本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-21
1981年底湖南师范学院(现湖南师范大学)毕业获学士学位后留校任教;1985.9-88.2单位公派到加拿大Simon Fraser大学物理系做访问****和读研究生获M.Sc学位,主要从事金属氧化物固体薄膜的实验研究,回国后继续进行过一段时间固体薄膜实验研究工作,后因受条件等因素的限制于90年代末期开始转向凝聚态物理及纳米电子学与分子电子学理论方面的研究至今;1996年晋升教授,1999年在内蒙古大学理论物理专业(在职)获博士学位;曾应邀访问意大利ICTP、瑞典Chalmers University of Technology、澳大利亚University of Wollongong、新加坡国立大学与南洋理工大学、香港科技大学和台湾交通大学。
曾负责/参加多项国家自然科学基金、科技部国际合作项目和教育部博士学科点基金及湖南省自然科学基金项目的研究,共在Phys. Rev. B、Appl. Phys. Lett./J. Appl. Phys.、J. Chem. Phys.、J. Phys. Chem. B/C、J. Phys.: Conden. Matt.、Carbon、Nanotechnology等专业领域国际主流期刊上发表相关研究论文70余篇,据Web of Science有记载共被他引780多次(其中约2/3为国际引用,单篇他引最高68次),近几年来共有18篇论文入选APS虚拟刊物Nanoscale Science & Technology;现为Phys. Rev. B、Appl. Phys. Lett./J. Appl. Phys.、J. Phys.: Conden. Matt.、JACS、ACS nano、Nanotechnology等国际重要学术期刊审稿人和美国国家自然科学基金和欧盟国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审人。
1. 介观纳米体系与低维量子结构物理 (including structures of quantum wells, wires and dots based on semiconductor heterojunction, graphene and graphene-like materials 2DEG as well as topological insulators)
2. 纳米/分子(自旋/光)电子器件原理与设计(including electronic structure and transport property of nano- and organic molecular electron devices by first- principles calculation using softwares of VASP, ATK, MS... )
1. 二维Dirac电子材料纳米电极有机分子结界面构建与功能机理研究,国家自然科学基金(面上)项目(No.**),2018.1-2021.12,负责
2. 基于拓扑绝缘体表面/边缘态纳米结构量子输运及调控研究,国家自然科学基金(面上)项目(No.**),2013.1-2016.12,负责
3. Bi2Se3拓扑绝缘体表面性质及应用研究,教育部博士点基金(博导类)项目(No.201**),2012.1-2014.12,负责
4. 高速晶体管微环激光器研究,科技部国际合作项目(No.2008DFA 11010), 2009.9-2012.12,参加
5. 石墨烯纳米带电子结构与物性应力调控研究,国家自然科学基金(面上)项目(No.**),2009.1-2012.12,负责
6. 半导体自旋电子学物理基础研究,教育部博士点基金(博导类)项目(No.),2007.1-2009.12,负责
7. 半导体量子线输运性质的电磁场相干控制理论研究,国家自然科学基金(面上)项目(No.**),2006.1-2008.12,负责
46. Yi Ren, Xiaoying Zhou, and Guanghui Zhou*, Edge and sublayer degrees of freedom for phosphorene nanoribbons with twofold-degenerate edge bands via electric field, Physical Review B 103, 045405 (2021).
45. Wang Chen, Xianzhe Zhu, Xiaoying Zhou,* and Guanghui Zhou, Power law decay of local density of states oscillations near a line defect in a system with semi-Dirac points, Physical Review B 103, 125429 (2021).
44. Pu Liu, XianZhe Zhu, XiaoYing Zhou*, GuangHui Zhou*, and Kai Chang, Even-odd-dependent optical transitions of zigzag monolayer black phosphorus nanoribbons, SCIENCE CHINA-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 64, 217811 (2021).
43. Liemao Cao, Guanghui Zhou, Qianqian Wang, L. K. Ang, and Yee Sin Ang*, Two-dimensional van der Waals electrical contact to monolayer MoSi2N4, Applied Physics Letters 118, 013106 (2021).
42. Yuxuan Liu, Zhehong Liu, Zhi Li, Shijun Qin, Xubin Ye, Xudong Shen, Bowen Zhou, Guanghui Zhou*, S. Agrestini, M. Valvidares, H. B. Vasili, Zhiwei Hu and Youwen Long*, Multiple magnetic transitions and electrical transport transformation of a BaFeO3 cubic perovskite single crystal, Physical Review B 101, 144421 (2020).
