张焰(Zhang,Yan),女,美国萨姆休斯顿州立大学刑事司法学院副教授,湖南大学法学院****,博士研究生学历,密歇根州立大学刑事司法专业毕业,擅长刑事司法领域研究设计及定量分析,曾担任美国国家司法研究所研究基金评估专家,是休斯顿警察局2009-2010年实施的“强化巡逻行动项目”的主要实验设计人。于2009年获得英国国家警察促进局和循证犯罪政策中心研究基金,进行关于地理信息系统在警察实践中的效果的研究。2016年以及2017年两次获得美国国家司法研究所支持的有关国际犯罪分析师学会的研究项目选拔,并在国际犯罪分析师学会上发表论文演讲。当前主要研究方向是犯罪地理分析, 警务干预项目评估,犯罪行为的社会生态环境研究, 以及针对少数族裔的仇恨犯罪的成因发展及时空分布等。
刑事司法博士 密歇根州立大学
应用统计学硕士 密歇根州立大学
刑事司法硕士 密歇根州立大学
信息科学学士 武汉大学
Criminal Justice Review
Peer Reviewer of Office of Justice Programs Grant Management System
Asian Journal of Criminology
Crime & Delinquency
Criminal Justice Review
Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society
Homicide Studies
International Criminal Justice Review
International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
International Journal of Therapy and Contemporary Criminology
Journal of Criminal Justice
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
Journal of Youth & Adolescence
Justice Quarterly
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management
Victim & Offenders
Violence against Women
Board Member. The Association of Chinese Criminology and Criminal Justice in the United States (2015-2016)
Panel Chair. At the 2014 ASC conference, San Francisco, CA.
Panel Chair. At the 2011 ASC conference, Washington DC.
Panel Chair. At the 2008 ASC conference, St. Louis, MO.
Panel Chair. At the 2007 ACJS conference, Seattle, WA.
Panel Chair. At the 2002 ACJS conference, Anaheim, CA.
International Committee, Michigan State University, School of Criminal Justice, September 2003-May 2004.
当前主要研究方向是犯罪地理分析, 警务干预项目评估,犯罪行为的社会生态环境研究, 以及针对少数族裔的仇恨犯罪的成因发展及时空分布等。
Shadwick, Joshua, William King, Yan Zhang, Matthew Matusiak, & Bradley Campbell. 2019. Assessing best practices in crime labs stracuture, processes, and performance: A partial test of Gagliardi’s 13 Critical tasks. Policing: An international Journal. DOI 10.1108/PIJPSM-12-2018-0181.
Butler, H. Daniel, Melinda Tasca, Yan Zhang, & Channing Carpenter. 2019. A systematic and meta-analytic review of the literature on correctional officers: Identifying new avenues for research. Journal of Criminal Justice, 60: 84-92.
Zhang, Ning, & Yan Zhang. 2018. The impact of social disorganization factors on property crimes and the spatial distributions. Academia Bimestrie, No. 4: 203-211.
Mitchell, Meghan, Kalle Spooner, Di Jia, & Yan Zhang. 2016. The effect of prison visitation on reentry success: A meta-analysis. Journal of Criminal Justice, 47: 74-83.
Larry Hoover, William Wells, Yan Zhang, Ling Ren, Jihong Zhao. 2016. Houston Enhanced Action Patrol: Examining the Effects of Differential Deployment Lengths with a Switched Replication Design. Justice Quarterly, 33(3): 538-563.
Cao, Liqun, & Yan Zhang. 2015. Governance and Regional Variation of Global Homicide Rates: Evidence from Spatial Error Model. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, DOI: 10.1177/**X**
Zhang, Yan, Solomon Zhao, Ling Ren, & Larry Hoover. 2015. Space-time clustering of crime events and neighborhood Characteristics in Houston. Criminal Justice Review, 40(3): 340-360.
Ren, Ling, Yan Zhang, & Solomon Zhao. 2015. The deterrence effect of the Castle Doctrine Law on burglary in Texas: A tale of outcomes in Houston and Dallas. Crime & Delinquency, 61(8):1127-1151.
