

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-28


性 别:女
学 历:博士研究生

基本情况 田俐,女,湖南株洲人,1973年5月出生,博士(后)、教授、硕士研究生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才,美国德克萨斯大学访问****,中国仪器仪表学会仪表功能材料学会理事,湖南科技大学优秀青年教师和芙蓉百岗明星。近几年主持国家自然科学基金、湖南省教育厅重点项目、中国博士后特别资助、湖南省科技计划项目等14项,作为主要骨干参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目及省部级项目10余项;在国际知名刊物《Adv. Funct. Mater.》、《Inorg. Chem.》、《Mater. Lett.》、《Mater. Res. Bull.》、《J. Solid State Chem.》、《J. Nanopart. Res.》和国内核心期刊《无机化学学报》、《材料研究学报》、《无机材料学报》、《中国稀土学报》等杂志上发表科研论文70余篇。论文最高影响因子达到13.325,单篇论文SCI他引次数超过200。已授权中国发明专利3项。现为中国化学会会员和中国材料研究学会环境材料分会委员,《J. Nanopart. Res.》、《J. Solid State Chem.》及《功能材料》期刊特邀审稿专家。


学习经历 2006/09–2009/09 中山大学化学与化学工程学院,无机化学专业,博士

1997/09–2000/06 广西大学化学化工学院,应用化学专业,硕士

1993/09–1997/06 湘潭大学化学化工学院,应用化学专业,学士

工作经历 2016/06–至今 湖南科技大学材料科学与工程学院



2000/07–2016/06 湖南科技大学化学化工学院

主持课题 1. 新能源储存与转换先进材料湖南省重点实验室,学术带头人,2018TP1037,建设中。

2. 主持国家自然科学基金项目: 新型稀土纳米粒子荧光探针的调控制备与光学特性,项目编号:**,已完成。

3. 主持教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目:纳米光电材料的调控制备与功能优化研究,项目编号:NCET-13-0784,已完成。

4. 主持湖南省科技厅科技计划项目:降解印染废水用纳米光催化剂的研制,项目编号: 2013SK3162,已完成。

5. 主持湖南省教育厅重点项目:新型探针用铕掺杂稀土纳米粒子的调控制备与荧光性质, 项目编号:12A047,已完成。

6. 主持水利部水工程生态效应与生态修复重点实验室(中科院水工程生态研究所)开放课题:纳米TiO2对印染废水的光催化降解技术与机理研究, 项目编号:2013SK004,已完成。

7. 主持无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室开放课题(吉林大学):荧光探针用新型稀土纳米粒子的调控制备与发光性能, 项目编号:2013-26,已完成。

8. 主持中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目:液相法制备纳米晶LiFePO4电极材料与改性研究, 项目编号:,已完成。

9. 主持国家博士后科学基金面上资助项目:纳米晶磷酸铁锂电极材料的制备及电化学性能, 项目编号:,已完成。

10. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:新型半导体纳米树阵列的液相生长与性能研究,项目编号: **,已完成。

11. 参与国家自然科学基金委—广东省人民政府联合基金重点项目:高性能无机纳米材料和金属的绿色合成及应用研究,项目编号:U**,已完成。

代表性论文 [1] TianL*, Liu Q, Wu JL, Chen SM. Template-free hydrothermal synthesis and gas-sensitivity of hollow-structured Cu0.3Co2.7O4 microspheres. Journal of Central South University,2021, in publication.

[2] HuangHW, BiR, CuiJ, HuMM,TianL, YangXF, ZhangL. Revealing the structure design of alloyed based electrodes for alkalimetal ion batteries with in situ TEM.Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 59: 405–418.

[3] TianL*, Chen SM, Liu Q, Wu JL, Zhao RN, Li S, Chen LJ. Effect of Eu3+-doping on morphology and fluorescent property of neodymium vanadate nanorod-arrays. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2020, 30,1031-1037.

[4] ZhaoYH, YuaYJ, Guo T, Zhou ZH, Tang ZL, TianL*. Design, synthesis and applications of fluoride probe based on aromatizationof isoquinolinium salts.Dyes and Pigments,2020, 181: 108547.

[5] ZhuaYT, YuaYJ, ZhaoYH, TangZL, TianL*. Design, Synthesis, and Applications of a Novel Fluoride ProbeBased on Isoquinolinium SaltRussian. Journal of General Chemistry, 2020, 90(8): 1518-1522.

[6] Wang DH, Jiang JH, Pan ZY, Li QM, Zhu JL, Tian L*, Shen PK. The effects of pore size on electrical performance in lithiumthionyl chloride batteries. Frontiers in Materials, 2019, 6(245):1-7.

