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夏秀祯教授,香港中文大学教育学院副院长(研究),体育运动科学系教授,曾经在2009至2015年间担任体育运动科学系系主任。夏教授现领导着香港中文大学运动教育学及身体活动评估实验室团队,其主要研究领域包括资讯科技在体育教育中的应用、基础动作技能及以家庭为中心的体力活动、体育教师专业发展等。夏教授曾以首席研究员身份成功申请多项学术研究基金,其中4项获香港研究资助局优配研究金资助,1项获大学教育资助委员会配对基金资助,2项获优质教育基金资助,3项获香港中文大学知识转移基金资助,6项获美国可口可乐基金会立项资助。夏教授现作为首席研究员主持由香港赛马会慈善信托基金立项资助的「赛马会家校童喜动计划」相关工作。该项计划为期五年,於2017年启动,受惠人数将有8万多人,包括本地小学生及其家长、教师 ; 计划旨在从个人、社交、环境及学校政策各层面鼓励参与者在思维和行为上作出积极改变,进而建立更活跃、健康的生活方式。

BA (First Hon) (Fu-jen Catholic University)
MPE (Springfield College)
PhD (Walden University)


Ha, A. S., Ng, J. Y. Y., & Wong, R. S. (in press). Examining the relationship between children's health-related quality of life and their perception of parental support toward physical activity: A longitudinal study. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being.
doi: 10.1111/aphw.12308

Okely, A. D., Kariippanon, K. E., Guan, H. Y., Taylor, E. K., Suesse, T., Cross, P. L., Chong, K. H., Suherman, A., Turab, A., Staiano, A. E., Ha, A. S., El Hamdouchi, A., Baig, A., Poh, B. K., Del Pozo-Cruz, B., Chan, C. H. S., Nystrom, C. D., Koh, D., Webster, E. K., Lubree, H., Tang, H. K., Baddou, I., Del Pozo-Cruz, J., Wong, J. E., Sultoni, K., Nacher, M., Lof, M., Cui, M. M., Hossain, M. S., Chathurangana, P. W. P., Kand, U., Wickramasinghe, V. P. P., Calleia, R., Ferdous, S., Kim, T. V., Wang, X. J., & Draper, C. E. (2021). Global effect of COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep among 3-to 5-year-old children: a longitudinal study of 14 countries. BMC Public Health, 21:940.
doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10852-3

Ha, A. S., Lonsdale, C., Lubans, D. R., Ng, F. F., & Ng, J.Y.Y. (2021). Improving children's fundamental movement skills through a family-based physical activity program: Results from the "Active 1+FUN" randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 18: 99.
doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01160-5

van Sluijs, E.M.F., Ekelund, U., Silva, I.C., Guthold, R., Ha, A.S., Lubans, D.R., Oyeyemi, A.L., Ding, D., & Katzmarzyk, P.T. (2021). Physical activity behaviours in adolescence: current evidence and opportunities for intervention. Lancet, 398, 429-442.
doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(21)01259-9

He, Q., Ng. J. Y. Y., Cairney, J., Bedard, C., & Ha, A. S. (2021). Association between physical activity and fundamental movement skills in preschool-aged children: Does perceived movement skill competence mediate this relationship? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18:1289.
doi: 10.3390/ijerph18031289

Ha, A. S., Ng, J. Y. Y., Zhang, J. H., Chan, W. (2020). Physical activity interventions for young people and their parents. In T. Brusseau, S. Fairclough, & D. Lubans (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Youth Physical Activity.

Ha, A. S., Chan, W., & Ng, J. Y. Y. (2020). Relation between Perceived Barrier Profiles, Physical Literacy, Motivation and Physical Activity Behaviors among Parents with a Young Child. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:4459.
doi: 10.3390/ijerph17124459

Ha, A. S., Lonsdale, C., Lubans, D. R., & Ng, J. Y. Y. (2020). Increasing students' activity in physical education results of the self-determined exercise and learning for fitness trial. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 52, 696-704.
doi: 10.1249/MSS.2172

Ha, A. S., Sam, C. H. Y., & Ng, J. Y. Y. (2020). Students' and teachers' reactions to a novel school-based physical education SELF-FIT intervention: A qualitative study. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 51, 2, 183-196.

