

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-02



  中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所研究员二级,博士生导师。国家****基金获得者、国家“百千****才工程”第一、二层次人才人选。 1987-1990年在英国洛桑实验站留学,获英国雷丁大学哲学博士学位。1990 -1998年在英国纽卡斯尔大学农业和环境科学系从事研究工作。1998年2月至今在中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所工作。先后获中国科学院青年科学家奖、湖南青年五四奖章、国家留学回国人员成就奖、政府特殊津贴专家、全国归侨侨眷先进个人、首届华侨华人专业人士杰出创业奖、中国土壤学会奖等殊荣。现任第十二届全国人大代表、湖南省侨联副主席、中国土壤学会副理事长、湖南省土壤肥料学会副理事长、湖南省水土保持学会副理事长、国家自然科学基金评审专家、土壤学报等期刊编委等。曾任第十届全国人大代表、湖南省政协常委、全国青联常委等职务。


2.吴金水等. 2011 《城郊环境保育农业理论与实践》科学出版社.
3.黄耀, 周广胜, 吴金水, 延晓冬 等 2008 《中国陆地生态系统碳收支模型》 科学出版社.
4.吴金水, 林启美,黄巧云,肖和艾. 2006 《土壤微生物生物量测定方法及其应用》 中国气象科学出版社.  
SCI期刊论文(*corresponding author)
1.Ge Tida, Liu Chang, Yuan Hongzhao, Zhao Ziwei, Wu Xiaohong, Zhu Zhenke, Phil Brookes, Wu Jinshui*(2015). Tracking the photosynthesized carbon input into soil organic carbon pools in a rice soil fertilized with nitrogen. Plant and Soil 392:17-25.
2.Li Yuyuan, Jiao Junxia, Wang Yi, Yang Wen, Meng Cen, Li Baozhen, Li Yong, Wu Jinshui(2015). Characteristics of nitrogen loading and influencing factors in several typical agricultural watersheds of subtropical China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015, 22:1831-1840.
3.Chen Dan, Fu Xiaoqing, Wang Cong, Liu Xinliang, Li Hang, Shen Jianlin, Wang Yi, Li Yong*, Wu Jinshui(2015). Nitrous oxide emissions from a Masson pine forest soil in subtropical central China. Pedosphere, 25(2): 263-274.
4.Wang Yi, Li Yuyuan, Li Yong, Liu Feng, Liu Xinliang, Gong Dianlin, Ma Qiumei, Li Wei, Wu Jinshui(2015). Intensive rice agriculture deteriorates the quality of shallow groundwater in a typical agricultural catchment in subtropical central China. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4519-2.
5.Fu Xiaoqing, Liu Xinliang. (first eq), Li Yong, Shen Jianlin, Wang Yi, Zou Ganghua, Li Hang, Song Lifang, Wu Jinshui(2014). Wet-season spatial variability of N2O emissions from a tea field in subtropical central China. Biogeosciences discuss 11: 1-34.
6.Li Yuyuan, Jiao Junxia, Wang Yi, Yang Wen, Meng Cen, Li Baozhen, Li Yong, Wu Jinshui. Characteristics of nitrogen loading and influencing factors in several typical agricultural watersheds of subtropical China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3446-y.
7.Liu Shoulong, Huang Daoyou, Chen Anlei, Wei Wenxue, P.C. Brookes, Li Yong, Wu Jinshui*(2014). Differential responses of crop yields and soil organic carbon stock to fertilization and rice straw incorporation in three cropping systems in the subtropics. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 184: 51-58.
8.Zhou Ping, Li Yong, Ren Xiu’e, Xiao He’ai, Tong Chengli, Ge Tida, Philip C Brookes, Shen Jianlin, Wu Jinshui*(2014). Organic carbon mineralization responses to temperature increases in subtropical paddy soils. Journal of soils and sediments 14:1-9.
9.Wu Xiaohong, Ge Tida, Yuan Hongzhao, Li Baozhen, Zhu Hanhua, Zhou Ping, Sui Fanggong, Anthony G. O’Donnell, Wu Jinshui*(2014). Changes in bacterial CO2 fixation with depth in agricultural soils. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98: 2309-2319.
10.Wu Xiaohong, Ge Tida, Yuan Hongzhao, Zhou Ping, Chen Xiangbi, Chen Shan, Phil Brookes, Wu Jinshui*(2014). Evaluation of an optimal extraction method for measuringd-ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) inagricultural soils and its association with soil microbial CO2 assimilation. Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 57: 277-284.
