本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-18
一. 个人简介
刘绚,1985年出生,湖南大学教授,博士生导师,电气工程系主任,“国家电能变换与控制工程技术研究中心”骨干成员。湖南大学岳麓****、湖南省科技创新与人才计划获得者, 东华软件青年****。刘绚教授与2008年和2011年先后在四川大学获得学士和硕士学位, 2015年在美国伊利诺伊理工大学获得博士学位。从事电力系统安全运行与控制方面的研究,主要研究方向为:电力网络信息物理安全,大数据及人工智能在电力系统中的应用,新能源消纳,配电网自动化等。近年来积极发展了电网网络安全主动防御技术,电力系统亚区间安全理论,网络攻击监测算法,并积极发展了机器学习在电力系统中的应用。
E-mail:xliu@hnu.edu.cn liuxunnew1985@sohu.com
二. 研究方向
[1] 智能电网信息物理安全
[2] 电力系统分析与控制
[3] 人工智能、大数据在电力系统中的应用
[4] 新能源预测与消纳
[5] 电力系统规划与运行
[6] 电力系统优化运行
[7] 配电网自动化
三. 主要纵向科研项目
[1] 恶意数据对电力系统有功调度的影响机理分析及其防御策略研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人)
[2] 大功率电声高效换能机理与控制方法研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(排名第3,项目负责人:罗安院士)
[3] 促进可再生能源消纳的风电/光伏发电功率预测技术及应用,国家重点研发计划(子课题负责人,项目负责人:舒印彪院士)
[4] 直流并网分布式光伏与系统的相互影响及集成设计技术,国家重点研发计划(子课题负责人,项目负责人:朱淼)
[5] 恶意数据干扰下的电力系统风险评估,湖南省科技创新支持计划(项目负责人)
四. 研究生招生
五. 部分发表论文
(1) X. Liu and Z. Li, “Local load redistribution attacks in power systems with incomplete network information,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,vol.5, no. 4, pp. 1665 - 1676, Jul. 2014.
(2) X. Liu and Z. Li, “Revealing the Impact of Multiple Solutions in DCOPF on the Risk Assessment of Line Cascading Failure in OPA Model”, IEEE Transactions on Power systems, vol.31, no. 5, pp. 4159 - 4160, Sep. 2016.
(3) X. Liu, Z. Bao, D. Lu and Z. Li, “Modeling of local false data injection attacks with reduced requirement on Network Information,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.6, no. 4, pp. 1686 - 1696, Jul. 2015.
(4) X. Liu and Z. Li, “Trilevel Modeling of Cyber Attacks on Transmission Lines”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no. 2, pp. 720-729, Mar. 2017.
(5) X. Liu, Z.Li and Z. Li, “Optimal protection Strategy against false data injection attacks in Smart Grids”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no. 4, pp. 1802-1810, Jul. 2017.
(6) X. Liu and Z. Li, “Local topology Attacks in Smart Grids”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no. 6, pp. 2617 - 2626, 2017.
(7) X. Liu and Z. Li, “False data attacks on AC state estimation in power systems with incomplete network information”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no. 5, pp. 2239 - 2248, Jul. 2017.
(8) X. Liu and Z. Li, “Masking transmission line outage detection via false data attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.11, no. 7, pp. 1592- 1602, Jul. 2016.
(9) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “An Intra-Interval Security Risk Regarding Regulation Burden due to Wind Variation in High-wind-penetrated Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, no. 3, pp. 3213-3216, May, 2018.
(10) X. Liu and Z. Li, “False data attack models, impact analyses and defense strategies in the electricity grid”, Electricity Journal, 2017. (Invited paper)
(11) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “A mixed integer programming model for evaluating hidden probabilities of N-k line contingencies in smart grids”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018. (Accepted)
(12) X. Liu, M.Shahidehpour, Z. Li, X. Liu , Y. Cao and Z.Bie, “Microgrids for Enhancing the Power Grid Resilience in Extreme Conditions” , IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no. 2, pp. 589 - 597, Mar. 2017.
(13) X. Liu, M.Shahidehpour, Z. Li, X. Liu, Y.Cao and Z. Li, “Power System Risk Assessment in Cyber Attacks Considering the Role of Protection Systems” , IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no. 2, pp. 572-580, Mar. 2017.
(14) X. Liu, M.Shahidehpour, Y.Cao, L.Wu, W.Wei and X. Liu, “Microgrid Risk Analysis Considering the Impact of Cyber Attacks on Solar PV and ESS Control Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no. 3, pp. 1330 - 1339, May. 2017.
(15) X. Liu, M.Shahidehpour, Z.Li, X.Liu, Y.Cao, and W. Tian, “Protection Scheme for Loop-Based Microgrids”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no. 3, pp. 1340 - 1349, May. 2017.