McCuaig, L., Woolcock, L., Stylianou, M., Ng, J. Y. Y., & Ha, A. S. (in press). Prophets, pastors and profiteering: exploring external providers' enactment of pastoral power in school wellbeing programs. Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education.
doi: 10.1080/01596306.2020.1722425

Choi, S. M., Sum, K. W. R., Wallhead, T., Ha, A. S. C., Sit, H. P., Shy, D. Y., Wei, F. M. (2020). Preservice physical education teachers’ perceived physical literacy and teaching efficacy. Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 1, 1-11.

Choi, S. M., Sum, K. W. R.*, Leung, F. L. E., Wallhead, T., Morgan, K., Milton, D., Ha, S. C. A., & Sit, H. P. C. (2020). Effect of sport education on students’ perceived physical literacy, motivation and physical activity levels in university required physical education: A cluster-randomized trial. Higher Education.
doi: 10.1007/s10734-020-00603-5

Ha A. S., Ng, J. Y. Y., Lonsdale, C., Lubans, D. R., & Ng, F. F. (2019). Promoting physical activity in children through family-based intervention: protocol of the “Active 1?+?FUN” randomized controlled trial, BMC Public Health, 19:218.
doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-6537-3

Ha, A. S., O’Reilly, J., Ng, J. Y. Y., & Zhang, J. H. (2019). Evaluating the flipped classroom approach in Asian higher education: Perspectives from students and teachers. Cogent Education, 6:1638147.
doi: 10.1080/2331186X.2019.1638147

Chan, C. H., Ha, A. S., Ng, J. Y. Y. & Lubans, D. R. (2019). The A + FMS cluster randomized controlled trial: An assessment-based intervention on fundamental movement skills and psychosocial outcomes in primary schoolchildren. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports, 22, 8, 935-940.
doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.05.002

Chan, C. H. S., Ha, A. S., Ng, J. Y. Y., & Lubans, D. R. (2019). Associations between fundamental movement skill competence, physical activity and psycho-social determinants in Hong Kong Chinese children, Journal of Sports Sciences, 37, 229-236.
doi: 10.1080/02640414.2018.1490055

Li, M. H. Sum, K. W. R., Wallhead, T., Ha, A. S., Sit, H. P., & Li, R. (2019). Influence of perceived physical literacy on coaching efficacy and leadership behaviour: A cross-sectional study, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 18, 82-90.

Zhu, L. Y., Chan, R., Kwok, T., Cheng, K., Ha, A.., & Woo, J. (2018). Effects of exercise and nutrition supplementation in community - dwelling older Chinese people with sarcopenia: a randomized controlled trial, Age and Aging, afy179.
doi: 10.1093/ageing/afy179

Chan, C. H. S., Ha, A. S., & Ng, J. Y. Y. (2018). Perceived and actual movement skill competence: The association among primary school children in Hong Kong, Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 6, S351-S365
doi: 10.1123/jmld.2016-0070

Sum, K. W. R., Wallhead, T., Ha, S. C. A., & Sit, H. P. C. (2018). Effects of Physical Education Continuing Professional Development on Teachers’ Physical Literacy and Self-Efficacy and Students' Learning Outcomes. International Journal of Educational Research, 88, 1-8.
doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2018.01.001

Ha, A. S., Lonsdale, C., Ng, J. Y. Y., & Lubans, D. R. (2017). A school-based rope skipping program for adolescents: Results of a randomized trial.?Preventive Medicine, 101, 188-194.