11.Liu Jieyun, Shen Jianlin(first eq), Li Yong, Su Yirong, Ge Tida, Davey L. Jones, Wu Jinshui*(2014). Effects of biochar amendment on the net greenhouse gas emission and greenhouse gas intensity in a Chinese double rice cropping system. European Journal of Soil Biology 65: 30-39.
12.Li Yuyuan, Men Cen, Gao Ru, Yang Wen, Jiao Junxia, Li Yong, Wang Yi, Wu Jinshui*(2014). Study on phosphorus loadings in ten natural and agricultural watersheds in subtropical region of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessmen 186(5): 1717-1727.
13.Wang Yi, Li Yong, Liu Feng, Li Yuyuan, Song Lifang, Li Hang, Meng Cen, Wu Jinshui. (2014). Linking rice agriculture to nutrient chemical composition, concentration and mass flux in catchment streams in subtropical central China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 184: 9-20.
14.Wang Yi, Li Yong, Liu Xinliang, Liu Feng, Li Yuyuan, Song Lifang, Li Hang, Ma Qiumei, Wu Jinshui(2014). Relating land use patterns to stream nutrient levels in red soil agricultural catchments in subtropical central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21: 10481-10492.
15.Shen Jianlin, Tang Hong, Liu Jieyun, Wang Cong, Li Yong, Ge Tida, Davey L. Jones, Wu Jinshui(2014). Contrasting effects of straw and straw-derived biochar amendments on greenhouse gas emissions within double rice cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 188: 264-274.
16.Shen Jianlin, Liu Jieyun, Li Yong, Li YuYuan, Wang Yi, Liu Xuejun, Wu Jinshui(2014). Contribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to diffuse pollution in a typical hilly red soil catchment in southern China. Journal of Enviromental Sciences 26: 1797-1805.
17.Chen Xiangbi, Zheng Hua, Zhang Wei, He Xunyang, Li Lei, Wu Jinshui, Huang Daoyou, Su Yirong(2014). Effects of land cover on soil organic carbon stock in a karst landscape with discontinuous soil distribution. Journal of Mountain Science 11(3): 774-781.
18.Chen Xiangbi, Wang Aihua, Li Yong, Hu Lening, Zheng Hua, He Xunyang, Ge Tida, Wu Jinshui, Yakov Kuzyakov, Su Yirong(2014). Fate of 14C-labeled dissolved organic matter in paddy and upland soils in responding to moisture. Science of the Total Environment 488-489: 268-274.
19.Zhu Hanhua, Wu Jinshui, Guo Shengli, Huang Daoyou, Zhu Qihong, Ge Tida, Lei Tingwu(2014). Land use and topographic position control soil organic C and N accumulation in eroded hilly watershed of the Loess Plateau. Catena 120: 64-72.
20.Liu Xinliang., Li Yong, Shen Janlin, Fu Xiaoqing, Xiao Renlin, Wu Jinshui(2014). Landscape pattern changes at the catchment scale: a case study in the upper Jinjing river catchment in subtropical southern Chinafrom 1933 to 2005. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 10(2): 263-276.
21.Ma Rui, Shen Jianlin, Wu Jinshui, Tang Zhong, Shen Qirong, Zhao Fang-Jie(2014). Impact of agronomic practices on arsenic accumulation and speciation in rice grain. Environmental Pollution 194: 217-223.
22.Li Yong, Fu Xiaoqing, Liu Xinliang, Shen Jianlin, Luo Qiao, Xiao Runlin, Li Yuyuan, Tong Chengli, Wu Jinshui (2013). Spatial variability and distribution of N2O emissions from a tea field during a dry season in southern subtropical China. Geoderma 193-194:1-12.
23.Shen Jianlin, Li Yong, Liu Xuejun, Luo Xiaosheng, Tang Hong, Zhang Yangzhu, Wu Jinshui (2013). Atmospheric dry and wet nitrogen deposition on three contrasting land use types of an agricultural catchment in subtropical central China. Atmospheric Environment 67:415-424.
24.Chen Xiangbi, Su Yirong*, He Xunyang, Liang Yueming, Wu Jinshui (2013). Comparative analysis of basidiomycetous laccase genes in forest soils reveals differences at the cDNA and DNA levels. Plant and Soil 366: 321-331.
