郭帅成,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事混凝土材料与结构构件耐久性,新材料在结构和岩土工程中应用,无损检测和混凝土断裂力学研究。目前已在Cement and Concrete Research等建筑材料权威期刊,Materials Characterization等材料表征权威期刊,Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics等断裂力学权威期刊共发表SCI论文50余篇。欢迎对上述研究方向感兴趣的同学报考!
2007 年 9 月-2011 年 6 月:中南大学土木工程学院,工学学士
2011 年 9 月-2014 年 6 月:中南大学土木工程学院,工学硕士
2014 年 9 月-2017 年 12 月:美国密歇根理工大学土木与环境工程学院,博士
?SCI期刊Advances in Materials Science and Engineering客座编辑,ESCI期刊Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering、EI期刊《湖南大学学报》和EI期刊《交通运输工程学报》青年编委
?美国交通研究委员会(TRB)AFN-20混凝土性质(Properties of Concrete)和AFN-30混凝土耐久性(Durability of Concrete)技术委员会委员
?世界交通大会(WTC) GL0303 骨料和基层材料技术委员会委员
?工程和材料期刊Cement and Concrete Composites, Engineering,Materials & Design, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Construction and Building Materials, Transportation Research Record, Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, Journal of Testing and Evaluation等19本期刊审稿人;世界交通大会和国际岩土研讨会 GeoShanghai 2018审稿人
? 主持湖南大学青年教师成长计划:海水海砂混凝土材料与结构构件耐久性研究,2019—2024
?2015年9月—2016 年6月,参与美国密歇根州环保厅项目:Incorporating Surface-Treated Rubber Particles into Portland Cement and Geopolymer Concrete to Improve Field Performance
?2016年12月—2017年12月,参与美国密歇根州环保厅项目:Fiber-reinforced High Performance Rubber Concrete for Concrete Structure Construction and Repair
1. Shuaicheng Guo, Qingli Dai*, and Ruizhe Si. "Effect of calcium and lithium on alkali-silica reaction kinetics and phase development." Cement and Concrete Research 115 (2019).
2. Shuaicheng Guo, Qingli Dai*, Liang Chang, Yunhang Hu, Xinfeng Xie, Ruizhe Si, and Jiaqing Wang. "Kinetic analysis and thermodynamic simulation of alkali‐silica reaction in cementitious materials." Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2018).
3. Shuaicheng Guo, Pegah Kord Forooshani, Qingli Dai*, Bruce P. Lee, Ruizhe Si, Jiaqing Wang. "Design of pH-responsive SAP polymer for pore solution chemistry regulation and crack sealing in cementitious materials." Composites Part B: Engineering (2020)
4. Shuaicheng Guo, Qingli Dai*, Ruizhe Si, Xiao Sun, and Chao Lu. "Evaluation of properties and performance of rubber-modified concrete for recycling of waste scrap tire." Journal of Cleaner Production (2017).
5. Shuaicheng Guo, Qingli Dai*, Xiao Sun, and Xinfeng Xie. “Neutron Scattering Measurement of Water Content and Chemical Composition of Alkali-Glass Powder Reacted Gel.” Materials Characterization (2017).
6. Shuaicheng Guo, Qingli Dai*, Xiao Sun, and Xianghui Xiao. "X-Ray CT Characterization and Fracture Simulation of ASR Damage of Glass Particles in Alkaline Solution and Mortar." Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (2017).
7. Shuaicheng Guo, Qingli Dai*, Zigeng Wang, and Hui Yao. "Rapid microwave irradiation synthesis of carbon nanotubes on graphite surface and its application on asphalt reinforcement." Composites Part B: Engineering(2017).
8. Shuaicheng Guo, Qingli Dai*, Xiao Sun, and Ye Sun. "Ultrasonic scattering measurement of air void size distribution in hardened concrete samples." Construction and Building Materials (2016).
9. Shuaicheng Guo, Qingli Dai*, Xiao Sun, Xianghui Xiao, Ruizhe Si, and Jiaqing Wang. "Reduced alkali-silica reaction damage in recycled glass mortar samples with supplementary cementitious materials." Journal of Cleaner Production (2018).
10. Shuaicheng Guo, Jiong Hu*, and Qingli Dai. "A critical review on the performance of portland cement concrete with recycled organic components." Journal of Cleaner Production (2018).
1.Linlin Zhou, Shuaicheng Guo*, Zuhua Zhang, Caijun Shi, Zuquan Jin, and Deju Zhu*. "Mechanical behavior and durability of coral aggregate concrete and bonding performance with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars: A critical review." Journal of Cleaner Production (2021)
2. Ruizhe Si, Shuaicheng Guo*, and Qingli Dai*. "Influence of calcium content on the atomic structure and phase formation of alkali‐activated cement binder." Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2019)
3.Fangyuan Gong, Shuaicheng Guo*, Siyu Chen, Zhanping You*, Yu Liu, and Qingli Dai. "Strength and durability of dry-processed stone matrix asphalt containing cement pre-coated scrap tire rubber particles." Construction and Building Materials (2019)
4.Wenbo Ma, Cong Hu, Shuaicheng Guo*, Zenggang Zhao, and Tianbao Huang. "Flexural and Shear Bond Performance of Polyurethane-Mortar Interface under Micro-and Macroscale." Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (2019)
?全国大学生数学建模竞赛湖南赛区二等奖,2009 年 10 月
?中南大学力学竞赛三等奖,2010 年 5 月
?获得美国俄勒冈州立大学会议资助赴俄勒冈州立大学参加混凝土耐久性博士短期课程,2017 年 7 月
?密歇根理工大学研究生院杰出学术奖(Dean's award for outstanding scholarship),2017 年 10 月
?华人基础设施职业联合会(IACIP)杰出研究生奖,2017 年 11 月
?密歇根理工大学土木与环境学院杰出研究生奖(Wilbur Haas graduate research excellence award),2018 年4 月
?ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering2019年度杰出审稿人(Outstanding Reviewer),2019 年3 月
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-18
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姓名:苏捷性别:男民族:汉出生年月:1979年7月政治面貌:群众职称职务:副教授/高级工程师导师类别:硕士生导师学科专业:结构工程最后学历:博士研究生学位:工学博士工作单位:湖南大学土木工程学院通信地址:长沙湖南大学土木工程学院邮政编码:410082E-mail:iamsujie@163.com基本 ...湖南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-18湖南大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-牛华伟
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暂无信息基本信息姓 名:何庆锋性 别:男出生年月:1979年11月籍 贯:湖北黄冈民 族:汉政治面貌:中共党员职称职务:高级工程师导师类别:硕士生导师最后学历:博士研究生最后学位:博士工作单位:湖南大学土木工程学院通讯地址:湖南大学土木工程学院邮政编码:410082邮箱地址:sammyhqf ...湖南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-18湖南大学土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-任文辉
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