

香港中文大学 免费考研网/2016-06-30

Chen Ju-chen

OfficeNAH 408
OfficeTel.3943 7672
EducationqualificationPh.D., Anthropology, Rutgers, the State University of NewJersey
Graduate Certificate inWomen’s and Gender Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers, the State Universityof New Jersey
MA, Anthropology, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
BS, Psychology, NationalTaiwan University
LanguagesEnglish,Putonghua, Taiwanese

Dr. CHEN Ju-chen joinedthe Department of Anthropology at CUHK as an adjunct assistant professor inAugust 2009, and became a lecturer in August 2010. She received her Ph.D. fromRutgers University (2009). She has conducted intensive ethnographic research inBeijing and Xi’an, China as well as in Hong Kong. Her Ph.D. dissertation,titled Capital Dreams: GlobalConsumption, Urban Imagination, and Labor Migration in Late SocialistBeijing, addresses the remaking of Beijing, with a focus on socialdifferentiations within and beyond the city, under the impacts of the latesocialist Chinese state and the expansion of global capitalism in the early2000s. Dr. Chen’s current research includes two strands. One strand focuses onmigrant laborers in China – mothers who leave their villages in Anhui and workas domestic helpers in Beijing. She examines their life aspiration, especiallythe dreams revolve around building or purchasing family homes. She analyzes howtheir experience illuminates China’s changing urban-rural relations. The otherstrand extends her interest in labor migration, and globalization by studying Filipinodomestic helpers in Hong Kong. Her research again focuses on examining theirlife aspirations – one the one hand, their education and career choices and, onthe other hand, how they realize their dreams and subjectivity throughparticipating in beauty pageants. Dr. Chen teaches courses on gender,ethnicity, anthropological methods, Chinese culture and society, politicaleconomy and media.
Research interests

Anthropology of China, urbanstudies, social differences, globalization and labor migration, gender, class, consumptionand mass media
Geographicalareas of research

Mainland China and Hong Kong
Courses taught

Fall 2015ANTH 2310/UGEC 2653Gender and Culture

ANTH 5020Anthropological Field Methods

ANTH 5670 Gender andCulture

Spring 2015

ANTH 2410A/UGEA 2180A ChineseCulture and Society

GENA 2192 Women, Men and Culture
Current research

The Mirage of Homes: APhoto-ethnographic Study of Migrant Workers’ “Abandoned” Homes in China’sVillages and Third Tier Cities.Sunday Catwalks: LifeAspirations of Overseas Filipino workers in Hong Kong.

Awards and scholarships

Facultyof Arts Outstanding Teaching Award 2011, CUHKFellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities andSocial Sciences, 2002 – 2004, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2001 – 2002, The ChiangChing-kuo Foundation, USA

Predoctoral Research Grant, 2000 – 2001, The Wenner-GrenFoundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., USA

Dissertation Research Award, 1999 – 2001, Cultural Anthropology Program,National Science Foundation, USA
Internal position held

Fellow, Institute ofFuture Cities, CUHK
Selected Publications

Book chapter
2015“Sunday Catwalks: Self-Making of Filipino Migrant Women in Hong Kong.”In The Age of Asian Migration Vol. II.Yuk Wah Chan and Heidi Fong, eds. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (in print).
2009Capital Dreams: GlobalConsumption, Urban Imagination and Labor Migration in Late Socialist Beijing.Dissertation. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Ann Arbor:ProQuest/UMI. 2009. (Publication No. [**])
Paper in progress
“民工梦想家:对中国农村和三线城市中「废弃」房屋的影像人类学研究,” a working paper.“EastAsian Anthropology: Reflections from the Positioning of a “Taiwanese”Anthropologist,” a working paper.

“Dreaming of Home: Family,housing and the children of migrant laborers in China,” a working paper.
2015Matinee on Sundays: Cultural Festivals andBeauty Pageants of Overseas Filipino Workers in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong Discovery 88: 58-65.

Yearning for a Complete Home: MigrantWorkers on the Road. In Hong KongDiscovery 81: 62-69.