25.Ge Tida, Wu Xiaohong, Chen Xiaojuan, Yuan Hongzhao, Zou Ziying, Li Baozhen, Zhou Ping, Liu Shoulong, Tong Chengli, Phil Brookes, Wu Jinshui*(2013). Microbial phototrophic fixation of atmospheric CO2 in China subtropical upland and paddy soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 113: 70-78.
26.Ge Tida, Chen Xiaojuan, Yuan Hongzhao, Li Baozhen, Zhu Hanhua, Peng Peiqin, Li Kelin, Davey L. Jones, Wu Jinshui*(2013). Microbial biomass, activity, and community structure in horticultural soils under conventional and organic management strategies. European Journal of Soil Biology 58:122-128.
27.Yuan Hongzhao, Ge Tida, Zou Shenying, Wu Xiaohong, Liu Shoulong, Zhou Ping, Chen Xiaojuan, Philp Brookes, Wu Jinshui* (2013). Effect of land use on the abundance and diversity of autotrophic bacteria as measured by ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) large-subunit gene abundance in soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 9(5): 609-616.
28.Yuan Hongzhao, Ge Tida, Zhou Ping, Liu Shoulong, Paula Roberts, Zhu Hanhua, Zou Ziying Tong Chengli, Wu Jinshui*(2013). Soil microbial biomass and bacterial and fungal community structures responses to long-term fertilization in paddy soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments 13(5):877-886.
29.Liu Feng, Xiao Runlin, Wang Yi, Li Yong*, Zhang Shulan, Luo Qiao, Wu Jinshui* (2013). Effect of a novel constructed drainage ditch on phosphorus sorption capacity of ditch soils in an agricultural headwater catchment in subtropical southern China. Ecological Engineering 58: 69-76.
30.Qin HongLing, Yuan HongZhao, Zhang Hui, Zhu YiJun, Yin Chunmei, Tan Zhoujin, Wu Jinshui, Wei WenXue. (2013). Ammonia-oxidizing archaea are more important than ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in nitrification and NO3 (-)-N loss in acidic soil of sloped land. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49 (6):767-776.
31.Li Yuyuan, Gao Ru, Yang Rui, Wei Hongan, Li Yong, Xiao Heai, Wu Jinshui (2013). Using a simple soil column method to evaluate soil phosphorus leaching risk. Clean-Soil, Air, Water 47(11): 1100-1107.
32.Wu Jinshui.(2012)Special Issue: 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-tropical Regions. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92: 993-994.
33.Wu Jinshui, Zhou Ping, Li Ling, Su Yirong, Yuan Hongzhao, J Keith Syers (2012). Restricted mineralization of fresh organic materials incorporated into a subtropical paddy soil. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92: 1031-1037.
34.Li Yong, Wu Jinshui*, Liu Shoulong, Shen Jianlin, Huang Daoyou, Su Yirong, Wei Wenxue, J. Keith Syers (2012). Is C: N: P stoichiometry in soil and soil microbial biomass related to landscape and land-use in southern subtropical China? Global Biogeochemical Cycles doi: 10.1029/2012GB004399.
35.Ding Longjun, Wu Jinshui*, Xiao Heai, Zhou Ping, J Keith Syers (2012). Mobilisation of inorganic phosphorus induced by rice straw in aggregates of a highly weathered upland soil. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92: 1073-1079.
36.Li Baozhen, Li Xia, Zeng Xiaorong, Xiao Heai, Li Yong, Chen Caiyan, Wei Wenxue, Wu Jinshui*(2012). Response of the growth and N and P nutrition to mitigating and optimization fertilization with plant growth regulators in lettuce. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 10: 676-679.
37.Yuan Hongzhao, Ge Tida, Chen Caiyan, A.G O’Donnell, Wu Jinshui*(2012). Significant Role for Microbial Autotrophy in the Sequestration of Soil Carbon. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78: 2328-2336.
38.Yuan Hongzhao, Ge Tida, Wu Xiaohong, Liu Shoulong, Tong Chengli, Qin Hongling, Wu Minna, Wei Wenxue, Wu Jinshui*(2012). Long-term field fertilization alters the diversity of autotrophic bacteria based on the ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) large-subunit genes in paddy soil. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 95:1061-1071.
