
MPhil-PhD in Physics Programme Information

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-07-29

MPhil-PhD in Physics
Programme Information

MPhil Stream

  • Coursework: 12 units
  • Thesis Research: 6 units each term

In the final year of study, the student must submit a thesis to the Division and pass an oral examination defending his/her thesis.

PhD Stream
Students must pass the candidacy examination within 24 months from first entry.

  • Coursework: 12 units
  • Guided Study: 1 unit each term
  • Thesis Research: 6 units each term during pre-candidacy period and 12 units each term during post-candidacy period

For students entering with a research master’s degree, the normative study period is 36 months.

In the final year of study, students must submit a thesis to the Division and pass an oral examination defending his/her thesis.

Fields of Specialization

  • Experimental: Astrophysics, neutrino oscillation and particle physics; ultracold atoms and molecules; surface sciences and nanostructures on surfaces, synthesis and property of semiconductor and metal nanostructures, plasmonics properties of metal nanostructures, optical properties of semiconductors, nonlinear optical properties of organic materials; fabrication and characterization of biomorphic materials, ceramic-metal matrix composites, thin film growth and magnetic oxides, undercooled metal liquids and nanostructured metal composites; turbulence, bacterial motion, colloids, glass formation, liquid-solid impact; experimental condensed matter physics; quantum sensing.
  • Theoretical / Computational: Particle physics, cosmology, gravitational waves, pulsations of compact stellar objects; condensed matter physics, electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures, interacting electron-phonon systems, strongly correlated systems, topological matters; cold atoms and cold molecules, quantum matters, quantum optics, quantum physics and quantum information; complex system, turbulence, quantitative finance; computational physics, computational many-body physics, computational biophysics, computational material physics.

Please visit the Division’s homepage for more information.

Tuition Fee
HK$42,100 per annum regardless of the study mode
Admission Requirements

In addition to the general requirements of the Graduate School, applicants should have a Bachelor's degree in Physics or a related field.

Application Deadline

For MPhil applicants: 31 January 2018

For non-HKPFS PhD applicants: 31 January 2018

HKPFS Application Deadline
(for PhD programmes only)

1 December 2017
1.  By 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) - to submit an initial application to RGC; and
2. By 5:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time) - to submit full application to CUHK
Please refer to HKPFS page for more details.

Professor XU Lei
(852) 3943-6302
Division of Physics,
Room 108, Science Centre North Block,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong ,Shatin, Hong Kong



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