
香港城市大学机械工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr. HU, Alice

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

Dr. HU, AliceAssociate Professor
Contact InformationOffice:YEUNG-P6419
Web:Personal Homepage
Research InterestsHigh entropy alloys
Nano energy applications
Elastic strain engineering
Simulation algorithm

Education2014 Ph. D. Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University
2011 M. S., Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University
2009 B. S., Physics, National Taiwan University

Selected PublicationsY. F.Ye, Y. H.Zhang, Q. F.He, Y.Zhuang, S.Wang, S. Q.Shi, A.Hu, J.Fan, and Y.Yang, “Atomic-scale distorted lattice in chemically disordered equimolar complex alloys,” Acta Mater., Mar.2018.
Y. L.Zhao, T.Yang, J. H.Zhu, D.Chen, Y.Yang, A.Hu, C. T.Liu, and J.-J.Kai, “Development of high-strength Co-free high-entropy alloys hardened by nanosized precipitates,” Scr. Mater., vol. 148, pp. 51–55, Apr.2018.
B.Han, J.Wei, Y.Tong, D.Chen, Y.Zhao, J.Wang, F.He, T.Yang, C.Zhao, Y.Shimizu, K.Inoue, Y.Nagai, A.Hu, C. T.Liu, and J. J.Kai, “Composition evolution of gamma prime nanoparticles in the Ti-doped CoFeCrNi high entropy alloy,” Scr. Mater., vol. 148, pp. 42–46, Apr.2018.
D.Chen, Y.Tong, H.Li, J.Wang, Y. L.Zhao, A.Hu, and J. J.Kai, “Helium accumulation and bubble formation in FeCoNiCr alloy under high fluence He+ implantation,” J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 501, pp. 208–216, Apr.2018.
Q.Meng, J.Ma, Y.Zhang, Z.Li, C.Zhi, A.Hu, and J.Fan, “The S-functionalized Ti 3 C 2 Mxene as a high capacity electrode material for Na-ion batteries: a DFT study,” Nanoscale, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 3385–3392, Feb.2018.
Y.Zhuang, J.-P.Chou, H.-Y.Tiffany Chen, Y.-Y.Hsu, C.-W.Hu, A.Hu, and T.-Y.Chen, “Atomic scale Pt decoration promises oxygen reduction properties of Co@Pd nanocatalysts in alkaline electrolytes for 310k redox cycles,” Sustain. Energy Fuels, p., 2018.
Y.-R.Lin, L.-G.Chen, C.-Y.Hsieh, A.Hu, S.-C.Lo, F.-R.Chen, and J.-J.Kai, “Atomic structure of nano voids in irradiated 3C-SiC,” J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 498, no. Supplement C, pp. 71–75, 2018.
H.Zhang, K.-Y.Fung, Y.Zhuang, K.Cao, J.Song, A.Hu, and Y.Lu, “Fracture of a silicon nanowire at ultra-large elastic strain,” Acta Mech., pp. 1–9, Dec.2017.
K.-W.Wang, Z.Yu, A.Hu, Y.-Y.Hsu, T.-L.Chen, C.-Y.Lin, C.-W.Hu, Y.-T.Yang, and T.-Y.Chen, “Rapid crystal growth of bimetallic PdPt nanocrystals with surface atomic Pt cluster decoration provides promising oxygen reduction activity,” RSC Adv., vol. 7, no. 87, pp. 55110–55120, 2017.
Y. R.Lin, L. G.Chen, C. Y.Hsieh, M. T.Chang, K. Y.Fung, A.Hu, S. C.Lo, F. R.Chen, and J. J.Kai, “Atomic Configuration of Point Defect Clusters in Ion-Irradiated Silicon Carbide,” Sci. Rep., vol. 7, no. 1, p. 14635, Dec.2017.
Q.Meng, A.Hu, C.Zhi, and J.Fan, “Theoretical prediction of MXene-like structured Ti3C4 as a high capacity electrode material for Na ion batteries,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 19, no. 43, pp. 29106–29113, 2017.
Y. L.Zhao, T.Yang, Y.Tong, J.Wang, J. H.Luan, Z. B.Jiao, D.Chen, Y.Yang, A.Hu, C. T.Liu, and J. J.Kai, “Heterogeneous precipitation behavior and stacking-fault-mediated deformation in a CoCrNi-based medium-entropy alloy,” Acta Mater., vol. 138, pp. 72–82, Jul.2017.
P.Li, C.Jiang, S.Xu, Y.Zhuang, L.Gao, A.Hu, H.Wang, and Y.Lu, “In situ nanomechanical characterization of multi-layer MoS 2 membranes: from intraplanar to interplanar fracture,” Nanoscale, vol. 9, no. 26, pp. 9119–9128, 2017.
Y. H.Zhang, Y.Zhuang, A.Hu, J. J.Kai, and C. T.Liu, “The origin of negative stacking fault energies and nano-twin formation in face-centered cubic high entropy alloys,” Scr. Mater., vol. 130, pp. 96–99, 2017.
T.-Y.Chen, Y.Zhang, L.-C.Hsu, A.Hu, Y.Zhuang, C.-M.Fan, C.-Y.Wang, T.-Y.Chung, C.-S.Tsao, and H.-Y.Chuang, “Crystal shape controlled H2 storage rate in nanoporous carbon composite with ultra-fine Pt nanoparticle,” Sci. Rep., vol. 7, p. 42438, Feb.2017.
H.-T.Hu, S.-T.Tseng, and A.Hu, “Finite element modeling of superplastic co-doped yttria-stabilized tetragonal-zirconia polycrystals,” J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. A, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 989–999, Dec.2016.
A.Hu and A.Hassanein, “Predicting hydrogen isotope inventory in plasma-facing components during normal and abnormal operations in fusion devices,” J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 465, pp. 582–589, 2015.
A.Hu and A.Hassanein, “Modeling hydrogen isotope behavior in fusion plasma-facing components,” J. Nucl. Mater., vol. 446, no. 1–3, pp. 56–62, Mar.2014.
A.Hu and A.Hassanein, “Model to estimate fractal dimension for ion-bombarded materials,” Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B Beam Interact. with Mater. Atoms, vol. 323, pp. 82–86, 2014.
A.Hu and A.Hassanein, “How surface roughness affects the angular dependence of the sputtering yield,” Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B Beam Interact. with Mater. Atoms, vol. 281, pp. 15–20, Jun.2012.
*** Research Opportunities ***Two opening positions for PhD or Postdoc in the area of "Machine Learning" and "Quantum Computing" are available for application. Interested applicants please send your inquiry and a complete CV to: alicehu@cityu.edu.hk.
Last modified on 5 July, 2021
相关话题/机械工程 香港城市大学