39.Zhu Hanhua, He Xunyang, Wang Kelin, Su Yirong, Wu Jinshui* (2012). Interactions of vegetation succession, soil bio-chemical properties and microbial communities in a Karst ecosystem. European Journal of Soil Biology 51: 1-7.
40.Ge Tida, Yuan Hongzhao, Zhu Hanhua, Wu Xiaohong, Nie San’an, Liu Chang, Tong Chengli, Wu Jinshui*, Phil Brookes (2012). Biological carbon assimilation and dynamics in a flooded rice – soil system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 48: 39-46.
41.Guo Shengli, Wu Jinshui*, Kevin Coleman, Zhu Hanhua, Li Yong, Liu Wenzhao (2012). Soil organic carbon dynamics in a dryland cereal cropping system of the Loess Plateau under long-term nitrogen fertilizer applications. Plant and Soil 353: 321-332. (IF=3.534) 1
42.Guo Shengli, Zhu Hanhua, Dang Tinghui, Wu Jinshui, Liu Wenzhao, Hao Mingde, Li Yong, J. Keith Syers (2012). Winter wheat grain yield associated with precipitation distribution under long-term nitrogen fertilization in the semiarid Loess Plateau in China. Geoderma 189-190: 442-450.
43.Hu Lening, Su Yirong, He Xunyang, Wu Jinshui, Zheng Hua, Li Yang, Wang Aihua (2012). Response of soil organic carbon mineralization in typical Karst soils following the addition of 14C-labeled rice straw and CaCO3. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92: 1112-1118.
44.Fu Xiaoqing, Li Yong, Su Wangjuan, Shen Jianlin, Xiao Runlin, Tong Chongli, Wu Jinshui (2012). Annual dynamics of N2O emissions from a tea field in southern subtropical China. Plant Soil and Environment 58:373-378.
45.Liu Feng, Wu Jinshui, Luo Zhuanxi, Feng Hong, Ying Guangguo (2012). Changes in functional diversity of soil microbial community with addition of antibiotics sulfamethoxazole and chlortetracycline. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 95:1615-1623.
46.Lin Shan, Javed Iqbal, Hu Ronggui, Ruan Leilei, Wu Jinshui, Zhao Jinsong, Wang Pengju (2012). Differences in nitrous oxide fluxes from red soil under different land uses in mid-subtropical China. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 146:168-178.
47.Qiu Shaojun, Peng Peiqin, Li Ling, He Ping, Liu Qiang, Wu Jinshui, Peter Christie, Ju Xiaotang. (2012). Effects of applied urea and straw on various nitrogen fractions in two Chinese paddy soils with differing clay mineralogy. Biology and Fertility of Soils 48:161-172.
48.Zheng Hua, Su Yirong, He Xunyang, Hu Lening, Wu Jinshui, Huang Daoyou, Li Lei, Zhao Cixian (2012). Modified method for estimating the organic carbon density of discontinuous soils in peak-karst regions in southwest China. Environmental Earth Sciences 67:1743-1755.
49.Chen Zhe, Hou Haijun, Zheng Yan, Qin Honglin, Zhu Yijun, Wu Jinshui, Wei Wenxue (2012). Influence of fertilisation regimes on a nosZ-containing denitrifying community in a rice paddy soil. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92: 1064-1072.
50.Chen Zhe, Liu Jinbo, Wu Minna, Xie Xiaoli, Wu Jinshui, Wei Wenxue (2012). Differentiated Response of Denitrifying Communities to Fertilization Regime in Paddy Soil. Microbial Ecology 63: 446-59.
51.Chen Xiangbi, Su Yirong, He Xunyang, Wei Yawei, Wei Wenxue, Wu Jinshui (2012). Soil bacterial community composition and diversity respond to cultivation in Karst ecosystems. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 28: 205-213.
52.Wu Jinshui (2011). Carbon accumulation in paddy ecosystems in subtropical China: evidence from landscape studies. European Journal of Soil Science 62: 29-34.
53.Joergensen Rainer Georg, Wu Jinshui, Philip C. Brookes (2011). Measuring soil microbial biomass using an automated procedure. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43: 873-876.
54.Ge Tida, Nie San’an, Wu Jinshui*, Shen Jianlin, Xiao He’ai, Tong Chengli, Huang Danfeng, Hong Yun, Kozo Iwasaki(2011). Chemical properties, microbial biomass, and activity differ between soils of organic and conventional horticultural systems under greenhouse and open field management: a case study. Journal of Soils and Sediments 11: 25-36.