Zhang, Yan, Larry Hoover, & Solomon Zhao. 2014. Geographic Information Systems Effects on Police Efficacy: An Evaluation of Empirical Assessments. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 5(2): 30-43.
Jo, Youngoh*, & Yan Zhang. 2013. Parenting, self-control, and deviant behavior. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. **X**, first published on July 5, 2013.
Lee, Joongyeup*, Yan Zhang, & Larry Hoover. 2013. Profiling weapon use in domestic violence: Multilevel analysis of situational and neighborhood correlates. Victims & Offenders, 8 (2): 164-184.
Lee, Joongyeup*, Yan Zhang, & Larry Hoover. 2013. Police Response to intimate partner violence: Multilevel factors of arrest decision. Policing: an International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 36 (1): 157-174.
Zhang, Yan, & Liqun Cao. 2012. Social support and corruption: A replication and confirmation of the relationship. Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, 178: 20-30 (In Chinese).
Zhang, Yan, George Day*, & Liqun Cao. 2012. A Partial test of Agnew’s General Theory of Crime and Delinquency. Crime & Delinquency, 58(6): 856-878.
Cihan, Abdullah*, Yan Zhang, & Larry Hoover. 2012. Police response time to in-progress burglary: A multi-level analysis. Police Quarterly, 15(3): 308-327.
Jo, Youngoh*, & Yan Zhang. 2012. The stability of self-control: A group-based approach. Asian Journal of Criminology, 7: 173-191.
Wells, William, Yan Zhang, and Solomon Zhao. 2012. The effects of gun possession arrests made by a proactive police patrol unit. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 35(2): 253-271.
Zhao, Solomon, Yan Zhang, and Quint Thurman. 2011. Can additional resources lead to higher levels of productivity (arrests) in police agencies? Criminal Justice Review, 36 (2): 165-182. (First published on December 20, 2010 as doi:10.1177/07340**)
Zhang, Yan, Lening Zhang, & Michael S. Vaughn. 2009. Indeterminate and determinate sentencing models: A state-specific analysis of their effects on recidivism. Crime & Delinquency. (First published on December 8, 2009 as doi:10.1177/4047)
Zhang, Yan, Liqun Cao, & Michael S. Vaughn. 2009. Criminology of corruption: Determinants of perceptions of corruption in the world. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 42(2): 204-217.
Zhang, Yan, Christopher Maxwell, & Michael S. Vaughn. 2009. The impact of state sentencing policies on the U.S. prison population. Journal of Criminal Justice, 37(2): 190-199.
Cao, Liqun, Yan Zhang, & Ni He. 2008. Carrying weapons to school for protection: An analysis of the 2001 school crime supplement data. Journal of Criminal Justice, 36(2): 154-164.
Morash, Merry, Hoan Bui, Tia Stevens, & Yan Zhang. 2008. Getting out of harm’s way: One year outcomes for abused women in a Vietnamese immigrant enclave. Violence against Women, 14(12): 1413-1429.
Morash, Merry, Hoan Bui, Yan Zhang, & Kristy Holtfreter. 2007. Risk factors for abusive relationships: A study of Vietnamese American immigrant women. Violence against Women, 13(7): 653-675.
Martin, Susan, Christopher Maxwell, Helene White, & Yan Zhang. 2004.
Trends in alcohol use, cocaine use, and crime: 1989-1998. Journal of Drug Issues, 34(2): 333-359.
Zhang, Yan. 2017. Policing in Hong Kong: history and reform, Police Practice and Research, 18:1, 100-102, DOI: 10.1080/**.2016.**.
Zhang, Yan (PI), Gyeongseok, Oh, & Donggil Song. 2018. Social media analysis of neighborhood sentiment and its impact on crime patterns. Funded by Internal grant External Grant Application Development System (EGADs), College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University. $4,110.
Zhang, Yan. 2017. Community racial characteristics and police decision to arrest in traffic stops. Winner in the Call for papers competition for NIJ Research Track at the IACA 2017 Conference. Sponsored by NIJ.
