本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-18
Sam Shi-jie Jiang, Ph.D., ASA, FRM
Department of Insurance (Dept. Chair)
College of Finance & Statistics
Hunan University
109 Shijiachong, Changsha, Hunan, China
Honors and Awards:
Hundred Talents Program, 2015, the Government of Hunan Province, China
Distinguished Scholar, 2013, National Science Council, Taiwan
Member, Society of Actuaries, U.S.A., 2007-
Member, Global Association of Risk Professional, U.S.A., 2006-
Research Grants:
1. NSC-102-2410-H-364-003-SSS Moral Hazard and Morale Hazard on Insurance: Moderation effects of Moral Contingencies Self-Worth and Prevention Focus 2013-2014,
2. NSC-101-2410-H-364-003 Dynamics of Underwriting Profits: A by-line Analysis of U.S. Insurance Markets 2012-2013,
3. NSC 100-2410-H-364 -009 Worldviews, Risk Perception, Risk Preference and Underwriting Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Taiwan P/L Insurance Industry 2011-2012,
4. NSC 99-2410-H-364-005 Risk Perception and Preference of Managers: A Case Study of Life Insurance Companies in Taiwan 2010-2011,
1. Shi-jie Jiang and Guochen Pan, (2015), “Long-run and Short-run Dynamics of Nonlife Insurance Consumption in China,” Applied economics letters, 22, 1493-1498,
2. Ling Tian, Peng Yao, and Shi-jie Jiang, (2014), “Perception of Earthquake Risk: a Study of the Earthquake Insurance Pilot Area in China,” Natural Hazards, 74(3), 1595-1611,
3. Shi-jie Jiang and Bin-wen Peng, (2014), “A By-line Analysis of Insurance Margins,” Industrial and Business Reviews, 47(2), 213-226, (in Japanese)
4. Nieh, Chien-Chung, Shi-jie Jiang and I-chan Chiang, (2013), “Worldview, Risk Perception, and Underwriting Performance: An Empirical Study of Property/Liability Insurance Industry,” Storage Management Solutions, Issue2 February 140-155,
5. Shi-jie Jiang and Chien-Chung Nieh, (2012), “Dynamics of Underwriting Profits: Evidence from the U.S. Insurance Market,” International Review of Economics and Finance, 21(1), 1-15, (Leading Article)
6. Shi-jie Jiang, Matthew C. Chang, I-chan Chiang, (2012), “Price Discovery in Stock Index: An ARDL-ECM Approach in Taiwan Case,” Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, 46, 1227-1238,
7. Wei-Chuan Wang, Yi-Min Yu and Shi-jie Jiang, (2011), “The Impact of Successor Characteristic on Stock Returns,” Corporate Ownership and Control, 8(2), 516-524,
8. Shi-jie Jiang, (2010), ”Voluntary Termination of Life Insurance Policies: Evidence from the U.S. Market,” North American Actuarial Journal, 14(4), 369-380, (Leading Article)
9. Yi-Min Yu and Shi-jie Jiang, (2010), “Corporate Life Cycle and Share Repurchases: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Market,” African Journal of Business Management 4(14), 3139-3149,
10. Matthew C. Chang, Shi-jie Jiang and Chung-Fern Wu, (2010), “The Nonlinear Effects of Institutional Investors on the Taiwan Futures and Stocks Markets,” The Empirical Economics Letters, 9(10), 969-977,
11. Shi-jie Jiang and Matthew C. Chang, (2010), “Variable Annuity with Guarantees: Valuation and Simulation,” Journal of Money, Investment and Banking, 14, 74-83,
12. Matthew C. Chang and Shi-jie Jiang, (2010), “Surrender Effect on Policy Reserves: A Simulation Analysis of Investment Guarantee Contract,” Global Journal of Business Research, 4(4), 11-21,
13. Chang, Matthew C., Shi-jie Jiang and Kuan Yi Lu, (2009), “Lead-lag Relationship between Different Crude Oil Markets: Evidence from Dubai and Brent,” Middle Eastern Finance and Economics, 5, 30-37,
14. Nieh, Chien-Chung, Matthew C. Chang, W. K. Wong and Shi-jie Jiang, (2008), “Liquidity Provision of Futures Markets,” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 22, 106-121,
15. Hung, Jui-Cheng, Shi-jie Jiang, Chien-Liang Chiu, (2007), “Jump Risk of Presidential Election: Evidence from Taiwan Stock and Foreign Exchange Markets,” Applied Economics, 39(17), 2231-2240,
16. Nieh, Chien-Chung and Shi-jie Jiang, (2006), “Against Marine Risk: Margins Determination of Ocean Marine Insurance,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 14(1), 15-24,
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