

香港中文大学 免费考研网/2016-06-30

Sharon Wai-yee Wong

Assistant Professor
OfficeNAH 305
OfficeTel.3943 5549
EducationqualificationPh.D. National University of Singapore
LanguagesCantonese, English,Putonghua

Prof. Sharon Wongstudied Southeast Asian archaeology and cultures and received her PhD inSoutheast Asian Studies from the National University of Singapore. Her PhDresearch focused on China and Khmer ceramics industries from the ninth tofourteenth centuries AD, examining the cultural interaction between China andSoutheast Asia in the pre-modern period. Dr. Wong became deeply interested inSoutheast Asian cultures, and since 2005 her academic journey has followed thispath. She lived in Singapore and Cambodia while undertaking her extensivefieldwork. She was originally trained in archaeology and awarded her M.A. fromthe School of Archaeology and Museology in Peking University, China, and herfirst fieldwork on ancient craft production was in Guangdong, Guangxi andFujian. She has also conducted comparative research on museum exhibitiondisplays and catalogues in material culture when she was a research fellow atNational Library of Singapore. She is currently working on an archaeologicalresearch project examining how the Southeast Asian archaeological evidence inPenny’s Bay, Lantau Island could expand our understanding of the internationaltrading network of Hong Kong during the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries AD,and an intangible cultural heritage project on Hong Kong traditional ceramiccrafts. Dr. Wong teaches courses on archaeology, museology, and Southeast Asiancultures.
Research interests

Archaeology,China-Southeast Asian cultural interaction in pre-modern period, trade ceramicstudies, technology of craft production, museology
Geographicalareas of research

Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Southeast Asia
Courses taught

Fall 2015ANTH 2710 Archaeologyof China

ANTH 4720/ANTH5720Museums and Anthropology

Spring 2015

ANTH 2450/GENA 2332Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia

ANTH 2730 Preserving Cultural Heritage
Current research

“On In-depth Cross-cultural Exchange:Chinese Elements in the Early Ceramic Production Centre of Angkor, Cambodia” RGC Early Career Scheme, (no. CUHK**)“Archaeological Study onKhmer Ceramic Industries in Angkor, Cambodia” Direct Grant, CUHK

“Hong Kong TraditionalCeramic Crafts”, Lord Wilson Heritage Trust, HKSAR
Consultant and advisory

Member, Antiquities Advisory Board, HKSARGovernment
Selected Publications

2005(Co-editors with Cheng Pei-kai, Li Guo, Maggie Wan Chuiki) China Westward: Bibliography and Research Guide Chinese Porcelain and East-West Maritime Trade 12th to 15th C. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK) Ltd. (ISBN:962-8885-49-9), 387 pages .
2003(Co-editors with Cheng Pei-kai, Li Guo, Maggie Wan Chuiki) China Westward: Chinese Export Ceramics from 12th C. to 15th C. Exhibition Catalogue. Hong Kong: Chinese Civilisation Centre, City University of Hong Kong. (ISBN: 962-442-249-4), 77 pages.
Bookchapters and journalarticles
2015Discoveries of ChaozhouKiln Products in Southeast Asia during the 9th to 12thCenturies. In Beijing Art Museum (ed.) ChineseAncient Kilns Series: Chaozhou Kilns. Vol. 7, Beijing: Zhongguo Huaqiaochubanshe, pp.340-347.
2013 Case Study on Guangdong Ceramics Found in the 9th Century Belitung Shipwreck, Indonesia. In Guangdong Provincial Museum (ed.) Proceedings of Maritime Ceramic Road International Conference. Guangzhou: Lingnan Art Publisher, pp.101-122.
2012Illustrating theFuture: Southeast Asian Ceramic Special Exhibition Catalogues 1970-2009, Biblioasia, 8(1), pp.24-33.
2011“Kwantung jar” sherds with stamped potters' marks found in the 14th century Fort Canningarchaeological site, Singapore and Related Problems about Some CeramicVessels of Shipwrecks and their Cargoes. In Shanghai National Maritime Museum of China (ed.) Navigation: Trace of Civilization. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, pp.80-114.
2010Introduction to Fujian Ceramics in Song-Yuan Period in Angkorian Region,Cambodia. In Li Jian’an (ed.) FujianMerchants in Archaeological Perspective. Beijing: Zhonghua Press,pp.128-150.
2009Negotiating Identities, Affiliations and Interests: The Many Lives ofHan Wai Toon, and Overseas Chinese. In Derek Heng, Syed MuhdKhairudin Aljunied (eds.) Reframing Singapore:Memory, Identity andTran-regionalism. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp.155-173.
2009A Glimpse at the Southeast Asian Publications on Southeast AsianCeramics since the 1960s. Southeast AsianMinisters of Education Organisation’s Project in Archaeology and Fine Arts(SPAFA) Journal, 19(3), pp.5-17.
2007A Preliminary Study of the Ceramics of the Song-Yuan Period Unearthed inHong Kong. Kaogu (Archaeology), 6: 46-58.
2006A Preliminary Study on the Distribution and Consumption of Ceramics inHong Kong During the Song-Yuan Period. Bulletin of Indo-Pacific PrehistoryAssociation (The Manila Paper), 26: 140-146.
2004Guangdong Ceramicsfor Export during the Tang and Song Dynasties. Haijiaoshi Yanjiu (Maritime History Studies), 45:105-118, 83.
2004A Study of theCeramic Industry Remains in Guangdong by Stages during the Tang-Song Period. Dongnan wenhua (Southeast Culture),5:44-49.
Other publication
2015“SoutheastAsian Ceramics Found in Penny’s Bay, Hong Kong: Important Evidence of Exchangebetween China and Southeast Asia”, SoutheastAsian Ceramics Museum Newsletter, 2014-15, 8 (2): 1-4.
My publication link


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