Zhang, Yan, King, William, & William Wells. 2016. The Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Repeat Criminal Gun Use in Houston, Texas: Time, Space, and NIBIN Hits. Winner in the Call for papers competition for NIJ Research Track at the IACA 2016 Conference. Sponsored by NIJ.
Wells, William, Yan Zhang, & Jihong Zhao. 2013. “The effects of gun possession arrests made by a proactive police patrol unit” published in Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, won the 2013 Out Standing Paper Award from Eerald.
Zhang, Yan. 2013. Winner in the completion for participation in the 2013 ICPSR Summer Program course on Quantitative Analysis of Crime and Criminal Justice, sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). $3,500.
Zhang, Yan (Co-P.I.), Larry Hoover (Co-P.I.), & Solomon Zhao (Research Associate). 2009. Systematic Campbell reviews in policing: Geographic Information System (GIS) Effects on Policing Efficacy. Funded by the National Policing Improvement Agency (N.P.I.A.) and the Center for Evidence Based Crime Policy (C.E.B.C.P.). $50,000.
Zhang, Yan. 2008. Evaluating the Texas Police Chief Leadership Series (TPCLS) and New Chief Development Program (NCDP). Funded by the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT) at the Criminal Justice Center, Sam Houston State University (SHSU). $3000.
Zhang, Yan. 2009. National crime victimization survey. In Janet K. Wilson (Ed.), The praeger handbook of victimology (pp. 175-177). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Zhang, Yan. 2009. International crime victimization survey. In Janet K. Wilson (Ed.), The Praeger Handbook of Victimology (pp. 141-143). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Morash, Merry, Hoan Bui, & Yan Zhang.
2003Crime victimization among Asian people in the United States. A report for the American Statistical Association.
Maxwell, Christopher, Joel H. Garner, Kall Loper, & Yan Zhang.
1999An assessment of the proposed truth-in-sentencing legislation in Oklahoma. Prepared for the Office of State Finance, State of Oklahoma.
Zhang, Yan
2018Big Data and Hate Crimes Motivated by Race and Ethnicity:
A Google Correlate Based Analysis. International conference of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Empirical Legal Research. Changsha, Hunan, China.
Zhang, Yan, & Lening Zhang
2018Macro-structural Analysis of Racially Motivated Hate Crimes. ASC 2018 Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Zhang, Yan, & Lening Zhang
2017Racial Compositions and Trajectories of Hate Crimes. ASC 2017 Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Zhang, Yan
2016The Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Repeat Criminal Gun Use in Houston, Texas: Time, Space, and NIBIN Hits. The IACA 2016 Conference. Louisville, KY.
Zhang, Yan
2016Police Decision of Arrest and Place: A combination of spatial approach with multilevel analysis. ASC 2016 Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Li, Yudu, Yan Zhang, & Todd Armstrong
2016The empirical status of general strain theory: A meta-analysis. ASC 2016 Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Zhang, Yan
2016An exploration of methods in analyzing crime and place: A combination of spatial approach with multilevel analysis. The 2nd International Conference on Community Corrections and Social Control. Wuhan, China.
Zhang, Yan
2015The Impact of Social Contextual Factors on Spatial Clustering of Bank Robbery in Houston. The American Society of Criminology Conference, Washington DC.
Zhang, Yan
2014Crime Concentration in Apartment Complexes: Developmental Patterns and Social Contexts. The American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Fei, Luo, Yan Zhang, Larry Hoover
2014The Journey to Crime and Victimization. The American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Zhang, Yan, Larry Hoover, Seth Fallik, & Kenneth Novak
2013Race, Neighborhood, and Officer Decision-making: A Hierarchical Analysis of Automobile Searches. The American Society of Criminology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Luo, Fei, & Yan Zhang,
2013. The Variation of Assimilation Process and its Impact on Delinquency. The American Society of Criminology conference, Atlanta, GA.