[7] TianL*, LiY, WangHF, et al. Controlled preparation and self-assembly of NdVO4 nanocrystals[J]. Journal of Rare Earths, 2018, 36(2):179-183.

[8] Wang JJ, Wang HF, LI Y, Tian L*, Chen SM, Liu Q, Guo Z. Formation and CO2/N2 switchable ability of a novel copolymer Poly(N, N-Diethyl minoethylmethacrylate-co-codium vinylsulfonate. Polymer Science Series A,2018,60(5):1-6.

[9] Chen LJ, Yan JQ, Tong ZX, Yu SY, Tang JT, Ou BL, Yue LJ, Tian L. Nanofiber-like mesoporous alumina supported palladium nanoparticles as a highly active catalyst for base-free oxidationof benzyl alcohol. Microporous and Mesoporous Matertials, 2018,266:126-137.

[10] Liu H, Liu QQ, Tian L, Wang LY, Xu K, Chen QX, Ou BL. Structural effffects of highly π-conjugated mesogenic Schiffff-base moiety on the cationic polymerization ofbenzoxazine and formation of ordered morphologies. Reactive and Functional Polymers,2018,124:139–148.

[11] Chen ML, Meilong Chen, Baoli Ou, Yuanjun Guo, Yan Guo, Yonghai Kang, Huiyang Liu, Jianhui Yan, TianL. Preparation of an environmentally friendlyantifouling degradable polyurethane coating material based on medium-length fluorinatedDiols. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Apllied Chemistry, 2018, 12: 1–6.

[12] Li J, Ma XP, Qian MF, Liu HR, Zhao CX, TianL*, Chen LJ, Tang*JT. A novel ZrHIO6.4H2O catalyst for degradation of organic dyes at room temperature. Functional Materials Letters, 2017, 10(5): **.

[13] Wang F, LiuLF, Li B, OuY, TianL, WangW. Inhomogeneous electric-fifield–induced negative/positive electrocaloric effffects in ferroelectric nanoparticles. EPL, 2017, 117: 57002.

[14] Wang F, Li B, Xu BL, LiuLF,OuY, TianL, WangW. Effects of grain boundary and grain orientation on electrical behavior of polycrystalline ferroelectric fifield effect transistor. Phys. Status Solidi A, 2017,**.

[15] Wang F, Li B, OuY, LiuLF,TianL, WangW. Multicaloric effects in PbZrO2Ti0.8O3 thin films with 90? domainstructure. EPL, 2017,118,17005.

[16] ZhangXG, Wu ZC, Li YC, Xu JG, TianL. Structure, energy level analysis and luminescent properties of a novel broadband blue-emitting phosphor BaYSi2O7: Ce3+. Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 144:94-101.

[17] Tian L*, Zhao RN, Wang JJ, et al. Faclie synthesis and luminescence of hollow Eu3+-doped LaVO4 nanospheres,Materials Letters, 2015, 156, 101-104.

[18] Tian L*, Zhao RN, Wang JJ, Chen L, Xue JR, Xiao QG. Formation mechanism and luminescence properties of nano- structured sodiumyttrium fluoride corn stickssynthesized by precipitation.Journal of Rare Earths, 2015, 33(12), 1246-1250.

[19] Yi LH, Wei W, Zhao CX, Yang CG, Tian L, Liu J, Wang XY. Electrochemical oxidation of sodium borohydride on carbon supported Pt-Zn nanoparticle bimetallic catalyst and its implications to direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell.Electrochimica Acta, 2015,158: 209-218.

[20] Yi LH, Wei W, Zhao CX, Tian L, Liu J, Wang XY. Enhanced activity of AueFe/C anodic electrocatalyst for directborohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 285: 325-333.

[21] Tian L*, Chen L. Liquid-phase preparation and electrochemical property of LiFePO4/C nanowires.Journal of Central South University,2014,21(2):477-481.

[22] Tian L*, Lian PL, Sun QL, et al. Liquid phase preparation and fluorescence of flake-liked NdF3 nanomaterials. Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48, 48-51.

[23] Tian L*, Sun QL, Xu XJ, et al. Controlled synthesis and formation mechanism of monodispersive lanthanum vanadate nanowires with monoclinic structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013, 200: 123-127.

[24] Tian L*, Sun QL, Zhao RN, et al. Hydrothermal synthesis and formation mechanism of hexagonal yttrium hydroxide fluoride nanobundles. Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48: 4481-4485.