Conference activities and invited lectures

December 2014“Sunday Catwalks: Self-Making of Filipino Migrant Women in Hong Kong.”The Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association. Washington, D.C.,USA, December 3.
October 2014“民工梦想家:对中国农村和三线城市中「废弃」房屋的影像人类学研究.” 台湾人类学民族学会年会. 台湾:台北。October 4.
May 2014“East Asian Anthropology: Reflections from the Positioning of a“Taiwanese” Anthropologist.” The IUAES 2014 conference. Chiba, Tokyo, Japan.
May 2014“Beauty Pageant and the OFW communities in Hong Kong. Chair andPresenter. A talk for the series of Public and Community Arts, the Institute ofFuture Cities, CUHK. May 9.
September 2013“‘Dionysian’ Filipinas on Sundays: Identity and community of Filipinooverseas workers in Hong Kong,” the Asian Migration and the Global AsianDiasporas Conference, City University of Hong Kong, September 6
November 2011“Legacies of migration: Family, housing and children of migrant laborersin China” (Paper summary delivered by other panelists), the Annual Conferenceof American Anthropological Association, Montreal, Canada
October 2011“四海为「家」:中国民工的老家概念与亲属关係,” the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society For Anthropology and Ethnology atInstitute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
September 2011“Dreaming of Home: Family, housing and the children of migrant laborersin China,” the International Forum of Association for East Asian Anthropology,National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku), Osaka, Japan
December 2010“Gender and Chinese Society,” invitedpresentation at Sun Fong Chung College, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong
November 2010“An urban family ‘united’ and a migrant family ‘divided:’ rethinkingfamily, property, and urban development in Beijing,” the Annual Conference ofAmerican Anthropological Association, New Orleans, USA
December 2009“Family Dreams and National Aspirations: Family House Building byMigrant Laborers in Beijing and China’s Urbanization and EconomicRestructuring,” the Annual Conference of American Anthropological Association,Philadelphia, USA
October 2009“Family Dreams and the Reproduction of Urban-Rural Division: FamilyHouse Building by Migrant Laborers in Beijing,” invited presentation atDepartment of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
October 2009“Migrant Laborers in Beijing: Social Divisions in Late Socialist ChinaPast and Present,” invited presentation for The Hong Kong AnthropologicalSociety at The Hong Kong Museum of History
July 2009“The Beijing Central Business District: A ‘Contact Zone’ for BusinessProfessionals and Migrant Laborers in late Socialist China,” the AnnualConference of Society for East Asian Anthropology, Taipei, Taiwan
November 2003“Ruoshi Qunti (Disadvantaged Groups): the Negotiation of the SubjectPosition of Migrant Laborers in Post-socialist China,” the Annual Conference ofAmerican Anthropological Association, Chicago, USA
July 2002“The Forbidden City and Sanlitun: Leisure Life and ‘the OrdinaryBeijingers’,” invited presentation at the Summer Workshop on Culture, Cognitionand Emotion, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
May 2002“The Forbidden City and Sanlitun: Leisure Life and ‘the OrdinaryBeijingers’,” the 3rd Taiwanese Anthropological Graduate StudentConference, Taipei, Taiwan
April 2002“Emerging from Beijing: Transnational Professionals and LocalCommunities,” the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies,Washington D.C., USA
November 2000“Luo Dayou Is Our Youth: The Making of Yuppies (Young UrbanProfessional) in Beijing,” the Annual Conference of American AnthropologicalAssociation, San Francisco, USA
1994“Is the Lack of Undesirable Stress a Valid Criterion for Melancholia,”Co-authored with Huei-chen Ko, Su-chen Li, and Ru-band Lu, the Annual Meetingof the Chinese Psychiatry Association, Taiwan
Professional duties and services

Academicadvisor for the anthropologydepartment undergraduate summer field trip to Taitung,Taiwan (May-June, 2014)and the post-trip exhibition in Hui Gallery, New Asia College, the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong (October 2014).
AcademicAdvisor, New Asia College/ Yale University Student Exchange Program, theChinese University of Hong Kong (2010-2011)
相关话题/人类学 城市 台湾 民族 民工

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