41. Liemao Cao, Guanghui Zhou, Qingyun Wu, Shengyuan A. Yang, Hui Ying Yang, Yee Sin Ang,* and L.K. Ang,* Electrical Contact between an Ultrathin Topological Dirac Semimetal and a Two-Dimensional Material, Physical Review Applied 13, 054030 (2020).
40. Yi Ren, Pu Liu, Benliang Zhou, Xiaoying Zhou,* and Guanghui Zhou*, Crystall- ographic Characterization of Black Phosphorene and its Application in Nanostructures, Physical Review Applied 12, 064052 (2019).
39. Yi Ren, Fang Cheng,* Xiaoying Zhou, Kai Chang, Guanghui Zhou*, Tunable mechanical, electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer C3N nanoribbons by external fields, Carbon 143, 14 (2019).
38. Yuan Li,* H. B. Zhu, G. Q. Wang, Y. Z. Peng, J. R. Xu, Z. H. Qian, R. Bai, G. H. Zhou, C. Yesilyurt, Z. B. Siu, and M. B. A. Jalil, Strain-controlled valley and spin separation in silicene heterojunctions, Physical Review B 97, 085427 (2018).
37. Xiaobo Li, Liemao Cao, Mengqiu Long, Ziran Liu, Guanghui Zhou*, Spin-charge transport properties of a Z-shaped a-graphyne nanoribbon junction with different edge passivations, Carbon 131, 160 (2018).
36. Liemao Cao, Xiaobo Li, Chunxia Jia, Guang Liu, Ziran Liu, Guanghui Zhou*, Spin-charge transport properties for graphene/graphyne zigzag-edged nanoribbon heterojunctions: A first-principles study, Carbon 127, 519 (2018).
35. Xiaoying Zhou, Wen-Kai Lou*, Dong Zhang, Fang Cheng, Guanghui Zhou and Kai Chang*, Effective g factor in black phosphorus thin films, Physical Review B 95, 045408 (2017).
34. Benliang Zhou, Benhu Zhou, Xiaoying Zhou and Guanghui Zhou*, Even-odd effects onedge states for zigzag phosphorene nanoribbons under a perpendicular electric field,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 045106 (2017).
33. Benhu Zhou*, Benliang Zhou, Yagang Yao, Guanghui Zhou*and Ming Hu, Spin-dependent Seebeck effects in a graphene superlatticep–njunction with different shapes, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 405303 (2017).
32. Hongshan Deng, Min Liu, Jianhong Dai, …Guanghui Zhou, Yi-feng Yang,* …and Youwen Long*, Strong enhancement of spin ordering byA-site magnetic ions in the ferrimagnet CaCu3Fe2Os2O12, Physical Review B 94, 024414 (2016).
31. Xiaobo Li, Liemao Cao, Hui-Li Li, Haiqing Wan and Guanghui Zhou*, Spin-Resolved Transport Properties of a Pyridine-Linked Single Molecule Embedded between Zigzag-Edged Graphene Nanoribbon Electrodes, Journal of Physical Chemistry 120, 3010 (2016).
30. Xianbo Xiao, Ying Liu, Zhengfang Liu, Guoping Ai, Shengyuan A. Yang* and Guanghui Zhou*, All-electric spin modulator based on a two-dimensional topological insulator, Applied Physics Letters 108, 032403 (2016).
29. Benliang Zhou, Benhu Zhou, Xiongwen Chen, Wenhu Liao and Guanghui Zhou, Symmetry- dependent spin-charge transport and thermopower through a ZSiNR-based FM/normal/FM junction, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 465301 (2015).
28. Yuan Li,Mansoor B. A. Jalil and Guanghui Zhou, Giant magnetoresistance modulated by magnetic field in graphene p-n junction, Applied Physics Letters 105, 193108 (2014).
27. Xiongwen Chen, Zhengang Shi, Baoju Chen, Kehui Song and Guanghui Zhou*, Electron transport channels and their manipulation by impurity in armchair-edge graphene nanoribbons, Carbon 72, 365 (2014).
26. Benliang Zhou, Benhu Zhou, Dongsheng Tang and Guanghui Zhou*, Controllable fully spin- olarized transport in a ferromagnetically doped topological insulator junction, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 154310 (2014).
25. Haiqing Wan, Benhu Zhou, Wenhu Liao, and Guanghui Zhou*, Spin-filtering and rectification effects in a Z-shaped boron nitride nanoribbon junction, Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 034705 (2013).