Zhang, Yan
2013Employing GIS in Hot Spot Development Evaluations. Presented at the ACJS conference, Dallas, Texas.
Lee, Joongyeup, & Yan Zhang.
2012 Police response to domestic violence: Multilevel factors of arrest decisions. Presented at the ACJS conference, New York City.
Lee, Joongyeup, & Yan Zhang.
2012 Profiling weapon use in domestic violence: Multilevel analysis of situational and neighborhood correlates. Presented at the ACJS conference, New York City.
Cao, Liqun, & Yan Zhang.
2012Human development and homicide. Presented at the ACJS conference, New York City.
Zhang, Yan, Solomon Zhao, & Ling Ren.
2011Police presence and bank robbery. Presented at the ASC conference, Washington DC.
Wells, William, Yan Zhang, Hoon Lee, & Larry Hoover.
2011.The effects of using variable lengths of directed patrol deployments in hot spots: Evaluating the Houston enhanced action patrol project. Presented at the ASC conference, Washington DC.
Nolasco, Claire, Yan Zhang, & Michael Vaughn.
2011.Predicting delinquency in the Philippines: A test of social bond theory. Presented at the ASC conference, Washington DC.
Jo, Youngoh, & Yan Zhang.
2011.Stability of self-control in South Korea.
Zhang, Yan, Solomon Zhao, & Larry Hoover.
2010.The effect of GIS on policing. Presented at the CEBCP/NPIA Systematic Review conference, London, England.
Zhang, Yan, Solomon Zhao, & Larry Hoover.
2010.Effectiveness of GIS in Policing. Presented at the ASC conference, San Francisco, CA.
Tsai, Chi-Fang, & Yan Zhang.
2010.Assessing police performance: Community variation in crime clearance on robbery. Presented at the ASC conference, San Francisco, CA.
Cihan, Abdullah, & Yan Zhang.
2010.Community variation in the effect of police response time on burglary. Presented at the ASC conference, San Francisco, CA.
Jo, Youngoh, & Yan Zhang.
2010.Parenting, self-control, and deviant behaviors. Presented at the ASC conference, San Francisco, CA.
Ling Ren, Solomon Zhao, Larry Hoover, & Yan Zhang.
2010.An evaluation of police storefronts in Houston. Presented at the ASC conference, San Francisco, CA.
Zhang, Yan, Solomon Zhao, Ling Ren, & Larry Hoover.
2009. Spatio-temporal interaction of urban crime in southwest Houston. Presented at the ASC conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Wells, Bill, Yan Zhang, & Solomon Zhao.
2009. The effects of gun seizures by the crime response unit in Houston. Presented at the ASC conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Ren, Ling, Yan Zhang, & Solomon Zhao.
2009. A catalyst for change? The impact of Katrina evacuees upon crime patterns in Houston. Presented at the ASC conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Zhao, Solomon, Yan Zhang, & Ling Ren.
2009. Dallas hot spots: Impact of concentrated patrol and disorder arrests. Presented at the ASC conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Zhang, Yan, Gaylene Armstrong, & Todd Armstrong.
2008.Police decision making on domestic violence arrests: Impact of organizational and environmental factors. Presented at the ASC conference, St. Louis, MO.
Zhang, Yan, & Hoan Bui.
2007.Community characteristics, immigration status, and delinquency. Presented at the ASC conference, Atlanta, GA.
Bui, Hoan, & Yan Zhang.
2007.Race, immigration adaptation, and delinquency. Presented at the ASC conference, Atlanta, GA.
Zhang, Yan, & Melissa Tackett-Gibson.
2007.Spatial patterns of substance use across Texas School Districts. Presented at the ACJS conference, Seattle, WA.
Zhang, Yan.
2006.The effects of release type on the hazard of recidivism. Presented at the ASC conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Zhang, Yan, & Jung Pilsoo.
2006. The life time distribution of recidivists for different types of offenses. Presented at the ACJS conference, Baltimore, MD.
Maxwell, Christopher, Sheila Maxwell, & Yan Zhang.
