


【基本情况】 李桂兵,男,汉,1987.4 月出生,湖南郴州人湖南科技大学,机电工程学院 博士、讲师、硕士研究生导师 E-mail:guibing.li@hnust.edu.cn联系电话:15616459739 【教育背景】 2013.09-2017.04,Trinity College Dublin,机械工程,博士 2009.09-2011.12,湖南大学,车辆工程,硕士 2005.09-2009.06,湘潭大学,机械工程,学士 【工作经历】 2017.09-至今,湖南科技大学,机电工程学院,车辆工程系,讲师 2011.03-2013.08,湖南大学,车辆与交通安全研究中心,研究工程师 【研究方向】车辆与交通安全 人体损伤生物力学 【审稿专家】 国际刊物 Accident Analysis & Prevention 审稿专家国际刊物 Traffic Injury Prevention 审稿专家 国际刊物 Safety Science 审稿专家 国际刊物 Thin-Walled Structures 审稿专家 国际刊物 International Journal of Automotive Technology 审稿专家国际刊物 Clinical Biomechanics 审稿专家 【科研项目】 国家自然科学基金项目:51805162,基于真实交通事故损伤及其数值再现的行人头部损伤动力学机制研究,2019.01-2021.12,主持 湖南省自然科学基金项目:2018JJ3532,车辆-自行车碰撞中骑车人下肢损伤机理研究, 2018.01-2020.12,主持 国家自然科学基金项目:11972158,单体冲击防弹头盔致颅脑非贯穿性损伤机理研究, 2020.01-2023.12,承担 湖南省教育厅重点研发项目:18A188,爆炸冲击波作用下颅脑生物力学响应与损伤研究, 2019.01-2021.12,承担 国家自然科学基金项目:51775056,多源不确定信息下车人碰撞事故高可靠再现方法研究, 2018.01-2021.12,承担 国家自然科学基金项目:51205119,基于深度交通事故调查的驾驶人应急行为数据库建设和数据挖掘研究,2013.01-2015.12,承担 【学术成果】 一、 期刊论文 Guibing Li, Huaxing Ma, Tongqi Guan, Guoqiang Gao. Predicting Safer Vehicle Font-End Shapes for Pedestrian Lower Limb Protection via a Numerical Optimization Framework. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2020, 21(3):749-756. Guibing Li, Zheng Tan, Xiaojiang Lv, Lihai Ren. Numerical Reconstruction of Injuries in a Real World Minivan-to-pedestrian Collision. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2019, 21(2):21-30. Guibing Li, Zheng Tan, Xiaojiang Lv, Lihai Ren. A Computationally Efficient Finite Element Pedestrian Model for Head Safety: Development and Validation. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2019, Article ID 4930803. Guibing Li, Fang Wang, Dietmar Otte, Ciaran Simms. Characteristics of Pedestrian Head Injuries Observed from Real World Collision Data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2019, 129: 362-366. Guibing Li, Fang Wang, Dietmar Otte, Zhihua Cai, Ciaran Simms. Have Pedestrian Subsystem Tests Improved Passenger Car Front Shape? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2018, 115:143-150. Guibing Li, Mathew Lyons, Bingyu Wang, Jikuang Yang, Dietmar Otte, Ciaran Simms. The Influence of Passenger Car Front Shape on Pedestrian Injury Risk Observed from German In-depth Accident Data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2017, 101:11-21. Guibing Li, Jikuang Yang, Ciaran Simms. Safer Passenger Car Front Shapes for Pedestrians: A Computational Approach to Reduce Overall Pedestrian Injury Risk in Real World Accident Scenarios. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2017, 100:97-110. Guibing Li, Jikuang Yang, Ciaran Simms. A Virtual Test System Representing the Distribution of Pedestrian Impact Configurations for Future Vehicle Front-end Optimization. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2016, 17(5):515-523. Guibing Li, Jikuang Yang, Ciaran Simms. The Influence of Gait Stance on Pedestrian Lower Limb Injury Risk. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2015, 85:83-92. Jin Nie, Guibing Li, Jikuang Yang. A Study of Fatality Risk and Head Dynamic Response of Cyclist and Pedestrian Based on Passenger Car Accident Data Analysis and Simulations. