Dr. LEUNG Ngai Hang Zachary 梁毅恒博士 Department of Management Sciences
Assistant Professor
7-252, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34428586
+852 34420189
Qualifications PhD - Operations Research (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
MSc - Applied Mathematics (National University of Singapore)
BSc - Applied Mathematics (National University of Singapore)
Biography Zachary Leung received his PhD in operations research from the Operations Research Center at MIT, and his MSc and BSc in applied mathematics from the National University of Singapore. Prior to joining the faculty at the department of Management Sciences, Dr. Leung spent a year at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University as a post-doctoral fellow.
His research interests include supply chain management, revenue management, and healthcare operations.
Publications Journal Publications and Reviews Gallien, Jérémie; Leung, Ngai-Hang Z.; Yadav, Prashant / Inventory Policies for Pharmaceutical Distribution in Zambia: Improving Availability and Access Equity. July 2021; In: Production and Operations Management.
Cohen, Maxime C.; Leung, Ngai-Hang Zachary; Panchamgam, Kiran; Perakis, Georgia; Smith, Anthony / The impact of linear optimization on promotion planning. March 2017; In: Operations Research. Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 446-468
Leung, Ngai-Hang Z.; Chen, Ana; Yadav, Prashant; Gallien, Jérémie / The impact of inventory management on stock-outs of essential drugs in sub-Saharan Africa: Secondary analysis of a field experiment in Zambia. May 2016; In: PLoS ONE. Vol. 11, No. 5
Chiu, Chun-Hung; Leung, Ngai-Hang Z.; Natarajan, Karthik / New analytical bounds on the average undershoot in an infinite horizon (s, S) inventory system. January 2013; In: Operations Research Letters. Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 67-73
香港城市大学商学院老师教授导师介绍简介-Dr. LEUNG Ngai Hang Zachary
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
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