Ha, A. S., Lonsdale, C., Lubans, D. R., & Ng, J. Y. Y. (2017). Increasing students' physical activity during school physical education: rationale and protocol for the SELF-FIT cluster randomized controlled trial.?BMC Public Health, 18:11.
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-017-4553-8 [Pdf]

Ha, A. S., & Ng, J. Y. Y. (2017). Rope skipping increases bone mineral density at calcanei of pubertal girls in Hong Kong: A quasi-experimental investigation. PLoS ONE, 12(12):e0189085. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0189085

Ha, A.S.?(2016). Student Learning Outcome and Teacher’s Autonomy Support Toward Teaching Games for Understanding Through Adopting Accessible Technology and Alternative Sport Equipment: An Asian Experience.?Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, S12-S13.?

Chan, C. H.,?Ha, A.S.?& Ng, J. Y. Y. (2016). Improving Fundamental Movement Skills in Hong Kong Students Through an Assessment for Learning Intervention that Emphasizes Fun, Mastery, and Support: The A + FMS Randomized Controlled Trial Study Protocol.?SpringerPlus, 5, 724-735.??????
https://doi.org/10.1186/s40064-016-2517-6 [Pdf]

Qi, J., Wang, L.J.,?Ha, A.S.?(2016). Perceptions of Hong Kong physical education teachers on the inclusion of students with disabilities.?Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 37, 86-102.

Sum, R.K. W.,?Ha, A.S., Cheng, C.F., Chung, P.K., Yiu, T.C., Kuo, C.C., Yu, C.K., & Wang, F.J. (2016). Construction and Validation of a Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument for Physical Education Teachers.?PLOS One, 11(5): e0155610.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0155610 [Pdf]

Sum, R. K. W., Ma, M. S.,?Ha, A.S., Tang, T. M., Shek, C. K., Cheng, C. L. & Kong F. (2016) Action research exploring Chinese physical education teachers’ value of physical education: from belief to culture.?Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 5, 70-84.

Tan, B-K., Burnett, A., Hallett, J.,?Ha, A.S., & Briggs, A. M. (2016). Back pain beliefs in adolescents and adults in Australasia: A cross-sectional pilot study of selected psychometric properties of paper-based and web-based questionnaires in two diverse countries.?Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 29, 565-574.

Yu, J., Sit, C.H.P., Capio, C.M., Burnett, A.,?Ha, A.S., & Huang, W.Y.J. (2016). Effects of fundamental movement skills training on children with developmental coordination disorder.?Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 33, 134-155.?

Ha, A.S., Burnett, A., Sum, R., Medic, N., & Ng, J.Y.Y. (2015). Outcomes of the Rope Skipping ‘STAR’ Programme for Schoolchildren.?Journal of Human Kinetics, 45, 233-240.
https://doi.org/10.1515/hukin-2015-0024 [Pdf]

Ha, A.S., & Ng, J.Y.Y. (2015). Autonomous motivation predicts leisure time physical activity in Hong Kong students.?Applied Psychology, Health and Well-Being.?7(2), 214-220.

Ng, J.Y.Y., Burnett, A.,?Ha, A.S., & Sum, K.W. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Chinese (Cantonese) versions of the KIDSCREEN health-related quality of life questionnaire.?Quality of Life Research,?24, 2415-2421.

Ha, A. S., Ng, J.Y.Y., Lonsdale, C., & Lubans, D. (2014). A School-based rope skipping intervention for adolescents in Hong Kong: Protocol of a matched-pair cluster randomized control trial.?BMC Public Health, 14:535.

Ha, A.S., Sum, R.K., Chan, C.H. & Ng, J.Y.Y. (2014). Promoting rope skipping at Hong Kong schools with low and mid socioeconomic statuses: An ecological perspective.?International Review of Social Science, 2, 104-115.

Wang, C.L.,?Ha, A.S., & Wen Xu. (2014). Teaching perspectives of Chinese in-service teachers: Compatibility with goals of physical education curriculum.?Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33, 213-231.

Fong, S.S.,?Ha, A.S., Chan, T. W., & Au, M.K. (2014). The enjoyment of physical activity determines body mass index in young people with physical disabilities.?Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 4, 241-249.
http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojpm.2014.45030 [Pdf]

Wang, C.L., &?Ha, A. S., (2013). The theory of planned behaviour: predicting pre-service teachers' teaching behaviour towards a constructivist approach.?Sport, Education, and Society, 18(2), 222-242.