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2015, 16(1):76-83. Yong Peng, Rui Li, Guibing Li, Xingmei Yang, D Zhou. Method for Investigation of Child Occupant Impact Dynamics Based on Real-world Accident. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2015, 16(5):791-797. Yong Han, Bingyu Wang, Guibing Li, Jikuang Yang, Diandian Lan. A Study on Influence of Minivan Front-End Design and Impact Velocity on Pedestrian Thorax Kinematics and Injury Risk. Applied Bionics & Biomechanics, 2018, 7350159:1-8. FangWang, Jikuang Yang, Karol Miller, Guibing Li, Grand R. Joldes, Barry Doyle, Adam Wittek. Numerical Investigations of Rib Fracture Failure Models in Different Dynamic Loading Conditions. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2016, 19(5):527-537. 聂进, 李桂兵, 王薛超, 杨济匡. 乘用车前端结构几何参数对行人头部动力学响应和损伤风险的影响. 汽车工程, 2014, 36(12):1473-1482. 聂进, 李桂兵, 杨济匡. 车辆-行人/自行车骑车人事故死亡风险和头部动力学响应对比研究.湖南大学学报: 自然科学版, 2014, 41(2):64-72. 王方, 杨济匡, 李桂兵, 周水庭, 韩勇, 李凡. 汽车侧面和斜碰撞中人体胸部损伤响应数值分析. 力学学报, 2016, 48(1):225-234. 王方, 韩勇, 李桂兵, 杨济匡. 基于有限元模拟的人体胸部材料参数对其碰撞响应影响分析.振动与冲击, 2016, 35(8):90-96. 王方, 杨济匡, 李桂兵. 多种冲击载荷条件下的人体肋骨骨折有限元分析. 力学学报, 2014, 46(02):300-307. 王方, 杨济匡, 李桂兵. 准静态和动态载荷下的人体胸部响应有限元分析. 汽车工程, 2014, 36(02):189-194+203. 二、 会议论文 ( 中国北京) Guibing Li, Kevin Gildea, Marcus Wisch, Oliver Zander, Ciaran Simms. An investigation into the effects of European vehicle type testing regulations on cyclist injury occurrence, International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, IRCOBI Asia 2020, Beijing, China. (西班牙马拉加)Guibing Li, Dietmar Otte, Jikuang Yang,Ciaran Simms. Can a small number of pedestrian impact scenarios represent the range of real-world pedestrian injuries, International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Malaga, Spain, 2016.9.14-2016.9.16 (韩国首尔)Guibing Li, Dietmar Otte, Jikuang Yang,Ciaran Simms. Pedestrian injury trends evaluated by comparison of the PCDS and GIDAS databases, International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Asia Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 2016.5.16-2016.5.18 ( 法国里昂) Guibing Li, Jikuang Yang,Ciaran Simms. A fitness function for vehicle front optimization for pedestrian protection accounting for real world collision configurations, International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Lyon, France, 2015.9.9-2015.9.11 (德国柏林)Guibing Li, Jikuang Yang,Ciaran Simms. Predicting the effects of pedestrian gait on lower limb injuries, International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2014.9.10-2014.9.12 ( 德国汉诺威) Guibing Li, Jin Nie, Jikuang Yang. A study on injuries and kinematics in pedestrian accidents involved minivan and sedan, Expert Symposium on Accident Research (ESAR)-2012, Hannover, Germany, 2012.9.7-2012.9.8 (中国桂林)Guibing Li, Jikuang Yang. Influence of vehicle front structure to compatibility of passenger car-to-SUV frontal crush, The 3rd International Conference on Digital Manufacturing & Automation (ICDMA), Guilin, P.R. China, 2012.7.31-2012.8.2

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