55.Lin Shan, Javed Iqbal, Hu Ronggui, Wu Jinshui, Zhao Jinsong, Ruan Leilei, Saadatullah Malghani (2011). Nitrous oxide emissions from rape field as affected by nitrogen fertilizer management: A case study in Central China. Atmospheric Environment 45: 1775-1779.
56.Wu Minna, Qin Hongling, Chen Zhen, Wu Jinshui, Wei Wenxue (2011). Effect of long-term fertilization on bacterial composition in rice paddy soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47: 397-405.
57.Zhao Shiwei, Zhao Yonggang, Wu Jinshui * (2010). Quantitative analysis of soil pores under natural vegetation successions on the Loess Plateau. Science China Earth Sciences 53: 617-625.
58.Ge Tida, Nie San\'an, Hong Yun, Wu Jinshui*, Xiao He\'ai, Tong Chengli, Kozo Iwasaki (2010). Soluble organic nitrogen pools in greenhouse and open field horticultural soils under organic and conventional management: A case study. European Journal of Soil Biology 46: 371-374.
59.Liu Shoulong, Li Yong, Wu Jinshui, Huang Daoyou, Su Yirong, Wei Wenxue. (2010). Spatial variability of soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a hilly red soil landscape in subtropical China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 56: 693-704.
60.Chen Zhen, Luo Xiqian, Hu Ronggui, Wu Minna, Wu Jinshui, Wei Wenxue (2010). Impact of Long-Term Fertilization on the Composition of Denitrifier Communities Based on Nitrite Reductase Analyses in a Paddy Soil. Microbial Ecology 60: 850-861.
61.Guo Shengli, Wu Jinshui*, Dang Tinghui, Liu Wenzhao, Li Yong, Wei Wenxue, J. Keith Syers (2010). Impacts of fertilizer practices on environmental risk of nitrate in semiarid farmlands in the Loess Plateau of China. Plant and Soil 330: 1-13.
62.Zhu Hanhua, Wu Jinshui*, Huang Daoyou, Zhu Qihong, Liu Shoulong, Su Yirong, Wei Wenxue, J. Keith Syers, Li Yong (2010). Improving fertility and productivity of a highly-weathered upland soil in subtropical China by incorporating rice straw. Plant and Soil 331: 427-437.
63.Tong Chengli, Xiao Heai, Tang Guoyong, Wang Hongqing, Huang Tieping, Xia Haiao, Syers J. Keith, Li Yong, Liu Shoulong, Wu Jinshui* (2009). Long-term fertilizer effects on organic carbon and total nitrogen and coupling relationships of C and N in paddy soils in subtropical China. Soil and Tillage Research 106: 8-14.
64.Huang Yao, Yu Yongqiang, Zhang Wen, Sun Wenjun, Liu Shiliang, Jiang Jun, Wu Jinshui, Yu Wantai, Wang Yu, Yang Zhaofang (2009). Agro-C: A biogeophysical model for simulating the carbon budget of agroecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149:106-129.
65.Dai Xiaoyan, Su Yirong, Wei Wenxue, Wu Jinshui, Fan Yekuan(2009) Effects of top excision on the potassium accumulation and expression of potassium channel genes in tobacco. Journal of Experimental Botany 60: 279-289.
66.Hao Xiaohui, Liu Shoulong, Wu Jinshui, Hu Ronggui, Tong Chengli, Su Yirong(2008). Effect of long-term application of inorganic fertilizer and organic amendments on soil organic matter and microbial biomass in three subtropical paddy soils. Nutrient Cycling Agroecosystems 81:17-24.
67.Zhang Wenju, Xiao He’ai, Tong Chengli, Xiang Wansheng, Huang Daoyou, J.K Syers, Wu Jinshui* (2008). Estimating organic carbon storage in temperate wetland profiles in Northeast China. Geoderma 146: 311-316.
68.Lu Peng, Su Yirong, Niu Zheng, Wu Jinshui* (2007). Geostatistical Analysis and Risk Assessment on Soil Total Nitrogen and Total Soil Phosphorus in the Dongting Lake Plain Area, China. Journal of Environmental Quality 36: 935-942.
69.Wang Ligang, Jiang Xin, Yan Dongyun, Wu Jinshui, Bian Yongrong, Wang Fang(2007). Behavior and fate of chlorpyrifos introduced into soil-crop systems by irrigation. Chemoshere 66: 391-396.