(16) L. Che, X.Liu and Z. Li, “Screening Hidden N-k Line Contingencies in Smart Grids using a Mixed Integer Model”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018. (Accepted)
(17) Y. Yao, X. Liu and Z. Li, “Robust Measurement Placement for Distribution System State Estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2018. (Accepted)
(18) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “Mitigating False Data Attacks Induced Overloads using a Corrective Dispatch Scheme”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018. (Accepted)
(19) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “A Preventive Mitigation Strategy for the Hidden N-k Line Contingencies in Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2018. (Accepted)
(20) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “Cyber Cascades Screening Considering the Impacts of False Data Injection Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018. (Accepted)
(21) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “Fast screening out high risk lines under false data injection attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018. (Accepted)
(22) X. Liu, Z.Li, Z.Shuai and Y. Wen “Cyber Attacks Against the Economic Operation of Power Systems: A Fast Solution”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no. 2, pp. 1023-1025, Mar. 2017.
(23) X. Liu, Y.Wen and Z. Li, “Multiple Solutions of Transmission Line Switching in Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power systems, vol.33, no. 1, pp. 1118-1120, 2018.
(24) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “Transmission Overloads Mitigation Following Disturbances in Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018. (Accepted)
(25) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “Intra-Interval Security based Dispatch for Power Systems with High Wind Penetration”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018. (Accepted)
(26) L.Che, X.Liu and Z. Li, “Revealing the Impact of Cyber Attacks on Cascading Failure Vulnerability of Power Grids”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2018. (Accepted)
(27) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “False data injection attacks induced sequential outages in power systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018 (Accepted)
(28) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “Security Assessment of Dispatch Intervals in Power Systems with High Wind Penetration”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2018. (Accepted)
(29) L.Che, X. Liu, Y.Wen and Z. Li, “Identification of Cascading Overload Failures Initiated by Hidden Branch Contingencies”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2018. (Accepted)
(30) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “The Impact of Ramp-Induced Data Attacks on Power System Operational Security”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018. (Accepted)
(31) L.Che, X. Liu and Z. Li, “Power System Intra-Interval Operational Security under False Data Injection Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018. (Accepted)
(32)X. Liu, Y.Song and Z. Li, “Dummy Data Attacks in Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019.(Accepted)
(33) H. Ye, Y. Ge, X. Liu and Z. Li, “Transmission line rating attacks in two settlement markets”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.7, no. 3, pp. 1346-1355, May. 2016.
(34) Y. Wen, W. Li, G. Huang, X. Liu, “Frequency dynamics constrained unit commitment with battery energy storage”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.31, no. 6, pp. 5115-5125, Nov. 2016.
(35) J. Yu, W. Dai, W.Li, X.Liu and J. Liu, “Optimal Reactive Power Flow of Interconnected Power System Based on Static Equivalent Method using Border PMU Measurements”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, no. 1, pp. 421 - 429, Jan. 2018.
(36)Y. Wen, C.Y. Chung, X. Liu, L.Che, “Microgrid Dispatch with Frequency-Aware Islanding Constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018. (Accepted)
(37)X. He, C.Tu, Z.Shuai and X. Liu, “Resilient and Fast State Estimation for Energy Internet: A Data-Based Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018. (Accepted)
(38) Z.Shuai, C.Shen, X.Liu and J. Shen, “Fault Analysis of Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generators with Different Control Schemes”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.33, no. 3, pp. 1223-1235, Jun. 2018.
(39) Y. Wen, C.Y. Chung, X. Liu, “Hierarchical Interactive Risk Hedging of Multi-TSO Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, no. 3, pp. 2962 – 2974,May, 2018.
(40) W. Dai, J.Yu, X. Liu and W.Li, “Two-tier static equivalent method of active distribution networks considering sensitivity, power loss and static load characteristics”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.100, pp. 193-200, Sep. 2018.
(41)Z.Shuai, C.Shen, X.Liu, Z.Li and S. John, “Transient Angle Stability of Virtual Synchronous Generators Considering Q-V Droop with Lyapunov’s Direct Method”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018. (Accepted)
(42) Y. Wen, X.Qu, X.Liu, W.Li, X. Ye, “Synergistic Operation of Electricity and Natural Gas Networks via ADMM”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2017. (Accepted)
(43) Z.Shuai, Y.Peng, X.Liu, S.Huang, Z.Li and S. John, “Dynamic Equivalent Method for Multi-Microgrid based on Physical Preserve Techniques”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018. (Accepted)
(44) Y. Wang, Z.Ren, X. Liu and W.Li, “A Coordinated Planning Method for Micro-siting of TCTs and Collector System Optimization in Tidal Current Farm”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018. (Accepted)
六. 讲授课程
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文云峰副教授,博士生导师、硕士生导师湖湘青年英才、湖南省自然科学优秀青年基金获得者、岳麓****2010年获四川大学学士学位、2015年获浙江大学博士学位。2012年11月至2013年10月为美国华盛顿大学联合培养博士生,2016年9月至2017年8月在加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学从事博士后研究工作。课题组 ...湖南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-18湖南大学电气与信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐千鸣
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