

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-21

Email: ozj9325@139.com
2008/09-2011/06,华中师范大学,数学与统计学学院, 博士
2002/09-2005/01,东南大学, 数学系, 硕士
1998/09-2002/06,吉首大学, 数学与计算机科学系,学士
2012/03 - 2013/02,香港大学,统计与精算学系,助理研究员
2005/01 - 2012/11,吉首大学,数学与统计学院,讲师
研究方向:试验设计与计算机试验; 可靠性统计; 应用统计
You are welcome to join in our research group !
1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,**,试验设计投影性质的若干最新问题的研究,2020/01-2023/12
2. 国家自然科学基金地区项目, **,区组设计的最小低阶投影均匀性理论及应用研究,2016/01-2019/12,已结题
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,**,基于均匀性的部分因析设计最优折叠反转及相关问题的研究与应用,2013/01-2015/12,已结题
4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2013M531716, 2013/05-2017/12, 已结题
5. 湖南省自然科学基金项目,2017JJ2218,部分因析设计含列置换的最优折叠反转及应用研究,2017/01-2019/12, 已结题
6. 湖南省教育厅重点项目,18A284,均匀投影计算机试验设计的理论及应用研究,2019/01-2020/12,已结题
7. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,14B146,半折叠反转设计的均匀性理论及应用,2014/06-2016/12,已结题
8. 湖南省统计科研项目,2015C56,湘西自治州生态环境与经济协调发展的评价研究,2015/06-2015/12,已结题
9. 湖南省统计科研项目,2016C41,城市人居环境舒适度的评价指标体系构建及统计评价研究,2016/08-2017/01,已结题
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,**,编码映射与折叠反转在试验设计中的应用研究, 2018/01-2020/12 ( 排名第二,已结题 )
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**, 广义离散偏差在试验设计中的应用研究, 2013/01-2016/12 (排名第四,已结题)
3. 高校博士学科点专项科研基金项目, 002, 投影均匀性的理论及其应用研究,2008/01-2010/12 (排名第三,已结题)
(1) 欧祖军(1/2),博士学位论文:部分因析设计的最优折叠反转及相关问题的研究,中华人民共和国国家统计局,第十一届全国统计科学研究优秀成果奖博士论文奖,二等奖, 2013 (欧祖军,覃红) [通知文件]
(2) 欧祖军(1/2),博士学位论文:部分因析设计的最优折叠反转及相关问题的研究,湖北省人民政府学位委员会/湖北省教育厅,湖北省优秀博士学位论文,2012 (欧祖军,覃红)
(3) 湖南省高校青年骨干教师,湖南省教育厅,2014/01-2016/12 (结题为优秀) [通知文件]
(4) 欧祖军(1/4),折叠反转设计的均匀性理论及其应用,湖南省人民政府,湖南省自然科学奖,三等奖,2017 (欧祖军,覃红,李洪毅,黎奇升)
(5) 湖南省121创新人才培养工程人选,中共湖南省委组织部/湖南省人社厅,2019 (第一批) [通知文件]
(6) 湖南省研究生优秀教学团队(统计学教学团队)负责人,湖南省教育厅,2019 [通知文件]
(7) 湖南省优秀硕士学位论文指导老师,湖南省教育厅,2020 [通知文件]
(8) 湘西州第十二届青年科技奖,中共湘西州委组织部/湘西州人社局/湘西州科协,2019 [通知文件]
1. 中国现场统计研究会试验设计分会常务理事
2. 全国工业统计学教学研究会理事
3. 全国工业统计学教学研究会青年统计学家协会常务理事
4. 中国数学学会均匀设计分会常务委员
5. 美国数学评论评论员
6. 湖南省统计学会常务理事
7. 湖南省数学学会理事
8. 吉首大学学术委员会委员
9. Journal of Statistical PlanningInference, Metrika, Statistical Papers, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics,Statistics,Statistics & Probability Letters, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,Statistics and Its Interface,Computational Statistics, Journal of Applied Statistics, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods等多个SCI收录源刊审稿人
10. 湘西州科普专家团成员
(34) Chatterjee Kashinath, Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, R-optimal two-level supersaturated designs, Statistics, 2021, 55(2): 458-473 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(33) Ou Zujun, Li Hongyi*, A new foldover strategy and optimal foldover plans for three-level design, Statistical Papers, 2020, Doi: 10.1007/s00362-020-01194-0 (SCI收录)[PDF]
(32) Wang Kang, Ou Zujun, Liu Jiaqi, Li Hongyi*, Uniformity pattern of q-level factorials under mixture discrepancy, Statistical Papers, 2021, 62: 1777-1793(SCI收录) [PDF]
(31) Liu Jiaqi, Ou Zujun, Li Hongyi*, Uniform row augmented designs with multi-level, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2021, 50(15): 3491-3504 (SCI/EI收录) [PDF]
(30) Hu Liuping, Ou Zujun, Li Hongyi*, Construction of four-level and mixed-level designs with zero Lee discrepancy, Metrika, 2020, 83(1): 129-139 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(29) Hu Liuping, Li Hongyi, OuZujun*, Constructing optimal four-level designs via Gray map code, Metrika, 2019, 82(5): 573-587 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(28) OuZujun, Zhang Minghui, Qin Hong*, Tripling of fractional factorial designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2019, 199: 151-159(SCI收录) [PDF]
