Fellowship for the years 2002-'04. He interned at Microsoft Research, (Redmond, WA, USA) in the summers of 2002-'03 and engaged in research on network coding. He spent 2006 as a Postdoctoral Associate at the Laboratory of Information and Decision Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He joined the Department of Information Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007.
Sidharth's research interests lie at the intersection of information theory, algorithms, and networking. He is currently particularly interested in the field of network coding which neatly merges practice and theory in all three of these fields. However, his interests are eclectic (above all, he likes a good challenge) and he has dabbled in communication complexity, quantum computation, coding theory, random matrix theory, and signal.
Recent Selected PublicationsBook Chapter
S. Jaggi, M. Langberg, “Network Security” in Network coding: fundamentals and applications, Elsevier Inc., 2011 PDF of chapter, book.
Journal Papers
C. L. Chan, S. Jaggi, V. Saligrama, and S. Agnihotri, "Non-adaptive Group Testing: Explicit bounds and novel algorithms", accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Y. Li, H. Yao, M. Chen, S. Jaggi, A. Rosen, “RIPPLE Authentication for Network Coding,”accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Networking.
B. K. Dey, S. Jaggi, M. Langberg, “Codes against Online Adversaries, part I: Large Alphabets,”accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
B. K. Dey, S. Jaggi, M. Langberg and A. D. Sarwate, "Upper Bounds on the Capacity of Binary Channels with Causal Adversaries", accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Feb. 2012.
A.-H. Mohsenian-Rad, J. Huang, V.W.S. Wong, S. Jaggi, R. Schober, “Inter-Session Network Coding with Strategic Users: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Butterfly Network,” accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Communications.
A. A.?Gohari, S. Yang, S. Jaggi, “Beyond the Cut-Set Bound: Uncertainty Computations in Network Coding with Correlated Sources”,?accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
H. Yao, S. Jaggi, M. Chen, “Passive Network Tomography for Erroneous Networks: A Network Coding Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 58, no. 9, 5922-5940. Sept 2012.
T. K. Dikaliotis, T. Ho, S. Jaggi, S. Vyetrenko, H. Yao, M. Effros, J. Kliewer, E. Erez, “Multiple-access Network Information-?ow and Correction Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue: Facets of Coding Theory: from Algorithms to Networks (in honour of Ralf Koetter), vol 57, no. 2, 1067-1079, Feb. 2011.
香港中文大学信息工程系老师教授导师介绍简介-Prof. Sidharth (Sid) JAGGI 施义德教授
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29
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