Publication in refereed journal
香港中文大学研究人员 ( 现职)
余启成先生 (赛马会公共卫生及基层医疗学院) |
梁承晖教授 (肿瘤学系) |
谢立亚教授 (赛马会公共卫生及基层医疗学院) |
余德新教授 |
高威廉教授 (赛马会公共卫生及基层医疗学院) |
数位物件识别号 (DOI) |
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Scopus source URL
摘要Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is rare in most of the world but common among southeast Asians. Since NPC is usually diagnosed at relatively young ages and most patients now survive, the issue of second primary tumors (SPTs) has become important. Previous studies of SPTs among NPC survivors have given conflicting results. Data on patients with NPC diagnosed between 1996 and 2002 were abstracted from the medical records of two Hong Kong oncology centers. SPT incidence in these patients was compared to that of Hong Kong's general population using standardized incidence ratios (SIR). Eight-four patients were observed to have at least 1 SPT and 92 total additional cancers (SIR = 1.93, 9 CI = 1. The excess risk was greater for women and patients under 40 at diagnosis. Significant excesses were found for tongue, lung, nasal and middle ear, and brain cancers. The pattern of sites at which the greatest excess risk occurred is consistent with the hypothesis that much of the excess is due to treatment effects. The greater excess risk among patients diagnosed before 40 points to possible genetic influences. More research is needed to determine the reasons for greater excess risk among women. ? 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
着者Goggins W.B., Yu I.T.S., Tse L.A., Leung S.F., Tung S.Y., Yu K.S.
期刊名称Cancer Causes and Control
详细描述To ORKTS: This publication was funded by an RGC grant.
出版社Kluwer Academic Publishers
页次1461 - 1466
关键词Cancer surveillance and screening, Head and neck/oral cancers, Second cancers