姓名: 娄嘉
职称: 副教授
电子信箱: lou3166@xtu.edu.cn
办公室: 机械楼512
个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jia_Lou5
娄嘉、男、侗族、湖南长沙人。2015年毕业于新西兰怀卡托大学,2016年8月开始在湘潭大学材料科学与工程学院进行教学科研工作。主要从事粉末冶金、粉末注射成形工艺的研究和应用,在钛合金、镍钛合金、不锈钢、高温合金等方面积累一定的研究工作经验和研究成果。以第一作者身份在Materials& Design, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Powder Metallurgy等杂志发表论文6篇。
娄嘉,男,侗族,湖南长沙人。2015年毕业于新西兰怀卡托大学(2019QS世界排名第274位)。2016年8月开始在湘潭大学材料科学与工程学院进行教学科研工作,2018年12月被评为副教授。主要从事粉末冶金、粉末注射成形工艺的研究和应用,在钛合金、镍钛合金、不锈钢、高温合金等方面积累一定的研究工作经验和成果。在Powder Technology, Materials& Design, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Powder Metallurgy,JOM等杂志发表第一作者和通讯论文12篇。
2010-2015,博士,University of Waikato(怀卡托大学),Engineering department(工程系)
(1) 粉末压制、注射成形、烧结、粉末锻造、粉末挤压等技术的工艺研究及模拟;
(2) 钛合金、不锈钢、高温合金、镍钛形状记忆合金的微观组织、力学性能和抗腐蚀性能研究;
(3) 微创医疗器械的研发与应用
1. 低铝改性的富氧双相粉末冶金钛合金组织和塑性调控, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, **, 25万,2019-2021.
2. Cu对Fe-50%Ni合金有序(L10)相形成机理的影响及合金组织与磁性能调控, 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目, 2018JJ3507, 5万, 2018-2020.
3. 金属注射成形铁锰血管支架的制备研究, 博士后基金面上资助, 2018M632978, 5万, 2018-2019.
1. J. Lou, Y.M*. Li, H. He*, et al., “Interface development and numerical simulation of powder co-injection moulding. Part. I. Experimental results on the flow behaviour and die filling process”, Powder Technology, 305, pp 405, 2017.
2. J. Lou, Y.M*. Li, H. He*, et al., “Interface development and numerical simulation of powder co-injection moulding. Part II. Numerical simulation and experimental verification”, Powder Technology, 305, pp 357, 2017.
3. J. Lou, H. He*, Y.M. Li*, C.Q. Zhu, Z.Y. Chen, and C. Liu, “Effects of high o contents on the microstructure, phase-transformation behaviour, and shape-recovery properties of porous niti-based shape-memory alloys”, Materials & Design, 106, pp 37, 2016.
4. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas*, F.Yang, S.Raynova, and H.Y. Lu, “Effects of LaB6 additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a hot worked P/M Ti alloy”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 674, pp 116, 2016.
5. H. He, Y.M. Li*, J. Lou*, D.P. Li and C. Liu, “Prediction of density variation in powder injection moulding filling process by using granular modelling with interstitial power law fluid”, Powder Technology, 291, pp 52, 2016.
6. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas*, and D.L. Zhang, “Effects of Initial Powder Compact Thickness, Lubrication and Particle Morphology on the Cold Compaction Behaviour of Ti Powder”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46(8), pp 3646, 2015.
7. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas*, S.Raynova, and F.Yang, “A sintering and open die forging process for a P/M Ti alloy with additions of a trace amount of erbium”, Powder Metallurgy, 58(3), pp 214, 2015.
8. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas*, and D.L. Zhang, “Improving the Uniformity in Mechanical Properties of a Sintered Ti Compact Using a Trace Amount of Internal Lubricant”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 24(9), pp 1798, 2014.
9. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas*, and D.L. Zhang. “The effects of lubrication on the density gradient of titanium powder compacts”. Key Eng. Mater., 553(2013): 86-91
10. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas*, and D.L. Zhang. “Effects of lubrication on the powder metallurgy processing of titanium”. Key Eng. Mater., 520 (2012): 133-138.
11. J. Lou, Y.M. Li*, H, He, and L.J. Li. “Effect of atomisation medium on sintering properties of austenitic stainless steel by eliminating influence of particle shape and particle size”. Powder Metall., 2010, 53(2):112-117
12.Y.H. Hu, Y.M. Li*, H. He, J. Lou, and X. Tang. “Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Inconel718 Alloy by Metal Injection Molding”. Rare Metal Mater. Engin., 2010, 39(5): 775-780.
13.H. He, Y.M. Li*, J. Lou, and J.G. Zhang. “Co-sintering of functionally graded Fe2Ni/Fe2NixCr composites”. Powder Injection Moulding International, 2009, 3(1): 56-59.
14. 邓姝皓, 易丹青, 娄嘉, 周玲伶.镁合金脉冲阳极氧化工艺,电镀与涂饰,2006,25(2):32-35.
15. Y.M. Li*, J. Lou, and Y. Jianling. “Analysis and evaluation of effects of processing steps on dimensional tolerance of PIM parts”. J. Central South Uni., Vol. 12, Suppl. 1, Oct. 2005: 33-38.
1. J. Lou and B. Gabbitas. “Effects of LaB6 Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of P/M Ti Alloy”, The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, Auckland, New Zealand, 2014.
2. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas, and D.L. Zhang. “TEM observation of a Ti alloy with Yttrium additions fabricated by Mechanical Milling, Cold Compaction & Sintering”, 26th New Zealand Conference on Microscopy, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2013.
3. J. Louand B. Gabbitas. “Sintering & OPF process of P/M Ti alloy with a trace amount of Er addition”, NZ conference of Chemical and Materials Engineering 2013, Auckland, New Zealand, 2013.
4. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas, and D.L. Zhang. "The Effects of Lubrication on the Density Gradient of Titanium Powder Compacts", TMS 2013 142nd annual meeting& exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA,2013
5. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas, and D.L. Zhang. “Theoretical Calculation for Internally Lubricated Ti Powder Compaction”, International Titanium Powder Processing, Consolidation and Metallurgy Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, 2013.
6. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas, and D.L. Zhang. “Development of powder conditioning process of P/M process in New Zealand”, WaiCAM Symposium 2013: Titanium Alloy Powder Metallugy Research, Development and Commercialisastion, Hamilton, New Zealand, 2013.
7. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas, and D.L. Zhang. "Effects of lubrication on the powder metallurgy processing of titanium", Symposium on Powder Processing and Metallurgy of Titanium, Brisbane, Australia,2011.
8. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas, and D.L. Zhang. “Density profiles of titanium powder compacts with binder”, WaiCAM Symposium 2011: Industrial Applications of Titanium Powder Metallurgy and Titanium Coatings, Hamilton, New Zealand, 2011. (学术海报展示)
9. J. Lou, B. Gabbitas, and D.L. Zhang. “Lubricant Added Titanium Alloy Powder Compaction Experiment”, WaiCAM Symposium 2010: Titanium Research, Development and Commercialisation, Hamilton, New Zealand, 2010. (学术海报展示)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-20
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