Professor of Practice in Music Management
204, Hui Yeung Shing Building
BA (CUHK); Pg Dip (City University, London); MMus (Manhattan); EMBA (CUHK)
Music/ Arts Management
Prof Tseng held a number of senior arts management positions in Hong Kong, including Executive Director of the Hong Kong Arts Festival Society, Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Head of Radio 4, RTHK. He served as Chair and Professor of the Arts Administration Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music from 2005 to 2008. In 2012, he joined the Education University of Hong Kong as Adjunct Professor and masterminded the development of the Executive Master of Arts in Arts Management & Entrepreneurship programme. He is currently Guest Professor of the Central Academy of Drama, Beijing Dance Academy and Xing Hai Conservatory of Music.
Prof. Tseng has served as board and committee members in many local and international organizations. He was Chairman of the Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association (1991-94), Chairman of the Committee on Venue Partnership of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (2012-17), a member of the Hong Kong Government's Advisory Committee on Arts Development (2012-17) and a board member of the Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) in the USA (2014-19). Currently he is a member of the Artistic Board of the Macau International Music Festival, a director of the Arts Committee of the Shenzhen Belt & Road International Music Festival, an examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, as well as board members of the Hong Kong Dance Company, Hong Kong Children's Choir, Tang Shu Wing Theatre Studio, Hong Kong Gaudemaus Dunhuang Ensemble.
His book "Principles of Arts Management" (in Chinese) has sold more than 10,000 copies and a revised edition was published in 2018.
Selected Publications
郑新文编着《艺术管理概论:香港地区与内地经验及国内外案例》修订版 (上海音乐出版社,2018年) [Principles of Arts Management,revised edition,Shanghai Music Publishing House, 2018]
Recent Grants and Papers
List of Recent Courses Taught
MUSC5111 Special Topic I in “Music and Society”: Entrepreneurship and new vision in music
MUSC5201 Music Management and Promotion (MA)
香港中文大学音乐系老师教授导师介绍简介-TSENG Sun Man
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-28
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