
香港中文大学计算机科学与工程系老师教授导师介绍简介-Kwong Sak Leung

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29

Kwong Sak Leung
B.Sc. (Eng), Ph.D. (Lond.)
Emeritus Professor
Distinguished Fellow HKCS

Knowledge Engineering, Fuzzy Logic Applications, Genetic Algorithm and Programming, AI Architecture

SHB 917
+852 3943 8492

Research Areas

Artificial Intelligence Bioinformatics
Machine Learning
Data and Software Engineering Databases, Data Mining, and Knowledge Management


Personal Homepage

Google Scholar


Orcid ID

Associate Director, Institute of Future Cities
Director, Urban Informatics Programme, IOFC

Dr. Leung is currently Research Professor and appointed as Professor in the CUHK-BGI Innovation Institution of Trans-omics in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (Chair Professor) until 2018.? He was Chairman of the Department from Aug 1999 to July 2005 and the Head of Graduate Division of Computer Science between April, 1992 and July, 1997. He worked as a senior engineer and system analyst at ERA Technology and the Headquarters computer centre of Central Electricity Generating Board respectively in England for five years before joining the Chinese University in August 1985. He has gained extensive experiences in project management and the development of large scale software for research and simulation purposes.

Top Cited Publications

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Achievements and Awards

相关话题/介绍 计算机科学 香港中文大学