Wang, C.L., &?Ha, A. S., (2013). Three groups of teachers' views, learning experiences and understanding of Teaching Games for Understanding.?Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 18(3), 336-350.

Qi, J., &?Ha, A. S., (2012). Hong Kong physical education teachers’ beliefs about teaching students with disabilities: A qualitative analysis.?Asian Social Science?, 8(8), 3-14.
?http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v8n8p3 [Pdf]

Qi, J., &?Ha, A. S., (2012). Inclusion in physical education: A review of literature.?International
Journal of Disability, Development and Education
, 59(3), 257-281.

Wang, C.L., &?Ha, A.S., (2012). Factors influencing pre-service teachers' perception of Teaching Games for Understanding: A constructivist perspective.?Sport, Education, and Society, 17(2), 261-280.

Wang, C.L., &?Ha, A.S., (2012). Mentoring in TGfU Teaching: Mutual engagement of pre-service teachers, teachers, cooperating teachers and university supervisors.?European Physical Education Review, 18(1), 47-61.

Qi, J.,?Ha, A.S., & Wang, C.L. (2011). Qualitative research method and its application in physical education (in Chinese).?China Sport Science, 31(6), 74-80.?

Ha, A.S., Sum, R.K., O' Sullivan, M., Pang, B., & Chan, D.W. (2010). Effects of a professional development programme on teacher receptivity and curriculum change in physical education.?Educational Research Journal, 25(1), 47-80.

Ha, A.S., Macdonald, D., & Pang, B. (2010). Physical activity in the lives of Hong Kong Chinese children.?Sport, Education, and Society, 15(3), 331-346.?

Ha, A.S., & Pang, B. (2010). Physical activity and confucianism: relationships between Hong Kong children and their parents In J., Wright & D., Macdonald (Ed).?Young People, Physical Activity and The Everyday, pp. 93-103. United Kingdom - London: Routledge.

Pang, B., &?Ha, A.S., (2010). Subjective task value in physical activity participation: The perspective of Hong Kong schoolchildren.?European Physical Education Review, 16(3), 223-235.

Wang C.L., &?Ha, A.S., (2009). Pre-service teachers' perception of Teaching Games for Understanding: A Hong Kong perspective.?European Physical Education Review, 15(3), 407-429.

Wang C.L., &?Ha, A.S., (2009). The teacher development in physical education: A review of the literature. Asian Social Science, 15(3), 4(12), 3-18.

Ha, A.S., Abbott, R., Macdonald, D., & Pang, B. (2009). Comparison of perceived support for physical activity and physical activity related practices of children and young adolescents in Hong Kong and Australia.?European Physical Education Review, 15(2), 155-171.

Ha, A.S., & Wang, C.L. (2009) A critical review of Hong Kong School physical education – 1984-2009.?Educational Research Journal, 24(1), 71-94.?

Lonsdale, C., Sabiston, C.M., Raedeke, T.D.,?Ha, A.S., & Sum, R.K. (2009). Self-determined motivation and students' physical activity during structured physical education lessons and free choice periods.?Preventive Medicine, 48(1), 69-73.

Ha, A.S., Wong, A.C., Sum, R.K. & Chan, W.K. (2008). Understanding teachers’ will capacity to accomplish physical education curriculum reform: The implications for teacher development.?Sport, Education, and Society, 13(1), 77-95.

研究基金项目 (首席研究员)
Increasing students’ involvement and enjoyment in physical activities through fitness infusion and creating an autonomy supportive learning environment: Scaling up the SELF-FIT intervention
(Project Impact Enhancement Fund, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, “The validation and calibration of accelerometer-based activity monitors’ output for the measurement of physical activity”
(Direct Grant, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, “Promoting physical activity of children by improving parental behaviours and family-based physical activity: A randomised controlled trial”
(RGC General Research Fund)

Principal Investigator, “Sport and physical activity development model for primary schools”
(The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust)

