

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-18

李沁峰(Qinfeng Li)
Office: Math Department 403
Email: liqinfeng@hnu.edu.cn
Research Interests:Geometric Measure theory; Shape Optimization; Partial Differential Equations in particular Allen-Cahn and Liouville Type equations.
Education Background
Ph.D, Purdue University, 2013.9–2018.5; (Advisor: Monica Torres and Changyou Wang)
Master, Nankai University, 2011.9–2013.6; (Advisor: Kainan Xiang)
Bachelor's degree, Nankai University, 2007.9-2011.7;
Working Experience
2020.8-Current: Associate Professor, Hunan University.
2018.9-2020.5: Postdoc, UTSA (Supervisor: Changfeng Gui)
Papers and Preprints
[1] Ido Bright, Qinfeng Li and Monica Torres. Occupational measures and averaged shape optimization. ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.24?(2018),?no. 3,1141–1165.
[2] Qinfeng Li and Monica Torres. Morrey spaces and generalized Cheeger sets.Adv. Calc. Var.12?(2019),?no. 2,111–133.
[3] Guiqiang Chen, Qinfeng Li and Monica Torres.Traces and extensions of bounded divergence-measure fields on rough open sets.Indiana Univ. Math. J.69?(2020),?no. 1,229–264.
[4] Changfeng Gui and Qinfeng Li. Some Energy Estimates for Stable Solutions to Fractional Allen-Cahn Equations. CVPDE. Volume 59, Article number: 49 (2020).
[5] Guangze Gu, Changfeng Gui, Yeyao Hu and Qinfeng Li. Uniqueness and symmetry results of a mean field equation on arbitrary flat tori, accepted by IMRN.
[6] Hengrong Du, Qinfeng Li and Changyou Wang. On optimal shape in a heat insulation problem. Submitted.
[7] Changfeng Gui, Yeyao Hu and Qinfeng Li. On strict approximations of sets of finite perimeter. Submitted.
[8] Changfeng Gui, Yeyao Hu and Qinfeng Li. Extensions and traces of BV functions on rough domains and generalized Cheeger sets. Submitted.
[9] Changfeng Gui and Qinfeng Li. Some geometric inequalities related to Liouville equation. Submitted.
[10] Changfeng Gui and Qinfeng Li. Completion of R^2 with a conformal metric as a closed surface. Submitted.
[11] Qinfeng Li and Changyou Wang. On Nematic liquid crystal droplets. Preprint.
[12] Qinfeng Li. Second variation for a thermal insulation problem with radial heat sources. Preprint.

Teaching Experience
Fall 2020: Probability and Statistics, Hunan University.
Spring 2020: Calculus 2 Instructor, UTSA.
Fall 2019: Calculus 3 Instructor, UTSA.
Spring 2019: Calculus 3 Instructor, UTSA
Spring 2017: Calculus 3 Recitation Instructor, Purdue University.
Fall 2016: Calculus 3 Recitation Instructor, Purdue University.
Spring 2016: Calculus 3 Recitation Instructor, Purdue University.
Fall 2015: Calculus 1 Recitation Instructor, Purdue University.

相关话题/数学学院 湖南大学