BEng (PKU), BSc (PKU), PhD (ETH Zurich)
Staff title
Assistant Professor
Dr. Zhang studied in Peking University where he received a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering and a Double Bachelor in Economics. He then moved to Switzerland where he earned his master degree in management and PhD in economics from ETH Zurich. Before joining the faculty of City University of Hong Kong, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich. He was also a researcher associated with the Energy Science Center, Simulation Lab, and the Competence Center for Research in Energy, Society, and Transition in Switzerland. Besides his position at School of Energy and Environment, Dr. Zhang has a joint appointment in the Department of Public Policy, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
Zhang's research aims to develop improved quantitative modeling approaches for the design, evaluation, and upgrade of sustainable energy policies at local, regional, and global levels. His research focuses on energy and environmental economics, computational economics, and productivity analysis. Dr. Zhang has published over 20 papers in leading economics and management journals. He has received research grants from Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Swiss National Science Foundation, Research Grants Council in Hong Kong, European Environmental Agency, among others. He serves as a reviewer for more than 20 SSCI listed journals and a committee member of international conferences.
Other Information
Research Interests:Energy and environmental economics
Efficiency and productivity analysis
Energy policy
Applied economics
Computable general equilibrium modeling
Position(s) availableOpen positions in Dr. Zhang’s group can be found at
Recent PublicationsA: Economics Journals
C. Karydas and L. Zhang (2019): Green tax reform, endogenous innovation and the growthdividend.Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 97, 158-181. (Available online)?
L. Zhang and P.K. Adom (2018):Energy Efficiency Transitions in China: How Persistent are the Movements To/From the Frontier?The Energy Journal, 39(6), 147-169. (Available online)?
L. Zhang (2017): Correcting the uneven burden sharing of emission reduction across provinces inChina.Energy Economics, 64, 335-345. (Available online)
L. Bretschger, F. Lechthaler, S. Rausch and L. Zhang (2017): Knowledge diffusion, endogenous growth and the costs of global climate policy.European Economic Review,93, 47-72.(Available online)
L. Bretschger and L. Zhang(2017): Carbon policy in a high-growth economy: The case of China.Resource and Energy Economics, 47, 1-19. (Available online)
B: Interdisciplinary Journals
H. Y. Zhang, Y.Q. Song, L. Zhang (2020):Pollution control in urban China: A multi-level analysis on household and industrial pollution,Science of The Total Environment,749, 20 December 2020, 141478. (Available online)
L. Fang, F. Wu, Y. Yu, L. Zhang (2020):Irrigation technology and water rebound in China's agricultural sector.Journal of Industrial Ecology. (Available online)
W. Sheng, L. Zhang and I. Ridley (2020):The impact of minimum OTTV legislation on building energy consumption.Energy Policy, 136. (Available online)
B. Hu, Z. Li, L. Zhang (2019): Long-run dynamics of sulphur dioxide emissions, economic growth, and energy efficiency in China.Journal of Cleaner Production, 227, 942-949. (Available online)
L. Zhangand Y. An(2018): The government capacity on industrial pollution management inShanxi province: A response impulse analysis.Journal of Environmental Management, 223, 1037-1046. (Available online)
M. Filippini and L. Zhang(2016): Estimation of the energy efficiency in Chinese provinces.Energy Efficiency, 9(6), 1315-1328. (Available online)
C: Full list of publication
Please checkHEREfor the full list of my publications.
Staff Image
Contact Information
Web:Laboratory for Energy Economics and Environmental Management (EEEM)
Time slots for consultation
Research Interests
Energy and environmental economics
Efficiency and productivity analysis
Energy policy
Applied economics
Computable general equilibrium modeling