


一、基本情况 周鹏,男,1987 年 8 月出生,湖南长沙人,中南大学-奥地利维也纳技术联合培养博士,主要从事多元相图热力学、扩散动力学、硬质合金及核材料的实验与计算研究。主持国家自然科学基金 2 项、湖南省自然科学基金 1 项、参与“十三五”国防基础科研核基础科学挑战计划及国家自然科学基金各 1 项;在《Int J Refract Met Hard Mater》、《Calphad》、《Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion》等国际学术期刊上发表 SCI/EI 论文 20 余篇。 二、学习工作经历 2015/12-至今,湖南科技大学从事材料科学与工程教学科研工作 2013/9-2015/4,维也纳技术大学,化学技术与分析所,访问研究 2009/9–15/12, 中南大学, 材料科学与工程, 工学博士, 导师:杜勇 2005/9–09/6, 合肥工业大学, 金属材料工程, 工学学士 三、主要研究方向 1、多元合金相图热力学及扩散动力学的实验及计算模拟 2、多元硬质合金及核材料的制备、表征及计算模拟 四、主要科研项目: 1、国家自然科学基金,51701072,多元无 Co 硬质合金的相图热力学及碳平衡控制研究,2018.1-2020.12,25 万元,主持 2、国家自然科学基金,5191101492,NbC-Ni 基金属陶瓷的相图热力学及润湿行为研究,2020.1-2021.12,10 万元,主持 2、湖南省自然科学基金,2017JJ3088,WC-(Fe,Ni)-Cr-V 硬质合金的相图热力学研究,2017.1-2019.12,5 万元,主持 3、国防基础科研挑战计划,TZ2016004,轻锕系材料的基因组研究,2016.1-2020.12, 2300 万元,参与 4、国家自然科学基金面上项目,51371199,WC-(Cr,Nb,Ti)(C,N)-Co 梯度硬质合金烧结过程中微观结构演变的定量描述,2014.01-2017.12,85 万,参与 五、部分学术论文和著作 (1) Peng Zhou, Yong Du*, Walter Lengauer*,Morphology of η phase in cemented carbides with Fe-based binders influenced by carbon content and nitrogen atmosphere, Ceramics International, 2019, 45: 20774-20779. (2) Peng Zhou, Yingbiao Peng, Yong Du*, Lei Zhang*, Wenlin Mo, Tao Fa, Bin Bai, Xiaolin Wang, Thermodynamic modeling of the U-Nb-Zr ternary system, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2019, 523: 157-171. (3) Peng Zhou, Yingbiao Peng, Christoph Buchegger, Yong Du*, Walter Lengauer , Experimental investigation and thermodynamic assessment of the C-Co-Fe-Ni-W system, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2016, 54: 60-69 (4) Peng Zhou, Yingbiao Peng, Yong Du*, Shequan Wang, Guanghua Wen, Thermodynamic modeling of the C-W-Zr system, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2015, 50: 274-281 (5) Peng Zhou, Yingbiao Peng, Yong Du*, Shequan Wang, Guanghua Wen, Wen Xie, Keke Chang, A thermodynamic description of the C-Ta-Zr system, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2013, 41: 408-415 (6) Peng Zhou, Yingbiao Peng, Biao Hu, Shuhong Liu*, Yong Du, Shequan Wang, Guanghua Wen, Wen Xie, A thermodynamic description of the Co-Cr-Ti ternary system over the entire composition and temperature range, Calphad, 2013, 41: 42-49 (7) Peng Zhou, Shuhong Liu*, Peisheng Wang, Honghui Xu, Yingbiao Peng, Xiaoming Yuan, Yong Du, Jun Zhang, Weidong Huang, Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Assessment of the Hf-Mn System, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2012, 33: 20-28 (8) Baixue Bian, Peng Zhou*, Shiyi Wen, Yong Du, Atomic mobilities and diffusivities in U-X (X = Nb, Zr, Ti) bcc alloys, Calphad, 2018, 61: 85-91 (9) Han Li, Peng Zhou*, Yong Du, Zhanpeng Jin, Isothermal sections of the Co-Ni-Ti system at 950 and 1000 ℃, Int. J. Mater. Res., 2018, 109(2): 105-112 (10) Yinping Zeng, Peng Zhou, Yong Du*, Thermodynamic assessment of the C–Zr–Nb ternary system, Calphad, 2018, 61: 98-104 (11) Yinping Zeng, Peng Zhou, Yong Du*, Wenlin Mo, Bin Bai, Xiaolin Wang, Jingrui Zhao, A thermodynamic description of the U-Ti-Zr system, Calphad, 2018, 60: 90-97 (12) Yuling Liu, Peng Zhou, Shuhong Liua*, Yong Du, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic description of the Cu-Cr-Zr, Calphad, 2017, 59: 1-11 (13) Yaru Wang, Peng Zhou, Yingbiao Peng, Yong Du*, Bo Sundman, Jianzhan Long, Tao Xu, Zhongjian Zhang, A thermodynamic description of the Al-Co-Ni system and site occupancy in Co + AlNi3 composite binder phase, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 687: 855-866 (14) Yingbiao Peng, Peng Zhou, Mengjie Bu, Weibin Zhang, Yong Du*, A thermodynamic evaluation of the C-Cr-Nb system, Calphad, 2016, 53: 10-19 (15) Yafei Pan, Peng Zhou, Yingbiao Peng, Yong Du*, Fenghua Luo, A thermodynamic description of the C-Hf-Ta system over the whole composition and temperature ranges, Calphad, 2016, 53: 1-9 (16) Yafei Pan, Peng Zhou, Yong Du, Yingbiao Peng, Chong Chen, Fenghua Luo*, Experimental study on phase relationships in the Co-rich portion of the Co-Ti-Zr system, Int. J. Mater. Res., 2016, 107(3): 217-228 (17) Sabine Wawrzik, Peng Zhou, Christoph Buchegger, Walter Lengauer*, Metallurgy and thermochemistry of cermet/hardmetal laminates, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2015, 50: 282-289 (18) Yingbiao Peng, Peng Zhou, Yong Du*, Keke Chang, Thermodynamic evaluation of the C–Ta–Ti system and extrapolation to the C–Ta–Ti–N system, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2013, 40: 36-42 (19) Shaoqing Wang, Peng Zhou, Weibin Zhang, Senlin Cui, Lijun Zhang, Ming Yin, Dandan Liu, Honghui Xu, Shuhong Liu, Yong Du*, Atomic mobility and diffusivity of bcc_A2 phase in the Fe–X (X=Cu, Si, Zn) systems, Calphad, 2012, 36, 127-134 (20) Cai Tang, Peng Zhou, Dongdong Zhao, Xiaoming Yuan, Ying Tang, Peisheng Wang, Biao Hu, Yong Du*, Honghui Xu, Thermodynamic modeling of the Sc-Zn system coupled with first-principles calculation, J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 2012, 48(1): 123-130

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