
香港城市大学创意媒体学院老师教师导师介绍简介-TAM, Chi Wai Adam

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

TAM, Chi Wai Adam 谈智伟CHIWTAM@cityu.edu.hk3442 6663M6073
Keywords Advertising Creator
Advertising Director
Advertising Producer
Director of Photography
Film Director
Lighting Designer
Professional expertise / Research Interests

Background Adam Tam began to express his talent in arts as an oil painter when he was 13 Years old. He studied at the University Paris 7 – Jussieu and experienced his life in Paris where his sense of arts was further uncovered.
Since his childhood, Adam was immersed in the movie industry. He drew great inspiration from the new breed of worldwide filmmakers such as Akira Kurosawa. After his return to Hong Kong, his hometown, he desperately put his footprint into the movie industry. Started from a lighting designer and finally climbed his ladder as a well-known director of cinematographer, Adam has been consistently presented to the industry not only his artistic sense and creativity, also his good interpersonal skills as well as strong leadership.
Given his growing reputation, he was invited to participate some of the best film makers in the world such as Jackie Chan, Wong Kar-Wai, Yun Woo-Ping, Sammo Hung, Derek Yee, Yonfan, Chow Yun-Fat, Maggie Cheung, Stephen Chow, Donnie Yen, Chimg Siu Tung, Yuen Biao to name a few. In addition, Adam is also one of the high-definition (HD) technology pioneers in Hong Kong. He was the director of “High-Definition Workshop” and helped to raised funds from the government. The 4-year workshops introduce to the Hong Kong movie industry the latest technologies and the development of advanced equipment which include but not limited to Discreet ? Lustre ?, Panasonic Varicam, ARRI and Panavision. He is also one of the Director of Photographers to shoot a feature film in HD.
With the expertise in advertising production and strong sense of market trend, Adam set up his own advertising company specializes in above-the-line marketing productions. It is no doubt that his clients gave him lots of compliments and sound creditably feedback as a result of his persistence in high quality production and meeting customers’ expectations. “Super Warm” was one of the significant commercial succeed in boosting an incredible sales volume when Hong Kong economy was in recession few years ago.
Due to his keen enthusiasm for charity and well recognitions in the movies industry, he was elected as the Vice-President of the Hong Kong Society of Cinematographers (HKSC) since 1995, and then assigned to Board of Director’s Council Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Film Awards. In addition, he was invited to be professional and final juror for several movie festivals and competitions in the past few years. Having a vision to spread the spirit of movie industry, Adam is currently teaching in Film Professional Training Programmed aiming to nurture a new breed of blood for the future of Hong Kong movie industry.

相关话题/媒体 创意 香港城市大学