

湘潭大学 免费考研网/2015-12-06





朱润良,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2007年毕业于浙江大学环境科学系。曾参加国家自然科学基金、国家863计划项目多项。目前主持国家自然科学基金、湖南省教育厅、湘潭大学校级项目各1项,参加国家自然科学基金、国家重大水专项各1项;获英国皇家学会Royal Society-BP 奖学金资助,赴英国巴斯大学(University of Bath)从事Research Fellow研究工作。在J Colloid Interface Sci, Appl Clay Sci,Sep Purif Technol,J Hazard Mater,Colloid Surface A,环境科学等国内外期刊上发表论文30余篇,申请国家发明专利2项。承担Chemical Engin J,Appl Clay Sc, Environ Engin Sci等SCI期刊审稿工作。

1、环境污染控制材料开发及应用研制新型活性炭、粘土矿物等吸附材料及光催化材料;研究新型环境材料的环境污染控制技术。 2、污染物的界面过程运用现代仪器分析手段、结合分子动力学模拟,研究污染物在土壤有机质、粘土矿物、生物表面等环境介质的界面作用过程。

主持科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金项目:有机粘土结构变形及其吸附有机污染物的构效关系(项目编号:**,2010-2012) 2. 英国皇家学会Royal Society Research Fellow项目:Synthesis of organic anions intercalated hydrotalcites and their applications to the removal of organic contaminants from water (2009-2011) 3. 湖南省教育厅基金项目:有机膨润土吸附有机物的构-效关系及其性能优化 (项目编号:09C949,2009-2011) 4. 湘潭大学校级青年基金项目:有机粘土吸附有机物的构-效关系研究 (项目编号:08XZX15,2009-2010) 5. 湘潭大学博士科研启动基金项目:有机粘土协同吸附水中多种有机污染物及其作用原理(项目编号:07QDZ12,2007-2009) 参加科研项目: 1. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(河流主题)项目:湘江水环境重金属污染整治关键技术研究与综合示范子课题三(项目编号:2009zx07212- 001 -03)清水塘工业区入江废水中重金属减排和综合整治技术研究(2009- 2010) 2. 国家自然科学基金项目:多环芳烃/表面活性剂复合污染体系对小球藻生长的影响及机制(项目编号:**,2009-2011)

[1近年来发表/接收的部分论文(*为通讯作者) [1] Zhu RL, Zhu LZ, Xu LH. Sorption characteristics of CTMA-bentonite complexes as controlled by surfactant packing density. Colloid Surface A, 2007, 294, 221-227. (SCI) [2] Zhu LZ, Zhu RL. Simultaneous sorption of organic compounds and phosphate to Inorganic-organic bentonites from water. Sep Purif Technol, 2007, 54, 71-76.(SCI) [3] Zhu LZ, Zhu RL, Xu LH, Ruan XX. Influence of layer charge characteristics and surfactant loading amount on the microstructure of CTMA- Montmorillonite hybrids. Colloid Surface A, 2007, 304, 41-48.(SCI) [4] Zhu RL, Zhu LZ, Zhu JX. Simultaneous sorption of aqueous phenanthrene and phosphate onto bentonites modified with AlCl3 and CTMAB. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China 2007, 1, 79-82. [5] Zhu RL, Zhu LZ. Thermodynamics of naphthalene sorption to organoclays: role of surfactant packing densities. J Colloid Interface Sci, 2008, 322, 7-32. (SCI) [6] Zhu RL, Zhu LZ, Zhu JX, Xu LH. Structure of cetyltrimethylammonium intercalated hydrobiotite. Appl Clay Sci, 2008, 42, 224-231.(SCI) [7] Zhu RL, Zhu LZ, Zhu JX, Xu LH. Structures of surfactant-clay complexes and their sorptive characteristics toward HOCs. Sep Purif Technol 2008, 63, 156-162. (SCI) [8] Zhu LF, Zhu RL. Surface structure and sorptive characteristics of CTMA+ modified bentonite. Colloid Surface A, 2008, 320, 19-24.(SCI) [9] Zhu JX, Zhu LZ, Zhu RL, Chen BL. Microstructure of organobentonites in water and the effect of steric hindrance on the uptake of organic compounds. Clays Clay Miner, 2008, 56, 144-154. (SCI) [10] Zhu LZ, Ruan XX, Chen BL, Zhu RL. Efficient removal and mechanisms of water soluble aromatic contaminants by a reduced-charge bentonite modified with benzyltrimethylammonium cation. Chemosphere, 2008, 70, 1987-1994.(SCI) [11] Zhu RL*, Wang T, Ge F, Chen WX, You ZM. Intercalation of both CTMAB and Al13 into montmorillonite. J Colloid Interface Sci , 2009, 335, 77-83.(SCI) [12] Zhu RL*, Zhu LZ, Zhu JX, Ge F, Wang T. Sorption of naphthalene and phosphate to the CTMAB-Al13 intercalated bentonites. J Hazard Mater 2009, 168, 1590-1594.(SCI) [13] Zhu RL, Zhu JX, Ge F, Yuan P. Regeneration of the spent organoclays after sorption of organic pollutants: a review. J. Environ Manage, 2009, 90, 3212-3216.(SCI) [14] Wei JM, Zhu RL, Zhu JX, Ge F, Yuan P, He HP, Chen M. Simultaneous sorption of crystal violet and 2-naphthol to bentonite with different CECs. J Hazard Mater, 2009, 166, 195-199.(SCI) [15] Zhu JX, Zhu LZ, Zhu RL, Tian SL, Li JW. Surface microtopography of surfactant modified montmorillonite. Appl Clay Sci, 2009, 45, 70-75.(SCI) [16] Zhu RL*, Wang T, Zhu JX, Ge F, Yuan P, He HP. Structural and sorptive characteristics of the cetyltrimethylammonium and polyacrylamide modified bentonite. Chem Engin J, 2010, 160, 220-225. (SCI) [17] Wang T, Zhu JX, Zhu RL*, Ge F, Yuan P, He HP. Enhancing the sorption capacity of CTMA-bentonite by simultaneous intercalation of cationic polyacrylamide. J Hazard Mater, 2010, 178, 1078-1084.(SCI) [18] Zhu MJ, Ge F, Zhu RL, Wang XY, Zheng XY. A DFT-based QSAR study of the toxicity of quaternary ammonium compounds on Chlorella vulgaris Chemosphere, 2010, 80, 46-52.(SCI) [19] Yuan P, Liu D, Fan MD, Yang D, Zhu RL, Ge F, Zhu JX, He HP. Removal of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] from aqueous solutions by the diatomite-supported/unsupported magnetite nanoparticle. J Hazard Mater, 2010, 173, 614-621(SCI) [20] 朱润良, 朱利中, 朱建喜. Al-CTMAB复合膨润土同时吸附处理水中菲和磷酸根. 环境科学, 2006(27), 91-94. (EI) [21] 许银, 葛飞, 陶能国, 朱润良, 王娜. 十六烷基三甲基氯化铵抑制小球藻生长的效应及作用机制. 环境科学, 2009, 30(6):205-210. (EI) [22] 王通, 朱润良*, 葛飞, 朱建喜, 何宏平, 陈望香. CTMAB/CPAM复合改性膨润土吸附水中苯酚和硝基苯. 环境科学 2010, 31(2):385-389. (EI)
