

中南大学 免费考研网/2015-12-03



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叶凌英, 男,1981年1月生,工学博士,中南大学副教授。主要从事高性能铝、镁合金制备、晶粒细化、高温变形行为及机理方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,国防科技863项目3项,国家973项目子课题分合同1项,校企合作项目3项。参与总装预研项目2项,国家“973”项目2项,国际科技合作项目3项,国家自然科学基金项目1项。已在各类学术期刊上发表论文30篇,其中国际重要期刊9篇,国外权威期刊2篇,国际会议论文2篇,SCI检索12篇,EI检索28篇。获国家发明专利7项。








(1) 多晶体材料的高温塑性变形行为及机理

(2) 铝合金的晶粒细化原理与技术

(3) 铝合金抗冲击行为与机理



(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于微取向演变的多晶体材料超塑性变形机理(项目编号:**,起止年月:2013.1~2015.12)

(2) 国防科技863项目:高承载高阻尼轻质结构材料在空间应用研究(项目编号:2011AA0614,起止年月:2011.7~2012.6)

(3) 国防科技863项目:高承载高阻尼轻质结构材料在空间应用研究(项目编号:2012AA0513,起止年月:2012.7~2013.6)

(4) 国家973项目子课题分合同:复合能场蠕变成形及纳米强化相析出状态调控(项目编号:2010CB731702,起止年月:2010.1~2014.12)

(5) 校企合作项目:Al-Cu-Li合金超塑性板材制备(2012.1~2012.12)


(1) X.M. Zhang, L.Y. Ye, Y.W. Liu, J.G. Tang, D.W. Zheng. Superplasticity of Al-Mg-Li alloy prepared by thermomechanical processing, Materials Science and Technology(0267-0836), 2011, 27(10):1588-1592

(2) L.Y. Ye, X.M. Zhang, Y.W. Liu, J.G. Tang, D.W. Zheng. Effect of two-step aging on recrystallised grain size of Al-Mg-Li alloy, Materials Science and Technology(0267-0836), 2011, 27(1):125-131

(3) Lingying Ye, Jilong Hu, Changping Tang, Xinming Zhang, Yunlai Deng, Zhaoyang Liu, Zhile Zhou. Modification of Mg2Si in Mg–Si alloys with gadolinium. Materials Characterization(1044-5803), 2013, 79: 1-6

(4) Lingying Ye, Gang Gu, Jun Liu, Haichun Jiang, Xinming Zhang. Influence of Ce addition on impact properties and microstructures of 2519A aluminium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A(0921-5093), 2013, 582: 84-90

(5) Lingying Ye, Gang Gu, Xinming Zhang, Daxiang Sun, Haichun Jiang, Pan Zhang. Dynamic properties evaluation of 2519A aluminum alloy processed by interrupted aging, Materials Science and Engineering A(0921-5093), 2014, 590: 97-100

(6) Hai-chun JIANG, Ling-ying YE, Xin-ming ZHANG, Gang GU, Pan ZHANG, Yu-long WU. Intermetallic phase evolution of 5059 aluminum alloy during homogenization, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China(1003-6326), 2013, 23(12): 3553-3560

(7) Hong-ping Li, Ling-ying Ye, Pan Zhang, Jue Zhong, Ming-hui Huang, Microstructure and texture characterization of a superplastic Al-Mg-Li alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China(1003-6326), 2014, 24(7): 2079-2087

(8) GU Gang, YE Lingying, JIANG Haichun, SUN Daxiang, ZHANG Pan , ZHANG Xinming. Improved mechanical properties of 2519A aluminum alloy through T9I6 thermo-mechanical process, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China(1003-6326), 2014, 24(7): 2295-2300

(9) Pan Zhang, Ling-ying YE, Xinming Zhang, Gang GU, Hai-chun JIANG, Yu-long WU. Grain structure and microtexture evolution during superplastic deformation of an Al-Li alloy 5A90, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China(1003-6326), 2014, 24(7): 2088-2093

(10) Lingying Ye, Xinming Zhang, Dawei Zheng, Shengdan Liu, Jianguo Tang. Superplastic behavior of an Al-Mg-Li alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 487(1-2): 109-115

(11) L. Y. Ye, X. M. Zhang, Y. X. Du and Z. H. Luo. Particle-stimulated nucleation of recrystallization for grain-size control in 01420 Al-Li alloy, Materials Science Forum, 2007, vols. 546-549: 889-892

(12) ZHANG Xin-ming, YE Ling-ying, LIU Ying-wei, DU Yu-xuan, LUO Zhi-hui. Formation mechanism of gradient-distributed particles and their effects on grain structure in 01420 Al-Li alloy, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2008, 15(2):147-152
