

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-21

1. Zhong, Jiancheng, Jianxin Wang*, Xiaojun Ding, Zhen Zhang, Min Li,Fangxiang Wu, and Yi Pan.”ProteinInference from the Integration of Tandem MS Data and Interactome Networks”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on ComputationalBiology and Bioinformatics . 2017 1;14(6):1399-409DOI:10.1109/TCBB.2016.** SCI IF: 1.955 JCR:Q1区
2. Zhong, Jiancheng, Jianxin Wang*, Wei Peng, Zhen Zhang, and Min Li.” Afeature selection method for prediction essential protein.”, Tsinghua Scienceand Technology, 2015(5), 491-499. SCI IF: 1.06 JCR:Q2区
3. Zhong, Jiancheng, Jianxin Wang, Wei Peng, Zhen Zhang, and Yi Pan."Prediction of essential proteins based on gene expressionprogramming." BMC genomics 14.4 (2013): 1-8. SCI IF:4.4 JCR Q1区
4. Janxin Wang*, Zhong, Jiancheng, Gang chen, Min Li, Fangxiang Wu, and YiPan.”Clusterviz: a cytoscape app for clustering analysis of biological network”. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology andBioinformatics,2015,12(4),815-822.SCI IF:1.955 JCR:Q1区
5. Zhang, Zhen, Jianxin Wang*, Junwei Luo, Xiaojun Ding, Jiancheng Zhong, JunWang, Fang-Xiang Wu, and Yi Pan,”Sprites: detection of deletions fromsequencing data by re-aligning split reads”, Bioinformatics 32, no. 12 (2016):1788-1796 JCR:Q1区
6. T. Xiwei, W. Jianxin, Z. Jiancheng, and P. Yi,“Predicting EssentialProteins Based on Weighted Degree Centrality,” Computational Biology andBioinformatics, IEEE/ACM Transactions on, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 407-418, 2014.JCR:Q1区
7. Xiaoqing Peng, Jianxin Wang*, Jiancheng Zhong, Junwei Luo, and Yi Pan. Anefficient method to identify essential proteins for different species byintegrating protein subcellular localization information. In Bioinformatics andBiomedicine (BIBM), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 277-280). IEEE.CCF B类会议
8. Peng, Wei, Wei Lan, Jiancheng Zhong, Jianxin Wang, and Yi Pan. A novelmethod of predicting microRNA-disease associations based on microRNA, disease,gene and environment factor networks. Methods 2017 (124): 69-77.
1. 王建新、钟坚成、李敏,基于蛋白质相互作用网络和蛋白质组学的蛋白质鉴定方法,已授权国家发明专利ZL7.5,授权日期2017.02.15
2. 钟坚成,基于大数据环境下在线视频、双语课件的双语教学平台软件2017.9.4
3. 钟坚成,基于云平台的科研项目管理软件2017.9.5
1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目基于生物网络的共享肽归属及蛋白质定性算法研究2016-2018
2. 主持湖南省自然科学基金面上项目基于高通量多组学数据的蛋白质鉴定算法研究2018-2020
1. 2012年湖南省普通高校教师课堂教学竞赛二等奖,1/1湘教通[2012]630号;
2. 2013年湖南省大学生第九届“蓝狐网络杯”大学生计算机程序设计竞赛-----应用开发类竞赛三等奖指导教师;

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