Hsuan-Ying HUANG
Assistant Professor
OfficeNAH 303
Office Tel.3943 7707
Educational qualificationM.D. National Taiwan University
Ph.D. Harvard University
Hsuan-Ying Huang is a medical anthropologist with a geographical focus on China and prior training in psychiatry. He obtained an M.D. from National Taiwan University in 2003 and a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from Harvard University in 2013. Before taking up his post at Chinese University of Hong Kong at the end of 2015, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Australian Centre on China in the World, Australian National University. His research interests revolve around the development of modern psy-sciences (psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, etc.) in the context of cross-cultural transfer and rapid social change. Since 2008 he has been studying one local manifestation of this global trend—the rise of Western-style psychotherapy in urban China, known as the “psycho-boom” (xinli re). His research explores how this evolution—in both its professional and popular aspects—has taken shape under the confluence of technical, moral, and politico-economic forces; it also examines how individual and interpersonal experiences related to psychotherapy reflect its developments, as well as broader cultural and societal shifts. His articles have appeared in?Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry;?China Perspectives; and a number of edited volumes.
Research interests
Medical and psychiatric anthropology, contemporary China, history of psychiatry, psychotherapy research, digital mental health, and mental health policy
Geographical areas of research
Urban China
Courses taught
ANTH 2320/UGEC 2667 Culture and Mind
ANTH 2321/UGEC 2654 From Madness to Mental Health
ANTH 2340/UGEC 2960 Magic, Myth, and the Supernatural
ANTH 2410/UGEA 2180 Chinese Culture and Society
ANTH 3321/ANTH 5321 Culture, Psychiatry, and Mental Illness
ANTH 3440 Anthropological Field Study (Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Community Mental Health)
ANTH 4330/ANTH 5325 Medicine, Health, and Culture
Current research
Digital mental health in China (ECS scheme 2019-2020: When Psycho-Boom Meets Start Frenzy: An Ethnographic Study of the Psy-Startups in China)
Selected Publications
(See?https://cuhk.academia.edu/HsuanYingHuang?for a complete list.)
Book chapters and journal articles
2019 “Mental Health.” In?The Making of the Human Sciences in China: Historical and?Conceptual Foundations, edited by Howard Chiang, 460-488. Leiden and Boston: Brill. (co-authored with Wang Wen-Ji)
2018 “Untamed?Jianghu?or Emerging Profession: Diagnosing the Psycho-Boom amid China’s Mental Health Legislation.”?Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry?42 (2): 371-400.
2017 “Therapy Made Easy: E-Commerce and Infrastructure in China’s Psycho-Boom.”?China Perspectives?(2017/4): 29-38.
2015 “From Psychotherapy to Psycho-Boom: A Historical Overview of Psychotherapy in China.”?Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China?1 (1): 1-30.
2014 “The Emergence of the Psycho-Boom in Contemporary Urban China.” In?Psychiatry?and Chinese History, edited by Howard Chiang, 183-204. London: Pickering & Chatto.
香港中文大学人类学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Hsuan-Ying HUANG
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-28
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