

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-21



姓名: 宋奎
职称: 副教授
电子信箱: songkui-25@163.com
办公室: 土木工程与力学学院A-315
个人主页: http://cem.xtu.edu.cn/e/action/ShowInfo.php?classid=3&id=284



宋奎,中共党员,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。中国科学院力学研究所流体力学博士,香港科技大学访问****。2015年1月至湘潭大学从事教学科研工作,历任讲师、副教授。研究方向为流体力学和工程力学,从事微流体力学、液滴微流控、微流控技术细胞研究、微流控芯片和MEMS传感器,包括在生物、化学、医学、材料科学上的应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、湖南省自然科学基金青年项目1项、湖南省教育厅一般项目1项、国家重点实验室开放课题1项、湖南省和湘潭大学教学改革项目各1项、横向项目1项、湘潭大学科研项目3项;参与国家自然科学基金4项。主讲《理论力学》、《流体力学》、《材料力学》、《奇妙的力学》和《现代力学概论》课程。指导2016年国家级大学生创新项目1项、2018年大学生创新项目2项、2019年大学生节能减排竞赛等,指导本科毕业论文获得2020年首届全国高等学校力学类专业B类优秀论文。在Physics of Fluids (流体力学top期刊), Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Computers and Fluids等SCI期刊和国际会议发表学术论文。多次参加中国力学大会、全国流体力学会议、Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip国际会议等,开展学术交流。




硕士研究生:周 正(2017级)



Technology development and commercialization of high-performance low-power silicon microphones,Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) Funding of Hong Kong,2013/12-2015/12, 参加


Kui Song*, Lina Zhang, Zheng Zhou, Ruijie Huang and Xu Zheng, Synchronization and control of capillary flows in rectangular microchannel with spacers, Biomicrofluidics, 14, 044105, 2020.
Y. Zhang, Y.Cheng, J. Huang, Y. Liu, J. Peng, S. Chen, K. Song, et al.,Skin-interfaced microfluidic devices with one-opening chambers and hydrophobic valves for sweat collection and analysis, Lab on a Chip,20, 2635-2645, 2020.
Duan Z., Chen T., Shi J., Li J., Song K.et al. Space-confined and substrate-directed synthesis of transition-metal dichalcogenide nanostructures with tunable dimensionality, Science Bulletin, 65(12): 1013–1021, 2020.

