


易军,男,1987 年生,博士、讲师,硕士研究生导师,主要研究方向为 :高速高效磨削、智能磨削工艺及装备,关键功能零部件再制造。 联系电话:15084899375 E-mail: yj_hnust@163.com / yijun_200808@126.com 教育工作经历: 2017.06 –至今, 湖南科技大学, 智能制造研究院,讲师 2009/09 – 2017/04, 湖南大学, 机械与运载工程学院, 硕士、博士 2005/09 – 2009/06, 中南林业科技大学,交通运输工程学院 , 学士承担的科研项目 [1] 博士科研启动基金, 基于质量自动控制的齿轮智能成形磨削技术研究 (E57120),5 万元,课题负责人 [2] 湖南省教育厅项目,齿轮成形磨削齿面损伤建模与实验研究(18C0303),1万元,课题负责人 [3] 湖南省重点实验室开放基金, 渐开线齿轮全齿槽形成磨削温度理论 (E21848 ),1 万元,课题负责人 [4] 国家自然科学基金,面向齿轮成形磨削力热分布均一化的结构化成形砂轮设计及其磨削性能研究(51905168),26 万元,课题负责人 科研成果 论文 [1]Yi, J., Jin, T., & Deng, Z. (2019). The temperature field study on the three-dimensional surface moving heat source model in involute gear form grinding. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 103(5-8), 3097-3108. [2] Yi, J., Jin, T., Deng, Z., & Zhou, W. (2019). Estimation of residual stresses in gear form grinding using finite element analysis and experimental study based on grinding force and heat flux distribution models. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 104(1-4), 849-866. [3] Yi, J., Zhou, W., & Deng, Z. (2019). Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of the Intermittent Feed High-Speed Grinding of TC4 Titanium Alloy. Metals, 9(7), 802. [4]Yi, J., Deng, Z., Zhou, W. et al. (2020). Numerical Modeling of Transient Temperature and Stress in WC–10Co4Cr Coating During High-Speed Grinding. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 21, 585–598 [5] 易军, 金滩, & 张明东. (2019). 基于磨削功率测量和巴克豪森无损检测的齿轮成形磨削烧伤研究. 机械传动, 43(9), 109-112. [6] 易军,金滩,邓朝晖,周炜.HOVF WC-10Co4Cr 涂层磨削瞬态温度场及应力场数值 模 拟 [J/OL]. 机 械 科 学 与 技术:1-8[2020-02-23].https://doi.org/10.13433/j.cnki.1003-8728.20190139. [7] Jin T, Yi J, Peng S. Determination of burn thresholds of precision gears in form grinding based on complex thermal modelling and Barkhausen noise measurements. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 88(1-4):789-800. [8] Jin T, Yi J, Li P. Temperature distributions in form grinding of involute gears. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 88(9-12):2609-2620. [10] Jin T, Yi J, Cai R. Investigation on the Grinding Force, Power and Heat Flux Distributions Along the Tooth Profile in Form Grinding of Gears. ASME 2016 11th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016: V001T02A007-V001T02A007. [11] 郭力, 易军, 盛晓敏. 超音速火焰喷涂 WC-Co 涂层超高速磨削试验研究.湖南大学学报: 自然科学版, 2012, 39(9): 23-27. [12] Yi J, Sheng X M, Feng C B. Temperature Measurement and Simulation in Stainless Steel High-Speed Grinding. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2012, 184-185(9):684-687.(EI) [13] 易军, 盛晓敏, 郭力. 超音速火焰喷涂 WC 涂层超高速磨削试验研究. 制造 技术与机床, 2012, 39(6):49-52. 专利 [1] 金滩,易军,李平,尚振涛、吴耀、谢桂芝.一种基于传热反问题的磨削温度测量方法.201310572522.4. [2] 盛晓敏,易军,金滩.一种高硬涂层材料的间歇式磨削方法 . 201010557423.5. [3] 尚振涛, 金滩, 易军, 占国栋, 杜成志.基于磨削温度经验模型的可控快速往返点进给磨削系统及磨削方法.201510416713.0. 软件著作权 [1] 金滩,易军.齿轮高效成型磨削工艺设计分析与优化软件 V1.0.2016SR049852. 专著 [1] 金滩, 易军. 高速高效磨削传热过程建模与数值分析方法. 机械工业出版社, 2016.

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