


潘阳,男,1986 年生,博士,博士后,硕士研究生导师主要研究方向为振动噪声与控制、机械转子动力学、风电装备动力学等方面。 手机号码: 15273265609 E-mail:ypan2019@126.com 受教育经历: 2014/09 – 2018/12, 中南大学, 机电工程学院, 博士 2011/09 – 2014/06, 湖南科技大学, 机电工程学院, 硕士 2007/09 – 2011/06, 河北工程大学, 机电工程学院, 学士科研项目 1、 湖南省自然科学青年基金项目,2020JJ5183,基于声子晶体带隙特征的高压柱塞泵空化噪声抑制方法研究,2020.01-2022.12,主持; 2、 湖南省教育厅科研项目,19C0792,轴向柱塞泵内嵌声子晶体的空化噪声辐射特性与带隙调控机理研究,2019.10-2022.09,主持; 3、 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,20B212,微行程精密线性系统定位误差成因与精度表征,2020.10-2023.09,参与; 近年主要科研成果 [1]. Y Pan, Y B Li, M H Huang, et al. Noise source identification and transmission path optimisation for noise reduction of an axial piston pump[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2018, 130:283-292. SCI [2]. Y Pan, Y B Li, D L De,et al. The influence of dynamic swash plate vibration on outlet flow ripple in constant power variable-displacement piston pump[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019,233(14):4914-4933. SCI [3]. Y Pan, Y B Li, P D Ma, et al. New approach of friction model and identification for hydraulic system based on MAPSO-NMDS optimization Elman neural network[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(12):1-12. SCI [4]. Y Pan, Y B Li, et al. Numerical investigation of external radiation noise induced by dipole and quadrupole sources in an axial piston pump[J].Noise Control Engineering Journal,2018,66(5):401-414. SCI [5]. Z N Weng, Y J Deng,Y Pan. et al..Experimentally investigating the flow characteristics of airlift pumps operating in gas-liquid-solid flow[J].Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2020,1 (112). SCI [6]. AH Chen, Y Pan, L I Jiang. Improving K-means clustering method in fault diagnosis based on SOM network.Journal of Networks2013,8(3),680-687 . [7]. Y Pan, A H Chen, L I Jiang. Improved K-means clustering method based on complex network for rolling bearing fault diagnosis[J].Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,273,250-254. [8]. 潘阳, 李毅波, 黄明辉,等. 双联轴向柱塞泵配流盘优化与流量脉动特性分析[J]. 农 业机械学报,2016, 47(4):391-398. [9]. 陈安华, 潘阳,蒋玲莉.基于复杂网络社团聚类的滚动轴承故障模式识别.振动与冲击,2013,32(20):129-133. [10]. 潘阳, 陈安华, 蒋玲莉,等.基于自适应共振解调技术的滚动轴承故障诊断[J].机械科学与技术,2015,34(02):238-241. [11]. 潘阳,陈安华等.一种带复合型声子晶体抑制尖叫噪声的风电偏航制动系统.发明专利,公开号:202011386801.8. [12]. 潘阳,陈安华等.一种基于复合型声子晶体降噪的风电偏航制动装置.实用新型专利,公开号:202022853058.4.

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