24. Yongli Huang, Zengsheng Ma, Xi Zhang, Guanghui Zhou, Yichun Zhou and Chang Q. Sun*, Hydrogen Bond Asymmetric Local Potentials in Compressed Ice, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117, 13639 (2013).
23. Genhua Liu*, Guanghui Zhou and Yong-Hai Chen, Modulation of external electric field on surface states of topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films, Applied Physics Letters 101, 223109 (2012).
22. Yuan Li*, Mansoor B. A. Jalil, Seng Ghee Tan, Guanghui Zhou and Zhenghong Qian, Magnetoresistive effect of a topological-insulator waveguide in the presence of a magnetic field, Applied Physics Letters 101, 262403 (2012).
21. Wenhu Liao, Heping Zhao, Gang Ouyang, Ke-Qiu Chen and Guanghui Zhou*, Symmetry of atomistic structure for armchair-edge graphene nanoribbons under uniaxial strain, Applied Physics Letters 100, 153112 (2012).
20. Haiqing Wan, Ying Xu, and Guanghui Zhou*, Dual conductance, negative differential resistance, and rectifying behavior in a molecular device modulated by side groups, Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 184704 (2012).
19. Haiqing Wan, Benhu Zhou, Xiongwen Chen, Chang Q. Sun, and Guanghui Zhou*, Switching, Dual Spin-Filtering Effects, and Negative Differential Resistance in a Carbon-Based Molecular Device, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 2570 (2012).
18. Xiaoying Zhou, Huaihua Shao, Yiman Liu, Dongsheng Tang and Guanghui Zhou*, Spatial distribution of spin polarization in a channel on the surface of a topological insulator, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 185301 (2012).
17. Xiongwen Chen, Kehui Song, Benhu Zhou, Haiyan Wang, and Guanghui Zhou*, Dependence of transport on adatom location for armchair-edge graphene nanoribbons, Applied Physics Letters 98, 093111 (2011).
16. Xiongwen Chen, Haiqing Wan, Kehui Song, Dongsheng Tang,and Guanghui Zhou*, Scanning tunneling microscopy image modeling for zigzag-edge graphene nanoribbons, Applied Physics Letters 98, 263103 (2011).
15. Huaihua Shao, Xiaoying Zhou, Yuan Li, Genhua Liu, and Guanghui Zhou*, Spin polarization and charge transmission for a waveguide on surface of topological insulator, Applied Physics Letters 99, 153104 (2011).
14. Genhua Liu*, Guanghui Zhou, and Yong-Hai Chen, Effect of transverse electric field on helical edge states in a quantum spin-Hall system, Applied Physics Letters 99, 222111 (2011).
13. Benhu Zhou, Xiongwen Chen, Benliang Zhou, Kai-HeDing and Guanghui Zhou*, Spin- dependent transport for armchair-edge graphene nanoribbons between ferromagnetic leads, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 135304 (2011).
12. Benhu Zhou, Xiongwen Chen, Haiyan Wang, Kai-He Ding and Guanghui Zhou*, Magnetotransport and current-induced spin transfer torque in a ferromagnetically contacted graphene, Journal Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 445302 (2010).
11. Benhu Zhou, Y. Xu, S. Wang, Guanghui Zhou* and K. Xia, An ab initio investigation on boundary resistance for metallic grains, Solid State Communications 150, 1422 (2010).
10. Wenhu Liao, Guanghui Zhou* and Xi Fu, Optical properties for armchair-edge graphene Nanoribbons, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 126105 (2008).
9. Wenhu Liao, Guanghui Zhou* and Kai-He Ding, Dependence of electronic and optical properties on a high-frequency field for carbon nanotubes, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 073712 (2008).
8. Kai-He Ding, Guanghui Zhou, Zhen-Gang Zhu and Jamal Berakdar, Magnetotransport of Dirac fermions in graphene in the presence of spin–orbit interactions, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 345228 (2008).
7. Fang Cheng and Guanghui Zhou*, Transport properties for a Luttinger wire with Rashba sipn-orbit coupling and Zeeman spiltting, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 136215 (2007).
6. Fang Cheng and Guanghui Zhou, Transport properties for a Luttinger liquid wire in the presence of a time-dependent impurity, Physical Review B 73, 125335 (2006).
5. Guanghui Zhou and Wenfu Liao, Electronic structure and transport for a laser-Field-irradiated quantum wire with Rashba spin-oribt coupling, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, 9161 (2006).
