

湖南师范大学 免费考研网/2015-12-13




Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland(博士后);

The Scripps Research Institute(博士后)


1. High affinity sialoside ligands of myelin associated glycoprotein. Zeng, Y., Rademacher, C., Nycholat, C., Futakawa, S., Lemme, K., Ernst, B., Paulson, J. C. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2011 21(17): 5045-5049.
2. In situ trans ligands of CD22 identified by glycan-protein photo-cross-linking enabled proteomics. Ramya, T.N.C., Weerapana, E., Liao, L. Zeng, Y., Tateno, H., Liao, L., Yates III, J.R., Cravatt, B.F., and Paulson, J.C.,. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2010 9(6):1339-51.
3. High efficiency labeling of glycoproteins of living cells. Zeng, Y., T. N. C. Ramya, Dirksen, A., Dawson, P., Paulson, J. C. Nature Methods 2009 6(3): 207-209.
4. Sialoside analogue arrays for rapid identification of high affinity siglec ligands Blixt,O., Han, S., Liao, L., Zeng, Y., Hoffmann, J., Futakawa, S., and Paulson, J.C.. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008 130(21):6680-81.
5. Endoglycosidase-catalyzed glycopeptide synthesis using oligosaccharide oxazolines as donor substrates: Probing the substrate structural requirement. Zeng, Y., Wang, J., Li, B., Hauser, S., Li, H., Wang, L. X. Chem. Eur. J. 2006 12:3355-3364.
6. Highly efficient endoglycosidase-catalyzed synthesis of glycopeptides using oligosaccharide oxazolines as donor substrates. Li, B., Zeng, Y., Hauser, S., Wang, L. X. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005 127:9692-9693.
7. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of CD52 glycoproteins carrying native N-glycans. Li, H., Singh, S., Zeng, Y., Song, H., Wang, L. X.. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2005 15:895-8.
8. Synthesis of multivalent dendritic glyco-ligands. Zeng, Y., Yan, Z. & Kong, F. Progress in Chemistry 2005 17:111-121.
9. Remote control of α- or β-stereoselectivity in (1→3)-glucosylation in the presenceof C-2 ester capable of neighboring group participation. Zeng, Y., Ning, J., Kong, F.. Carbohydrate Research 2003 338:27-311.
10.A concise synthesis of arabinogalactan with β-(1→6) galactopyranose backbone and α-(1→2) arabinofuranose side chains. Zeng, Y., Li, A., Kong, F. Tetrahedron Letter 2003 44:8325-8328.
11.Highly efficient synthesis of alternate α- and β-(1→3)-linked glucose hepta- and octasaccharides. Zeng, Y., Kong, F. Carbohydrate Research 2003 338:2047-56.
12.Regioselective glycosylation of 4,6-O-benzylidenated glucopyranosides. Zeng, Y., Kong, F. Carbohydrate Research 2003 338:843-9.
13.Pure α-linked products can be obtained in high yields in the glycosylation with the glucosyl trichloroacetimidate donors with C2 ester capable of neighboring group participation. Zeng, Y., Ning, J., Kong, F.. Tetrahedron Letter 2002 43:3129-3733.
14. Synthesis of two isomeric pentasaccharides, the possible repeating unit of the beta-glucan from the micro fungus Epicoccum nigrum Ehrenb. ex Schlecht. Zeng, Y., Zhang, W., Ning, J., Kong, F. Carbohydrate Research 2002 337: 2383-91.
15. N-Iodesuccinimide Virgil, C S., Zeng, Y., Kong, F. Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis. 2004
16. Sorption of phenol onto gel-type crossliked polystyrene-isocyanuric acid resin. Xu, M.; Zeng, Y.; Shi, Z.; Xu, M.; Li, h.; Yu, S.; Fang, Y.; He B. Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers, 2000 9, 17-21.


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    湖南师范大学 免费考研网 2015-12-13
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    湖南师范大学 免费考研网 2015-12-13
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