姓名: 胡世雄性别:男
2001年9月 — 2004年5月
1995年9月 — 1998年6月
1992年9月 — 1995年6月
1986年9月 — 1990年6月
2. 2015-2020, 利用GIS和遥感技术监测评估地区发展对流域生态环境的影响,美国宾州自然资源保护局,项目主持人之一(Co-PI)
3. 2016-2018,径流变化下三江源冲积河群的河床演变规律,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,主要参与
4. 2012-2015, “坡面流阻力实验研究”, 中国国家自然科学基金项目,项目主持
5. 2010-2013,” 库岸滑坡涌浪对建筑物的冲击破坏研究”,湖南省教育厅重点项目,项目主持
6. 2010-2013,“利用激光雷达研究海平面上升对海岸生物栖息地的影响”,美国国家宇航局( NASA)和美国渔业及野生动物保护署联合支持,项目主持
7. 2007-2011, “利用GIS技术研究外来植物品种与环境因素的关系”,宾州自然资源保护局资助,项目主持
8. 2007-2010, “利用GIS技术研究河岸崩塌及预测模拟”, 宾州自然资源保护局资助,项目主持
· 1. Zhaoyin Wang, Shixiong Hu, Editors, Stochastic Hydraulics, 2000, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 900p.
· 2. Hu, Shixiong, 2011, Recent Development in Studies of Overland Flow Resistance, Chapter 2, Overland Flow and Surface Runoff, edited by Tommy Wong, Nova Publisher, ISBN: 978-1-61122-868-7
3. Shixiong Hu, Xinyue Ye, Editors, 21-26th International Geoinformatics Conference Proceedings, 2013-2018,IEEE Publisher, seriesof 6 books
1. Yuannan Long, Rong Tang, Changshan Wu, Changbo Jiang,Shixiong Hu, 2019, Estimating Real-time Water Area of Dongting Lake using Water Level, Water, 10(11), 1240; doi:10.3390/w**.
2. Yuannan Long, Shixiong Yan, Changbo Jian, Changshan Wu , Rong Tang, and Shixiong Hu,2019, Inversion of Lake Bathymetry through Integrating Multi-Temporal Landsat and ICESat Imagery, Sensors, 19, 2896; doi:10.3390/s**
3. 李志威,刘晶,胡世雄,田世民,潘保柱.中国冲积大河的河型分布与成因[J].水利水电科技进展,2017,37(2):7-13.DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1006-7647.2017.02.002
4. LongYuannan,Changshan Wu,Changbo Jiang,Shixiong Hu,Yizhuang Liu, 2016, Simulating the Impacts of an Upstream Dam on Pollutant Transport: A Case Study on the Xiangjiang River, China, Water8(11):516-523 DOI: 10.3390/w**
5. 李志威,李艳富,王兆印,胡世雄. 2016,分汊河流江心洲洲头冲淤概化模型. 水科学进展. 27(1):1-10.
6. Pengcheng Qi, Shixiong Hu, Haijun Zhang, and Guangmeng Guo. 2016. Sharpening method of satellite thermal image based on the geographical statistical model, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 10(2), 025013
7. Yuanpei Liu,Shixiong Hu, 2016, “Study of precipitation interpolation based on Geostatistical Analyst”,24st International Geoinformatics Conference Proceedings, IEEEPublisher.DOI:10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2016.**
8. Zhao, Binbin, Dongliang Peng;Shixiong Hu;Shanshan Liu, 2015, A practical technique to solve settlements overlapping roads problem in map generalization, 23st International Geoinformatics Conference Proceedings, IEEE Publisher.
9. Shixiong Hu, et al., 2014 “Application of Modular Approach in GIS-based Hydrological Modeling”, 22st International Geoinformatics Conference Proceedings, IEEE Publisher.
10. Wang,Wensheng,ShixiongHu,etal.,2013,“Howtoselectthereferencebasinintheungaugedregions”,J.ofHydraulicEngineering,Vo18,No.8,pp.941-947,(doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.**)
11. JiangChangbo,DengBin,HuShixiong,etal.2013, Numericalinvestigationofswashzonehydrodynamics.SciChinaTechSci,2013,56:3093-310
12. Ren,Xing,ShixiongHu,etal.,2013,“SpatialandtemporalanalysisontourismeconomyintheYellowRiverBasin”,21stInternationalGeoinformaticsConferenceProceedings,IEEEPublisher.
13. Qi,Pengcheng,ShixiongHu,YanCui,2013,“OnthesuitabilityoftheSRTMDEMforsimulatingpotentialinsolation”,21stInternationaGeoinformaticsConferenceProceedings,IEEEPublisher.
14. Tong,Haibin,ZongzhiWang,RuonanHao,ShixiongHu,2013,“Analysisofaccuratelyestimatinginfiltrationrateofriver'sflowroutingmodel”,21stInternationalGeoinformaticsConferenceProceedings,IEEEPublisher.