4. Guanghui Zhou, Yuan Li, Fang Cheng and Wenfu Liao, Electron transport of a quantum wire containing a finite-size impurity under terahertz electromagnetic- field illumination, Journal of Applied Physics 97, 123521 (2005).
3. Guanghui Zhou and Yuan Li, Floquet scattering approach to electron transport for a quantum wire under longitudinally polarized electromagnetic field irradiation, Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter 17, 6663 (2005).
2. Guanghui Zhou, Xianbo Xiao and Yuan Li, Electromagnetic-field-induced cohesive force enhancement in a metallic nanowire, Nanotechnology 15, 1182 (2004).
1. Guanghui Zhou, Mou Yang, Xianbo Xiao and Yuan Li, Electronic transport in a quantum wire under external terahertz electromagnetic irradiation, Physical Review B 68, 155309 (2003).
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个人简介耿朝强,加拿大籍,1961年5月出生。主要研究方向为理论高能物理和宇宙学,是国际知名粒子物理及宇宙学理论学家,目前已经发表包括Phys.Rev.Lett.(TOP期刊)在内的学术研究论文250余篇,根据美国斯坦福大学的SPIRES数据库资料统计,总引用数超过5300次,H因子为38。他在粒子 ...湖南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-21湖南师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-曾浩生教授
个人简介曾浩生,男,教授/博导,湖南永州人,1965年4月出生。1986年湖南师范大学本科毕业,2003年毕业于中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所,获原子分子物理博士学位。现主要从事量子光学、原子分子物理、量子信息方面的研究工作、和物理学教学工作。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目、湖南省自然科学基金项目和教 ...湖南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-21湖南师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王迪副教授
个人简介王迪,男,1991年出生,湖南师范大学校聘副教授。2015年毕业于兰州大学,获理学学士学位。其后继续在兰州大学攻读博士学位,并于2019年3月到2020年8月到英国杜伦大学联合培养。2020年12月获得理学博士学位。2021年3月加入湖南师范大学物理与电子科学学院。主要从事粒子物理现象学方面 ...湖南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-21湖南师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵强(讲座)
个人简介赵强,1992年毕业于北京大学技术物理系本科;1995年毕业于北京大学技术物理系硕士研究生;1998年毕业于北京大学物理系博士研究生;1998--2000年在法国Orsay核物理研究所做博士后;2000--2005年在英国Surrey大学物理系做博士后助教;2004年入选英国EPSRC基金会 ...湖南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-21湖南师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈菊华教授
个人简介陈菊华,教授(破格晋升),博士,硕士研究生导师,美国访问****,湖南省新世纪121人才工程人选,湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师,湖南师范大学优秀青年人才。陈菊华教授在国内外主流刊物Phys.Lett.B,Eur.Phys.J.C,MNRAS,CQG,GERG,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A/ ...湖南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-21湖南师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-翟亚新教授
个人简介翟亚新,2017年于美国犹他大学(UniversityofUtah)获物理学博士,之后在美国国家可再生能源实验室(NationalRenewableEnergyLaboratory,NREL)从事博士后研究。2021年以“潇湘****”****入职湖南师范大学,并入选湖南省“****”青年项 ...湖南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-21湖南师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈琼教授
个人简介陈琼,女,1983年5月出生,博士,“潇湘****”****,湖南省“青年****”获得者。2013年-2018年德国乌尔姆大学理论物理研究所博士后。主要从事量子物理、量子信息和量子探测等领域的理论研究。目前已经发表SCI论文29篇,其中Phys.Rev.Lett.上1篇(第一作者),Sci ...湖南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-21湖南师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈明星教授
个人简介湖南省青年芙蓉****,湖南师范大学潇湘********。2004年、2007年分别从湘潭大学获得本科和硕士学位,2012年3月从维也纳大学获得博士学位,2012-2016年相继在维也纳大学和威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校从事研究工作。研究方向为计算凝聚态物理。目前已在物理类主流学术刊物发表论文4 ...湖南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-21湖南师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈松柏教授
个人简介陈松柏,2006年6月在湖南师范大学获理学博士,2006年9月至2008年7月在复旦大学从事博士后工作并获年度优秀博士后,2009年在湖南师范大学物理系担任教授,博士生导师。2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。2019年所在的引力理论团队获湖南省首届研究生优秀导师团队。近年来主要从事 ...湖南师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-21