70.Ren Xiu’e, Wang Ginxue, Tong Chengli, Wu Jinshui, Wang Kelin, Zhu Yongli, Lin Zejian, Masataka Watanabe, Tang Guoyong(2007). Estimaion of soil respiration in a paddy soil in the subtropical region of China. Chinese Science Bulletin 52: 2722-2730.
71.Wu Jinshui, Huang Min, Xiao He’ai, Su Yirong, Tong Chengli, Hang Daoyou, J. Keith Syers (2007) Dynamics in microbial immobilization and transformations of phosphorus in highly weathered subtropical soil following organic amendments. Plant and Soil 290: 333-342.
72.Wu Jinshui and P. C. Brookes (2005). The proportional mineralisation of microbial biomass and organic matter caused by air-drying and rewetting of a grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 507-515.
73.Wang Ligang, Zhao Zhenhua, Jiang Xin, Wu Jinshui, Martens Dieter (2005). Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Arable Soils from the Semi-arid and Subtropical Regions of China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 109: 317-328.
74.Kouno K., Wu Jinshui, P.C. Brookes (2002). Turnover of biomass C and P in soil following incorporation of glucose and ryegrass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34: 617-622.
75.Wu J., He Z.L., Wei W.X., A.G. O\'Donnell, J.K. Syers (2000). Quantifying microbial biomass phosphorus in acid soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 32: 500-507.
76.Wu J., A.G. O\'Donnell, J.K. Syers, M.A. Adey, P. Vityakon (1998). Modelling soil organic matter changes in ley-arable rotations in sandy soils of Northeast Thailand. European Journal of Soil Science 49: 463-470.
77.He Z.L., Wu J., A.G. O\'Donnell, J.K. Syers (1997). Seasonal responses in microbial biomass carbon, phosphorus and sulphur in soils under pasture. Biology and Fertility of Soils 24: 421-428.
78.Wu J and A.G. O\'Donnell (1997). Procedure for the simultaneous analysis of total and radioactive carbon in soil and plant materials. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29: 199-202.
79.Wu J., P.C. Brookes, D.S. Jenkinson (1996). Evidence for the use of a control in the fumigation-incubation method for measuring microbial biomass carbon in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28: 511-518.
80.Wu J., A.G. O\'Donnell, J.K. Syers (1995). Influences of glucose, nitrogen and plant residues on the immobilisation of sulphate-S in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 27: 1363-1370.
81.Wu J., A.G. O\'Donnell, He Z.L., J.K. Syers (1994). Fumigation-extraction method for the measurement of soil microbial biomass-S. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 26: 117-125.
82.He Z.L., A.G. O\'Donnell, Wu J.*, J.K. Syers (1994). Oxidation and transformation of elemental sulphur in soils. Journal of the Sciences of Food and Agriculture 65: 59-65.
83.O\'Donnell, A.G., Wu J. and J.K. Syers (1994). Sulphate-S amendments in soil and their effects on the transformation of soil sulphur. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 26, 1507-1514.
84.Wu J., P.C. Brookes, D.S. Jenkinson (1993). Formation and destruction of microbial biomass during the decomposition of glucose and ryegrass in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25: 1435-1441.
85.Wu J., A.G. O\'Donnell and J.K. Syers (1993). Microbial growth and sulphur immobilisation following the incorporation of plant residues into soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25, 1567-1573.
86.P.C. Brookes, K. Inubushi, Wu J., D.D. Patra (1991). Properties of the soil microbial biomass. Japanese Journal of Soil Science 62: 79-83.
87.P.C. Brookes, J.A. Ocio, Wu J.(1990). The soil microbial biomass: its measurement, properties and role in soil nitrogen and carbon dynamics following substrate incorporation. Soil Microorganisms 35: 39-51.
88.Wu J., R.G. Joergensen, B. Pommerening, R. Chaussod, P.C. Brookes (1990). Measurement of soil microbial biomass C by fumigation-extraction - an automated procedure. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 22: 1167-1169.
89.D.S. Jenkinson, L.C. Parry, E.D. Vance, Wu J. (1988). Modelling the turnover of organic matter in soil. Journal of the Sciences of Food and Agriculture 45: 132-133.
90.Wu J and P.C. Brookes (1988). Microbial biomass and organic matter relationships in arable soils. Journal of the Sciences of Food and Agriculture 45: 138-139.



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