
Hemisphere lateralization is influenced by bilingual status and composition of words (2011)_香港中文大学

香港中文大学 辅仁网/2017-06-25

Hemisphere lateralization is influenced by bilingual status and composition of words
Publication in refereed journal

香港中文大学研究人员 ( 现职)
王士元教授 (语言学及现代语言系)
王士元教授 (语言学及现代语言系)
彭刚教授 (语言学及现代语言系)


Web of Sciencehttp://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/9WOS source URL


摘要It has been generally accepted that the left hemisphere is more functionally specialized for language than the right hemisphere for right-handed monolinguals. But more and more studies have also demonstrated right hemisphere advantage for some language tasks with certain participants. A recent comprehensive survey has shown that hemisphere lateralization of language depends on the bilingual status of the participants, with bilateral hemispheric involvement for both languages of early bilinguals, who acquired both languages by age of 6, left hemisphere dominance for language of monolinguals, and also left hemisphere dominance for both languages of late bilinguals, who acquired the second language after age of 6. We propose a preliminary model which takes into account both composition of stimulus words and bilingual status of participants to resolve the apparent controversies regarding hemisphere lateralization of various reading experiments in the literature with focus on Chinese characters, and to predict lateralization patterns for future experiments in Chinese word reading. The bilingual status includes early bilingual, late bilingual and monolingual. However, we have tested this model only with late Chinese-English bilingual participants by using a Stroop paradigm in this paper, though the aim of our model is to disentangle the controversies in the lateralization effect of Chinese character reading. We show here with stimuli written in Chinese single characters that the Stroop effect was stronger when the stimuli were presented to the right than to the left visual field, implying that the language information and color identification/naming may interact more strongly in the left hemisphere. Therefore, our experimental results indicate left hemisphere dominance for Chinese character processing, providing evidence for one part of our model. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

着者Peng G, Wang WSY
页次1http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/981 - 1http://aims.cuhk.edu.hk/converis/portal/Publication/986

关键词Bilingualism; Hemisphere lateralization; Left visual field; Right visual field; Stroop effect
Web of Science 学科类别Behavioral Sciences; BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES; Neurosciences; NEUROSCIENCES; Neurosciences & Neurology; Psychology; Psychology, Experimental; PSYCHOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL

相关话题/语言 语言学 国际 电子 香港中文大学