Principal Investigator, “The Coca-Cola Foundation Skipping to Happiness Program”
(The Coca Cola Foundation)

Principal Investigator, “Promoting physical and health literacy in Hong Kong pre-school teachers, children and their families”
(Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, “Examining the effectiveness of “the flipped classroom” in teacher education profession”
(Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, “Increasing Hong Kong Chinese students’ physical activity through fitness infusion and an autonomy supportive learning environment: Evaluation of the SELF-FIT program using a clustered randomized controlled trial”
(RGC General Research Fund)

Principal Investigator, “The Coca-Cola Foundation Skipping to Happiness Program”
(The Coca Cola Foundation)

Principal Investigator, “Active Hong Kong, Healthy Citizens – A Family-based Physical Activity, Fundamental Movement Skill, and Nutrition Program”
(Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, “Impact of rope skipping on health-related fitness, fundamental movements skills, bone mineral density, and academic performance in Hong Kong Chinese pre-and early pubertal girls: A quasi-experiment”
(Direct Grant, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, “The Coca-Cola Foundation Skipping to Happiness Program”
(The Coca Cola Foundation)

Principal Investigator, "Active and Positive Living through Demo Cup among Hong Kong Schoolchildren."?
(The Coca-cola Foundation)

Principal Investigator, "Coca-cola Rope Skipping STAR Program - Effect of Rope Skipping to Hong Kong Children."?
(The Coca-cola Foundation)

Principal Investigator, "Physical Education Teachers' Perception and Application of Teaching Games for Understanding."?
(Direct Grant, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, "Creating and Sustaining "Communities of Practice" for Physical Education Teacher's Continuing Professional Development (CPD)."?
(Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, "Teachers' Attitude towards Teaching Students with Disabilities in General Physical Education."?
(Endowment Fund Research Grant, United College, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, "Fostering Children's Moral Development through Physical Education with Olympism."?
(RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant)

Principal Investigator, "Effects of a Health-related Curriculum, Teacher Development Programme, and Student Assessment on School Physical Education."?
(RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant)

Principal Investigator, "Physical Education Teachers Development Programme - Workshops for PE Curriculum Leaders in Primary and Secondary Schools."
Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government)

Principal Investigator, "Comparison of Children's Sport Participation and Physical Activity Pattern in Hong Kong and Australia."?
(Endowment Fund Research Grant, United College, CUHK)

Principal Investigator, "Effect of an In-service Teacher Development Programme on the Quality of School Physical Education."?
(District Teacher Network, Education Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government)

Principal Investigator, "Physical Education Teachers Development Programme - Workshops for PE Curriculum Leaders in Primary Schools."?
(Education Department, Hong Kong SAR Government)

Principal Investigator, "Quality Assessment of Hong Kong Secondary School Physical Education: the Use of Self-Evaluation Approach and Performance Indicators."?
(Quality Education Fund)

Principal Investigator, "The Jump Rope for Heart Project: An Education Programme for Hong Kong School Children."
(Quality Education Fund)

Ying Huang (PhD) – Examining the relation between routines and physical activity behaviors of grandparents

Helen He (PhD) - Investigating Physical Activity Levels and Fundamental Movement Skills among Hong Kong Preschool-aged Children: A Parent-led Physical Activity Programme

Juanita Cheung (PhD) - The Impact of Bright and Dark Side Psychological Experiences in Secondary Physical Education 正面与负面的心理体验对参与香港中学体育之影响

Cecilia Chan (PhD) - Understanding and Supporting Hong Kong Schoolchildren’s Learning in Fundamental Movement Skills in Primary Physical Education

Sally Sun (PhD) - Correlates of Physical Activity and Physical Activity Change among Hong Kong Chinese Adolescent Girls: A Mixed Method Study

Cathy Hilbornfeng (MA) - A qualitative analysis of motivation of female runners - a self-determination theory approach

Iain M. Shortt (MEd) - Teaching Games for Understanding in Hong Kong: A study of teaching volleyball in a Hong Kong international school setting

Shirley Fong (MEd) - Correlates of participation in physical activity in young people with and without physical disabilities

Qijing (PhD) - Including students with disabilities in physical education: Teachers’ perceptions and teaching behaviors

Timothy Cresswell (MEd) - Does motivation, SDT (Self Determination Theory), differ between Eastern and Western Children in an international school context in competitive team sports

Ryan Barnstable (MA) - An analysis and strategic planning for Christian Alliance International School’s Athletics Program

Lijuan Carrie Wang (PhD) - Perception, implementation and mentoring relationship: A constructivist approach to pre-service physical education teachers?