[25] Tian L*, Tan L, Sun QL, Xiang SB, Xiao QG, Tang JT, Zhu GS. Controlled synthesis and formation mechanism of sodium yttrium fluoridenanotube arrays.Journal of Rare Earths, 2012, 30(12):1260-1267.

[26] Tian L*, Liu J, Chen FY, Sun Ql. Hexagonal NaYF4 nanotube arrays obtained via solvothermal process. Advanced Materials Research,2012, 554-556: 667-670.

[27] Tian L*, Jiang WT, Sun QL, Liu J. Synthesis and characterization of branched yttrium hydroxide fluoride microcrystals with hierarchical tubular structure. Journal of Rare Earths, 2012, 30(4): 378-385.

[28] 田俐*, 陈 琳, 赵莎莎, 涂飞跃, 肖秋国, 何小凤, 孙起亮. 沉淀转化法制备多孔片状纳米LaF3. 中国稀土学报, 2012,30(1):86-92.

[29] Tian L*, Huang KL, Liu YN, et al. Topotactic synthesis of Co3O4 nanoboxes from Co(OH)2 nanoflakes. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2011, 184: 2961-2965.

[30] Tian L*, Zhu JL, Chen L, et al. Synthesis and characterization of α-Cobalt hydroxide nanobelts, Journal of Nanoparticles Research, 2011, 13: 3483-3488.

[31] Tian L*, Huang KL. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of α-Fe2O3Polyhedrons. Advanced Materials Research,2011, 233-235: 3014-3017.

[32] 田俐*, 黄可龙. 纳米复合正极材料的溶剂热合成,材料研究学报,2011, 25(3): 321-326.

[33] Tian L*, Zou HL, Fu JX, et al. Topotactic conversion route to single-crystalline mesoporous Co3O4 nanobelts with optimizable electrochemical performance. Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 20: 617-623.

[34] 田俐*, 陈 琳, 易兰花. 离子交换法合成钴酸锌纳米空心材料及磁性,无机化学学报,2010,26(1):49-54.

[35] Tian L*, Chen L, Zhang X. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 2D Supramolecular Compound[Co(phth)(phen) (H2O)3]H2O. Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 2010, 40:664–667.

[36] 田俐*,陈稳纯,陈琳,梁恩湘,张馨. 水热法合成氢氧化钇纳米管. 无机材料学报,2009,24(2): 335-339.

[37] 陈琳 , 田俐*, 赵莎莎. 单分散磷酸镧纳米棒的可控制备, 中国稀土学报, 2009, 27(6): 773-778.

[38] Tian L*, Yang XF, Lu P, et al. Hollow single-crystal spinel nanocubes: the case of zinc cobalt oxide grown by a unique Kirkendall effect. Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47: 5522-5524.

[39] Tian L*, Chen L, Shen SH, Wen CL, Liu SL. Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a 1D coordination polymer[Ni(phth)(phen)(H2O)]nnH2O. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2007, 60(6): 683–689.

[40] Tian L*, Yu ,LC, Chen L, Xia WQ. Synthesis, crystal structure, and luminescence of a quaternary binuclear europium complex [Eu2(phth)2(Hphth)2(phen)2(H2O)4]. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2007, 60(17):1847–1854.

奖励荣誉 [1] 田俐. 教育部新世纪优秀人才,2013年。

[2] 刘清泉, 田俐, 陈丽娟, 欧宝立, 彭美勋. 实施“12345”工程培养材料化学专业复合型人才. 湖南省教学成果三等奖, 2019年。

[3] 田俐, 陈善民,刘强. Controlled preparation and self-assembly of NdVO4nanocrystals. 湘潭市自然科学优秀学术论文奖二等奖,2019年。

[4] 刘清泉, 田俐, 欧宝立, 彭美勋, 陈丽娟. 科学与工程思维并重的地方高校材料化学专业复合. 湖南科技大学教学成果奖一等奖, 2019年。

专利成果 [1] 田俐, 刘强, 李岩. 一种GaOOH,Zn2+一维纳米材料的制备方法,专利号:ZL2.3,2021年。

[2] 田俐, 吴明娒, 扶雄辉. 钴酸镍纳米颗粒的溶剂热合成方法, 专利号: ZL155.5, 2011年。

[3] 田俐, 吴明娒, 李发琴,李秀艳. 一种溶剂热合成磷酸镧纳米棒的方法,专利号: ZL5.5, 2010年。

研究方向 1. 稀土荧光粉和纳米荧光探针的制备与生物应用

2. 锂离子电池电极材料的设计、调控制备与电化学性能研究;

3. 光电化学电池电极材料构筑与光解水制氢及新环保能源的开发研究。

相关话题/材料科学与工程学院 湖南科技大学