

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-18

黄彬彬 博士

河南安阳人,意大利帕多瓦大学(University of Padova, Italy)分子科学专业博士,湖南大学2012年海外引进人才,副教授,博士生导师,岳麓****,环境工程系主任,环境类国际期刊 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 副主编。主要研究方向:环境污染控制电化学,(水)环境中微污染物控制技术及降解机理研究,炔烃选择性加氢技术研究等。已在包括Journal of Catalysis, Electrochimica Acta, Appl Catal B-Environ, Electrochemistry Communications, Environment International等国际知名期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。主持、参与中央和国家自然科学基金项目6项。首次提出乙炔电化学还原加氢技术,该技术克服了以往乙炔催化加氢技术的高温、高压、选择性低以及使用昂贵催化剂的缺点,在室温下即可实现乙炔的选择性加氢,在有机聚合物合成工业上极具研究和应用前景,被认为是炔烃加氢技术领域的重大技术突破,开创了一个崭新的极具研究、应用前景的领域(Science期刊审稿人)。


International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology(SCI, IF=2.344),副主编 (2016.03 - 今);

ChemSusChem、ChemCatChem、ChemPlusChem、ChemElectroChem、International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology、Colloid and Polymer Science、Electrochim Acta、J. Hazard. Mater.、Chemosphere、 电化学等多个期刊审稿人;

国际电化学协会(International Society of Electrochemistry, ISE)、中国化学会(Chinese Chemical Society, CCS)会员。











[12] Binbin Huang*, Chaoyuan Qi, Zhan Yang, Qian Guo, Wenqian Chen, Guangming Zeng, Chao Lei. Pd/Fe3O4 nanocatalysts for highly effective and simultaneous removal of humic acids and Cr(VI) by electro-Fenton with H2O2 in-situ electro-generated on the catalyst surface. Journal of Catalysis, 352:337-350, 2017 (SCI 2015 IF=7.354)

[11] Binbin Huang*, Yuanyuan Zhu, Jing Li, Guangming Zeng, Chao Lei. Uncovering the intrinsic relationship of electrocatalysis and molecular electrochemistry for dissociative electron transfer to polychloroethanes at silver cathode. Electrochimica Acta,231:590-600, 2017. (SCI 2015 IF=4.803)

[10] Binbin Huang*, Tao Wang, Zhan Yang, Wentao Qian, Jimei Long, Guangming Zeng,Chao Lei. Iron-Based Bimetallic Nanocatalysts for Highly Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene in N,N-Dimethylformamide at Room Temperature. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, 5 (2):1668–1674, 2017 (SCI 2015 IF=5.267)

[9] Binbin Huang*, Wentao Qian, Chunxiao Yu, Tao Wang, Guangming Zeng, Chao Lei. Effective catalytic hydrodechlorination of o-, p- and m-chloronitrobenzenes over Ni/Fe nanoparticles: Effects of experimental parameter and molecule structure on the reduction kinetics and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 306:607-618, 2016 (SCI 2015 IF=5.310)

[8] Binbin Huang*, Jimei Long, Wenqian Chen, Yuanyuan Zhu, Guangming Zeng, Chao Lei. Linear free energy relationships of electrochemical and thermodynamic parameters for the electrochemical reductive dechlorination of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs), Electrochimica Acta, 208:195-201, 2016 (SCI 2015 IF=4.803)

[7] Binbin Huang*, Tao Wang, Chao Lei, Wenqian Chen, Guangming Zeng, Flavio Maran. Highly efficient and selective catalytic hydrogenation of acetylene in N,N-dimethylformamide at room temperature. Journal of Catalysis, 339:14-20, 2016 (SCI 2015 IF=7.354)

[6] Binbin Huang*, Chao Lei, Chaohai Wei, Guangming Zeng. Chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs) in environment- Sources, potential human health impacts, and current remediation technologies. Environment International, 71:118-138, 2014 (SCI 2015 IF=5.929; ESI Hot Paper;环境领域0.1%论文)

[5] Binbin Huang, Christian Durante, Isee A Abdirisak, Armando Gennaro*. Highly Selective Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Acetylene at Ag and Cu Cathodes. Electrochemistry Communications, 34: 90-93, 2013 (SCI 2015 IF=4.569)

[4] Binbin Huang, Christian Durante, Isee A Abdirisak, Chaohai Wei, Armando Gennaro*. Electrocatalytic properties of transition metals towards reductive dechlorination of polychloroethanes. Electrochimica Acta, 70:50-61, 2012 (SCI 2015 IF=4.803)

[3] Isee A Abdirisak, Binbin Huang, Christian Durante, Armando Gennaro*. Electrocatalytic Dechlorination of Volatile Organic Compounds at Copper cathode: Part I Polychloromethane. Applied Catalysis B:Environmental, 126:347-354, 2012 (SCI 2015 IF=8.328)

[2] Christian Durante, Binbin Huang, Isee A Abdirisak, Armando Gennaro*. Electrocatalytic Dechlorination of Volatile Organic Compounds at Copper cathode: Part II Polychloroethanes. Applied Catalysis B:Environmental, 126:355-362, 2012 (SCI 2015 IF=8.328)

[1] Laifeng Zhou, Binbin Huang, Dawei Huang, Chenggang Niu*, Guangming Zeng, Min Ruan, Xuegang Zhang. A feasible strategy for promoting activated sludge hydrolysis by using ironporphyrin modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles as an efficient biomimic catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal, 280: 248-255, 2015 (SCI 2015 IF=5.310)


[1] Binbin Huang*, Chaoyan Qi, Chao Lei. Effective and simultaneous removal of humic acids and Cr(VI) by electro-Fenton with H2O2 in-situ electro-generated on Pd loaded Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The 68th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2017, Providence, RI, USA.

[2] Binbin Huang*, Guangming Zeng. Thermodynamic and electrochemical properties of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs) and their correlations for indication of reductive dehalogenation The 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2013, Queretaro, Mexico

[3] Christian Durante, Binbin Huang, Abdirisak A. Isse, Armando Gennaro*. Highly Selective Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Acetylene to Ethylene at Ag and Cu Cathodes. The 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2013, Queretaro, Mexico

[4] Armando Gennaro*, Binbin Huang, Christian Durante, Isee A Abdirisak. Electrocatalytic dechlorination of volatile polychloroethanes on various metal electrodes. The 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2010, Nice, France, Oral presentation

[5] Armando Gennaro, Binbin Huang, Christian Durante, Isee A Abdirisak. Electrocatalytic dechlorination of volatile chlorinated organic compounds on various metal electrodes, XXIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SOCIETA’ CHIMICA ITALIANA, Oral presentation

[6] Christian Durante, Binbin Huang, Isee A Abdirisak, Armando Gennaro. Electrocatalytic Activation of Alkyl halides at copper electrodes. XXIV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SOCIETA’ CHIMICA ITALIANA

[7] 黄彬彬, A. Gennaro, 韦朝海*. 过渡金属电极对氯代乙烷类物质的电催化还原脱氯研究. 中国化学会第28届年会(电化学分会), 2012, 四川成都,大会报告

[8] 黄彬彬, A. Gennaro, 韦朝海*. 过渡金属电极对挥发性有机氯化物的电催化还原脱氯研究. 中国化学会第28届年会(环境化学分会), 2012, 四川成都,大会报告

研究方向: 环境污染控制电化学;水中微污染物的控制技术及降解机理研究;固体废物污染控制及资源化;乙炔选择性加氢技术研究。

联系方式: 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院,环境馆西211室,邮编:410082


更新时间:2017-09-11 阅读次数:15874次 简历更改


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