Benjamin Ralph Blain (MEd) - Analyzing physical education and sport instruction

Choi Ki Clara Wong (MEd) - Perceived autonomy support, behavioral regulations and physical activity intention of University students toward regular physical education courses

On Hei Bonnie Pang (MPhil.) - Parental socialization into children’s sport value and participation: A Hong Kong’s perspective

Sau Han Yoki Cheng (MA) - Difference of Achievement Orientations and Intrinsic Motivation among Secondary School Male and Female Athletes: A Case Study

Kim Fung Louis Wong (MEd) - Effects of a Sportsmanship Programme on Primary Children’s Social Behaviour Chi–wing

Ada Wong (MPhil.) - Comparison of Beginning and Experienced Teachers’ Receptivity and Concerns to Physical Education Curriculum Change?

Muk Yan Mike Cheung (MSc.) - Pedometer – determined Physical (ambulatory) Activity of Hong Kong Adolescents: Relationship with Body Composition Variables?

Chi Ming Ng (MSc.) - Physical Educators’ Attitudes toward Teaching Students with Disabilities

Ka Yi Crystal Cheung (MPhil.) - Effects of a Moral Education Programme on Hong Kong Primary School Physical Education

Chi Jing Agatha Pang (MPhil.) - The Effects of Standard and Modified Sports Equipment on Student Learning

Wing Yi Ellen Shiu (MPhil.) - Comparison between Experience and Novice Physical Educators’ Planning Decisions and Instructional Behaviours on Student Achievement

? 研究生课程:
SSPE6701 Guided Studies
SSPE6000 Research Methods in Physical Education
SSPE6901 Research Project
SSPE6002 Pedagogy of Sports and Adapted Physical Activities
SPED3910 Adapted Physical Education and Sports
SPED3450 Pedagogy of Primary Physical Education
SPED3440 Pedagogy of Secondary Physical Education
SPED4900 Research Project
SPED2200, 3200, 4200 Teaching Practice

American Association for Educational Research
American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education
American College of Sports Medicine
Curriculum and Instruction Academy of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education
The Hong Kong Educational Research Association
The Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association
Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise (ASAPE)

Awardee of Outbound Research Mobility Scheme - Visiting Scholar - University of Bristol, United Kingdom 2017-18
Leader of the Year 2016 – The Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association, China
Research Excellence Award 2015
Long Service Award 2015
Awardee of International Partnerships Development Program, CUHK Visiting Scholar, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore 2014-15
Vice-chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Education, CUHK 2009
Faculty Exemplary Teaching Awards 1999-2010

曾获杰出教学奖之课程Research Methods in Physical Education
Adapted Physical Education and Sports
Pedagogy of Secondary Physical Education
Pedagogy of Primary Physical Education

Honorary Consultant, School of Professional and Continuing Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Honorary Professor, Nanjing Normal University, China
Honorary Professor, Shanghai University of Sport, China
Invited Consultant, Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong
Visiting Scholar Department of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

Member, Editorial Board, European Physical Education Review
Board Member (Research Committee), International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP)
Board Member, Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise (ASAPE)
Co-editor, International Journal of Eastern Sports & Physical Education
Founding President, Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association China
Member, International Rope Skipping Federations
Member, Physical Education Subject Committee, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, HKSAR
Paper reviewer, Educational Research Journal, The Hong Kong Educational Research Association
Paper reviewer, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, United States of America
Paper reviewer, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, United States of America
President (2008-2012), Asian Rope Skipping Federations
Subject Specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications

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