(27) Hu Liuping, Chatterjee Kashinath, Liu Jiaqi, Ou Zujun*, New lower bound for Lee discrepancy of asymmetrical factorials, Statistical Papers, 2020, 61: 1763-1772 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(26) Liu Jiaqi, Ou Zujun*, Hu Liuping, Wang Kang, Lee discrepancy on mixed two- and three-level uniform augmented designs, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2019, 48(10): 2409-2424 (SCI/EI收录) [PDF]
(25) OuZujun, Qin Hong*, Optimal foldover plans of asymmetric factorials with minimum wrap-around L2-discrepancy, Statistical Papers, 2019, 60(5): 1699-1716 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(24) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Chatterjee Kashinath, Some new lower bounds to various discrepancies on combined designs, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2017, 46(7): 3244-3254 (SCI/EI收录) [PDF]
(23) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Analytic connections between a double design and its original design in terms of different optimality criteria, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2017,46(15): 7630-7641 (SCI/EI收录) [PDF]
(22) Chatterjee Kashinath, Ou Zujun, Phoa Frederick Kin Hing, Qin Hong*, Uniform four-level designs from two-level designs: a new look, Statistica Sinica, 2017, 27(1): 171-186 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(21) Tian Guoliang*, Ou Zujun, Zhang Chi, Ng Kai Wang, G and related distributions with applications in reliability growth analysis, Statistics and Its Interface, 2016, 9(3): 315-332 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(20) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Cai Xu, Optimal foldover plans of three-level designs with minimum wrap-around L2-discrepancy, Science China Mathematics, 2015, 58(7): 1537-1548 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(19) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Li Hongyi, Some lower bounds of centered L2-discrepancy of 2s-kdesigns and their complementary designs, Statistical Papers, 2015, 56(4): 969-979 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(18) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Cai Xu, A lower bound for the wrap-around L2-discrepancy on combined designs of mixed two- and three-level factorials, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2014, 43(10-12): 2274-2285 (SCI/EI收录) [PDF]
(17) Li Hongyi, Li Qisheng, Ou Zujun*, Construction of Sudoku designs and Sudoku-based uniform designs, Statistics & Probability Letters, 2014, 89: 51-57 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(16) Qin Hong*, Chatterjee Kashinath, Ou Zujun, A lower bound for the centered L2-discrepancy on combined designs under the asymmetric factorials, Statistics, 2013, 47(5): 992-1002 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(15) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Cai Xu, Partially replicated two-level fractional factorial designs via semifoldover, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2013, 143(4): 809-817 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(14) Lei Yiju, Ou Zujun, Zou Na, Qin Hong, A note on lower bound of centered L2-discrepancy on combined designs, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), 2012, 28(4): 793-800 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(13) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Li Hongyi, Connections among different criteria for optimal factor assignments, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2012, 41(2): 241-250 (SCI/EI收录) [PDF]