15. Liu, Yuanpei, Shixiong Hu, Peiyuan Li,2013, “Applications of GIS and RS in distributed hydrological model”, 21st International Geoinformatics Conference Proceedings, IEEE Publisher. DOI:10.1109/Geoinformatics.2013.**
16. Long,Yuannan,ChangboJiang,ShixiongHu,ChuBei.2012,TheSimulationResearchonNon-pointSourcePollutioninLianshuiWatershed,China,AppliedMechanicsandMaterials,209-211:2018-2022.
17. Li,Donglong,WenshengWang,andShixiongHu,2011,“CharacteristicsofannualrunoffvariationinmajorriversofChina”,HydrologicalProcesses,issue11,DOI:10.1002/hyp.8361.
18. Shen, Y, Yujie Huang, Shixiong Hu. A framework of early warning and emergency systems for highway natural disasters[C]// International Conference on Mechanic Automation & Control Engineering. IEEE, 2011:2820-2823.
19. Wang,Wensheng,ShixiongHu,2010,“Wavelettransformmethodforsyntheticgenerationofdailystreamflow”,WaterResourcesManagement,Issue6doi:10.1007/s11269-010-9686-9.
20. Chen,Jie,ChangboJiang,ShixiongHu,WenweiHuang.2010,“Numericalstudyonthecharacteristicsofflowfieldandwavepropagationnearsubmergedbreakwateronslope”.ActaOceanologicaSinica,29(1):88-99.
21. Hu, Shixiong,and Ling Bian, 2009, “Interoperability of Functions in the Environment Models, A case study in hydrological modelling,” International Journal of GIS,23:5,657 — 681, DOI:10.1080/**733674.
22. Bian, Ling and Shixiong Hu, 2007, “Identifying components for interoperable process models using concept lattices and semantic reference system”, International Journal of GIS, 21(9), 1009-1032.
23. Hu, Shixiong and Athol D. Abrahams, 2006, “Partitioning the flow resistance to overland flow on rough mobile beds,” Earth Surface Processes and Landform,31, 1280–1291.
24. Shixiong Hu and Athol D. Abrahams, 2005, “The effect of bed mobility on resistance to overland flow,” Earth Surface Processes and Landform 30 (11), pp1461-1470.
25. Shixiong Hu and Athol D. Abrahams, 2004, “Resistance to overland flow due to bed-load transport on plane mobile beds,” Earth Surface Processes and Landform, 29 (13), pp1691-1701.
26. Shixiong Hu at al., 2004, “Effects of watershed management on the reduction of sediment and runoff in Jialing River,
27. Zhaoyin Wang, Shixiong Hu, Yongsheng Wu, Xuejun Shao, 2003, “Delta process and management strategies in
28. Shixiong Hu, Zhaoyin Wang, Joseph Lee, 2001, “Study on the flood control and shrinkage of the HaiheRiver mouth,” Science in China, Series B, Vol.44, pp.240-248.
29. Shixiong Hu, Onyx Wai, 2001, “Experiment study on the wave energy dissipation and cohesive sediment transport in silt coast,” International Journal of Sediment Research, No.2, pp54-64.
30. Yuchuan Bai, Huanting Sheng, Shixiong Hu, 2000, “Three Dimensional Mathematical Model of Sediment transport in Estuarine Region and Case Study of the Haihe River Mouth,” International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol.15, No.4, pp67-79.
31. 蒋昌波,邓斌,胡世雄等. 冲泻区水动力特性的数值分析. 中国科学:技术科学, 2013, 43(12): 1328-1337.
32. 蒋昌波, 隆院男, 胡世雄. 坡面流阻力研究进展. 水利学报, 2012,43(2): 189-197.
33. 邓斌, 蒋昌波, 胡世雄. 分布式水文模型中模块分解与组合的理论研究. 水利学报, 2009, 40(10): 1264-127.
近年来,主要在以下三个方面取得了明显成绩:第一,开展了坡面流阻力的研究,采用理论分析和室内实验相结合的办法,探讨不同条件下的流域坡面水流阻力的组成部分、产生机理和定量分析方法,并在本学科国际一流刊物《Earth Surface Processes and Landform》上发表了三篇文章,参编著作一部,在本领域建立了比较突出的国际声望;第二,开展了模块化分布式水文模型的研究工作,主要采用理论分析方法,探讨分布式水文模型的模块分解与组合,实现模块的即插即用功能,并在《International Journal of GIS》、《水利学报》等刊物上发表了多篇论文;第三,开展了无观测资料流域的水文过程模拟和有观测资料流域的水文集对分析研究工作,在《Hydrologic Processes》等权威期刊上发表了相关论文,在国内外有一定的学术影响。曾先后任美国地理学会水资源专业委员会主席(2014-2016),国际华人地理信息系统协会主席(2016-2018),及湖南省科技协会第十届常委(2017-2020)等学术职务。
8、联系方式:** 联系邮箱:sxhu_2000@yahoo.com或 **@qq.com