Huahuang Luo, Cong Zhao, Kui Song, Dayu Liu, Wenjuan Ma, Xingsu Yu, Huifang Su, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yitshak Zohar and Yi-Kuen Lee*, A nonlinear two-degree-of-freedom mass-damper-spring model to predict the isolation of circulating tumor cells in microfluidic-elasto-filtration devices. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 23(5), 72, 2019.
Kui Song* and Zheng Zhou, Two touching/self-assembly droplets in uniform Stokes flow: Viscous energy dissipation of the flow in droplets. Physics of Fluids, 31(1): 012002, 2019. (流体力学top期刊)
Wenbo Luo, Boyuan Yin, Xiaoling Hu*,Zheng Zhou, Yan Dengand Kui Song**, Modeling of the heat build-up of carbon black filled rubber. Polymer testing, 69,116–124, 2018.
Zuteng Wan, Yangchengyi Liu, Shangda Chen*, Kui Song, Peng Yu, Nie Zhao, Xiaoping Ouyang andXiufeng Wang*, Facile fabrication of a highly durable and flexible MoS2@RTV sponge for efficient oil-water separation, Colloids and Surfaces A, 546, 237–243, 2018.
Boyuan Yin, Xiaoling Hu* and Kui Song, Evaluation of classic and fractional models as constitutive relations for carbon black–filled rubber. Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 2017(2):376.
Kui Song* and Xiaoling Hu, Modeling Self-Assembly and Capture Phenomenon of Two Droplets in High Aspect Ratio Microchannels, Computers and Fluids, 144, 10-18, 2017.
Boyuan Yin, Xiaoling Hu*, Wenbo Luo and Kui Song, Application of Fractional Calculus Methods to Asymmetric Dynamical Response of CB-Filled Rubber. Polymer testing, 61,416–420, 2017.
Wenshu Sui, Yi-Kuen Lee*, Ching-Hsiang Cheng, Kui Song and Weiguan Zhang, Breaking the Size Barrier of Capacitive MEMS Microphones from Critical Length Scale, The 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2017), 18-22, June, 2017.
Kui Song, Wei Xu, Weiguan Zhang and Yi-Kuen Lee*, Scaling Analysis of Capacitive MEMS Microphones Considering Residual Stress, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Matsushima Bay and Sendai, Japan, pp. 10-13, 2016.
Wei Xu, Kui Song, Shenhui MA, Bo Gao, Yi Chiu and Yi-Kuen Lee*, Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Thermoresistive Micro Calorimetric Flow Sensors Fabricated by CMOS MEMS Technology, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 25(2), 954 –962, 2016.
Cong Zhao, Kui Song, Jeng-hun Lee, Shin Young Jeong, Lixie Hu, Xingsu Yu, Huifang Su, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yitshak Zohar and Yi-Kuen Lee*, Capillary Number Effect on the Depletion of Leucocytes of Blood in Microfiltration Chips for the Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Matsushima Bay and Sendai, Japan, pp. 1-4, 2016.
Kui Song*, Guoqing Hu, Xiaoling Hu, Runtao Zhong, Xiaohui Wang and Bingcheng Lin, Encoding and controlling of two droplet trains in a microfluidic network with the loop-like structure. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 19(6), 1363-1375, 2015.
Cong Zhao, Rui Xu, Kui Song, Dayu Liu, Shou Ma, Chen Tang, Chun Liang, Yitshak Zohar and Yi-Kuen Lee*, The Capillary number effect on the capture efficiency of cancer cells on composite microfluidic filtration chips. Proceedings of 28th IEEE Micro-electro Mechanical Systems, Estoril, Portugal, pp. 459-462, 2015.
Yu Weiliang, Qu Hong, Hu Guoqing, Zhang Qian, Song Kui, Guan Haijie, Liu Tingjiao and Qin Jianhua*, A Microfluidic-Based Multi-Shear Device for Investigating the Effects of Low Fluid-Induced Stresses on Osteoblasts, PloS one, 9(2), e89966, 2014.
Wei Xu, Kui Song, Shenhui MA, Yi Chiu and Yi-Kuen Lee*, One Dimensional Model of Thermoresistive Micro Calorimetric Flow Sensors for Gases and Liquids Considering Prandtl Number Effect, 18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, San Antonio, Texas, USA, pp. 2333–2335, 2014.
?Kui Song, Li Zhang and Guoqing Hu*, Modeling of droplet traffic in interconnected microfluidic ladder devices, Electrophoresis, 33, 411–418, 2012.
宋奎, 罗文波, 邓旭辉, 赵荣国, 尹久仁, 涂佳黄. 高校力学文化素质教育的教学改革与实践[J]. 科教导刊(下旬), 2020(06): 39-40.


一种测试多孔材料孔隙率的简易方法. 宋奎, 张丽娜, 胡小玲, 周正, 黄睿洁, 何瑞芝. 登记号:20**.
一种通过滴落实验测量液体粘度的方法. 宋奎, 黄睿洁, 黄逸飞, 张丽娜, 胡小玲.登记号:99.


宋奎*, 周正, 黄逸飞, 张丽娜, 黄睿洁, 微尺度流动中液滴自组装研究, 第十一届全国流体力学学术会议, 中国, 深圳, 12月3~6日, 2020.
宋奎*, 张丽娜, 周正, 黄睿洁, 具有间隔的矩形截面微通道中毛细流动控制研究, 中国微米纳米技术学会第四届微流控技术应用创新论坛, 中国, 深圳, 12月5~7日, 2020.

宋奎*,周正,张丽娜,胡小玲,基于微流控技术的非牛顿流体中液滴生成的实验研究和理论分析,第十四届全国流变学学术会议, 中国,湘潭,10月20~23日,2018。
Kui Song*, Zheng Zhou andXiaoling Hu, Dynamics of droplets passing through microfluidic channels for cancer cell capture study, The Second International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip, Beijing, China, June 8~10, 2018.
Zheng Zhou, Xiaoling Hu andKui Song*. Modeling and experiment study of two droplets self-assembly dynamics in high aspect ratio microchannels, The Second International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip, Beijing, China, June 8~10, 2018.
宋奎*,MEMS Capacitive Microphone Design & Optimization,上海交通大学邀请报告,中国,上海,2016。
Kui Song and Yi-Kuen Lee*, Compact Modelling and Scaling Analysis of MEMS Condenser Microphones for Sensor Optimization, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of HKSTAM 2014. The 10th Shanghai–Hong Kong Forum on Mechanics and Its Application, Hong Kong, China,March 15,2014.
Guoqing Hu*, Kui Song and Li Zhang, Tuning of the droplet motion in interconnected microfluidic devices, 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, California, USA, 2010.


国际SCI《Microfluidics and Nanofluidics》、《Journal of Elastomers & Plastics》等期刊审稿人

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