(12) Ou Zujun, Chatterjee Kashinath, Qin Hong*, Lower bounds of various discrepancies on combined designs, Metrika, 2011, 74(1): 109-119 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(11) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Li Hongyi, Optimal blocking and foldover plans for non-regular two-level designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2011, 141(5): 1635-1645 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(10) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Some applications of indicator function in two-level factorial designs, Statistics & Probability Letters, 2010, 80(1): 19-25 (SCI收录) [PDF]
(9) 雷轶菊,欧祖军,赵国喜,混水平列扩充设计的混合偏差的下界,数学物理学报,2021, 41A(3): 882-891 (CSCD, C类) [PDF]
(8) 王康,李洪毅*,欧祖军,混合偏差下因析设计的均匀性模式,应用数学学报,2020, 43(3): 584-592 (CSCD, B类) [PDF]
(7) 雷轶菊, 欧祖军, 李洪毅*,混水平列扩充设计的均匀性, 系统科学与数学,2020, 40(2): 298-307 (CSCD收录,C类) [PDF]
(6) 李洪毅, 覃红, 欧祖军*,倍扩设计的构造及其均匀性, 应用数学学报,2019, 42(6): 830-844 (CSCD收录,B类) [PDF]
(5) 雷轶菊, 欧祖军,李洪毅*, 均匀的三水平扩展设计, 应用数学学报,2018, 41(5): 676-688 ( CSCD收录,B类) [PDF]
(4) 雷轶菊, 欧祖军*, 三水平U型设计在对称化L2-偏差下的下界, 应用数学学报,2018, 41(1): 138-144 (CSCD收录,B类) [PDF]
(3) 覃红, 欧祖军*,Chatterjee Kashinath, 四水平计算机试验设计的构造, 中国科学:数学,2017, 47(9): 1089-1100 (CSCD收录,B类) [PDF]
(2) 雷轶菊, 欧祖军*, 扩大设计的中心化L2-偏差的新下界, 应用数学学报,2017, 40(6): 841-848 (CSCD收录,B类) [PDF]
(1) 雷轶菊,欧祖军,覃红, (sr)× sn正规部分因子设计折叠反转的性质, 数学物理学报,2011, 31A(4): 978-982 (CSCD收录,C类) [PDF]
(11) Ou Zujun,Projection uniformity of factorials design based on mixture discrepancy, 广州大学“混料试验设计专题讲习班”,中国,广州,2019年11月16日
(10) Ou Zujun,Construction of computer design from quaternary codes, 2019 ICSA China Conference,中国,天津,2019年7月1-4日
(9) Ou Zujun,Tripling of fractional factorial designs, 2018南科大试验设计青年论坛,中国,深圳,2018年3月30日-4月1日
(8) Ou Zujun,Uniform designs through modified Gray maps and quaternary to three binary columns replacement rules,IMS-China International Conference on Statistics and Probability,Kunming, China, 1-3 July 2015
(7) 欧祖军, Optimal foldover plans of fractional factorial designs with minimum discrepancies, 2015全国试验设计分会常务理事扩大会议及学术研讨会,中国,天津,2015年4月17-19日
(6) Ou Zujun,Optimal foldover plans of three-level designs with minimum wrap-around L2-discrepancy, The International Conference on RecentAdvances in Experimental Designs,Guangzhou, China, 12-16 December 2013
(5) 欧祖军, Partially replicated two-level fractional factorial designs via semifoldover, 2012试验设计及其应用国际研讨会暨中国数学会均匀设计分会第十一届学术研讨会,中国,武汉,2012年10月19-21日
(4) 欧祖军,Foldover plan on asymmetric factorials and its uniformity, 2011年全国试验设计学术研讨会,中国,上海,2011年11月18-20日
(3) Ou Zujun,Some new results on foldover method, The 8-th ICSA International Conference,Guangzhou, China, 18-22 December 2010
(2) 欧祖军,Optimal blocking and foldover plans for nonregular two-level designs,第九届全国概率统计会议,中国,天津,2010年10月22-25日
(1) 欧祖军,Some applications of indicator function in two-level factorial designs,中国数学会均匀设计分会第十届学术研讨会暨2009西安应用统计学术研讨会,中国,西安,2009年7月13-17日
1、期刊:JRSSB,JASA,AoS,Biometrika,Technometrics,JQT,CSDA,AoAS,J. Complexity,Science China Mathematics,Statistica Sinica,Quality Engineering,Statistical Papers,JSPI,Metrika,JAS,Scandinavian J. Statistics,Statistics,Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Canadian J. Statistics,Statistics & Probability Letters,JKSS,AISM, Communications,Statistics Computing,Computational Statistics,JMA,Statistics and Its Interface,Australian & New Zealand J. Statistics,JSSC,STRF,中国科学:数学,应用数学学报,系统科学与数学,统计研究,统计与决策,应用概率统计,统计与信息论坛
3、设计表:OA,OA1,Uniform Design,Hadamard Matrix,Space-filling Designs,SSD,SSD1,Three-level Regular FF,Maximin Distance Designs,Mixed Orthogonal Arrays with High Strength
4、其他:Sci-hub,arXiv,ORCID,Publons of Ou Zujun,小木虫,统计之都论坛,百度学术,科学网,新华网,Jeff Wu,Fang Kaitai,Xu Hongquan,Dennis K. J. Lin, Fan Jianqing,中国数学会均匀设计分会

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