William ChalmersBA (Victoria); MA (Concordia); BEd (Vancouver Island); CertTESOL (Trinity)
Instructor II at Chan Feng Men-ling Chan Shuk-Lin Language Centre
Contact InformationOffice:LI-3400
Phone: (852) 3442 6197
Fax: (852) 3442 0165
William joined the CityU LC in August 2018. He taught at CUHK in 2017/18, and in Canada and the US prior to that, where he taught mainly first-year composition and first-year seminars. He has also worked for the past 3 years as a writing resource in the Veterinary College at UPEI, Canada, teaching and mentoring graduate students and post-docs writing in English as an additional language, and editing their dissertations, posters, conference, abstracts, funding proposals, and research articles. He has published fiction (novel & stories) and non-fiction (biography & essays), as well as a recent scholarly article on a collaborative writing project with the Writing Centre at UPEI. His research interests are in the use of rhetorical strategies and stances in exploration narratives of the 18th century, genre and academic writing, activity theory, and in evolving his own pedagogy and classroom practices. William has also lived in the UK, Chile, and Norway.
PublicationNo More Worthy. Oolichan Books, Lantzville, B.C. 1996.
"Around The Cape: A Guide's Getaway," in Wavelength Magazine, 1999.
George Mercer Dawson: Scientist, Geologist, Explorer. XYZ Publishing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2000.
"Down and Out in Dorset," Black Rock and Sage. Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho. 2011. (Winner of BR&S Prose Award)
Global Issues 151 Course Handbook. Writer/Editor. Faculty of Education, UPEI. 2013
Sutherland, R., Chalmers, W., Currie, M. "Elle of an Opportunity: Student Writers, Civic Audience, and Auction Genre," Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing. May 2017, Vol.27. p. 42-57.
"Consubstantiality at Bloody Falls: Rhetorical Choices at a Massacre," Rhetor. 2017 (in review)
Conference PaperNorwegian Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway. Writing & editing scientific articles in English. Aug. 2015
South Central Society for Eighteenth Studies (SCSECS) Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. Paper: "The Rhetoric of New World Exploration in The Long Eighteenth Century: A preliminary study of exploration narratives as a genre." Feb. 2010.
Idaho State University Composition Committee presentation: "Transfer of Learning in Composition," Mar. 2010
香港城市大学陈冯曼玲陈淑莲语言中心老师教师导师介绍简介-William Chalmers
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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