2005. Testing for the relationship between cocaine use and the decline in violence in urban America. Presented at the ASC conference, Toronto, Canada.
Zhang, Yan.
2005.Explaining drug use and delinquency by race and ethnicity. Presented at the ACJS conference, Chicago, IL.
Zhang, Yan.
2004. Explaining drug use and delinquency—An integrated model of differential association, social bond, and self-control. Presented at the ASC conference, Nashville, TN
Morash, Merry, Yan Zhang, & Hoan Bui.
2003.Gender and personal victimization. Presented at the ASC conference, Denver, CO.
Zhang, Yan, Hoan Bui, & Merry Morash.
2003.Explaining racial differences in violent victimization: How important are routine activities and lifestyle measures. Presented at the ACJS conference, Boston, MA.
Zhang, Yan.
2002.War on drugs, trends of drug crimes, and changes of imprisonment. Presented at the ASC conference, Chicago, IL.
Zhang, Yan.
2002.Blackening prison. Presented at the ACJS conference. Anaheim, CA.
Maxwell, Christopher, Sheila R. Maxwell, & Yan Zhang.
2001.The impact of sentencing reform on the trends and nature of probation revocations throughout the United States. Presented at the ASC conference, Atlanta, GA.
Zhang, Yan, & Christopher Maxwell.
2001.Impact of sentencing policies on prison populations. Presented at the ACJS conference, Washington, D.C.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-18
相关话题/法学院 湖南大学
基本信息张汉江,男,1962年12月生,四川德阳人,中共党员,管理学博士,教授,中国系统工程学会教育与普及工作委员会委员,中国机械工程学会工业工程分会理事,中国运筹学会医疗运作管理分会理事,中国仿真学会智能调度与仿真专业委员会委员,湖南省系统工程与管理学会党总支委员兼秘书长,《系统工程》编委会副秘书 ...湖南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-18湖南大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张南宁
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基本信息陈松长,男(1957—)湖南新化人,汉语史专业文学硕士(1988年)。曾任湖南省博物馆副馆长(1995-2006年)和岳麓书院副院长(2006-2015年)。现为湖南大学岳麓书院教授、博导,出土文献与中国古代文明研究2011协同创新中心湖南大学分中心首席专家、湖南大学简帛文献研究中心和湖南大 ...湖南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-18湖南大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈宇翔
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基本信息周珂,男,1954年出生,辽宁省人法学博士,教授(二级)、博士生导师电子信箱:rdzhouke@x263.net现任湖南大学法学院教授兼任中国法学会环境资源法学研究会副会长兼教学指导委员会主任,获选CCTV2014年度法治人物教育背景1979-1983,中国人民大学法律系,本科生1985-1 ...湖南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-18湖南大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-屈茂辉
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基本信息郑鹏程(1966--),男,湖南隆回人,毕业于西南政法大学经济法专业,获得法学博士学位。现任湖南大学法学院教授、博士生导师,湖南大学竞争法研究中心主任,经济法与社会法研究中心主任,入选湖南省“芙蓉****奖励计划”,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选人才、湖南省首批新世纪“121人才工程” ...湖南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-18湖南大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-罗智勇
基本信息罗智勇,男,汉族,1965年9月生,中共党员,研究生学历,法学博士。现任最高人民法院审判监督庭副庭长,湖南大学法学院教授。工作履历1987年8月参加工作,曾任湖南大学副教授。2007年6月到最高人民法院刑事审判第四庭工作,2007年8月任审判员,2010年11月任审判监督庭审判长,2017年 ...湖南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-18湖南大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵迅
基本信息赵迅,湖南大学法学院教授,法学博士,博士生导师。中国法学会法理学研究会常务理事,湖南省法学会法理学研究会副会长,湖南大学法学院法理学科带头人。主讲本科生《法理学》,研究生《法理学专题》、《法学论文写作》。在良法理论、公平正义理论、弱势群体保护和社会契约论等领域有深入研究,形成系列成果。在《法 ...湖南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-18湖南大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-段启俊
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