姓名 | 李国强 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1986 年 12 月 |
职称 | 讲师 硕士生导师 | 民族 | 汉 | 籍 贯 | 河南省安阳县 | |
电子邮箱 | liguoqiang@zzu.edu.cn | 最终学位 | 博士 | |||
学术头衔/ 兼职 |
无 | |||||
研究方向 | 城市污水回用水质安全保障:消毒与高级氧化技术 | |||||
主要学习、科研和工 作经历 | 一、教育背景 2004.09 ~ 2008.07 河南农业大学 本科 2008.09 ~ 2010.07 中国农业大学 硕士 2013.09 ~ 2018.07 清华大学 博士二、工作经历 2018.09 ~ 至今 郑州大学 讲师 | |||||
代表性 教学成果与荣誉 |
无 | |||||
代表性科研成果 | 一、科研项目 2019 河南省博士后基金二等资助,课题负责人,8 万元,在研 2018 郑州大学自选项目启动资助,课题负责人,20 万元,在研二、论文论著 1. Guo-Qiang Li, Tong Yu, Qian-yuan Wu, Yun Lu, Hong-Ying Hu. Development of an ATP luminescence-based method for assimilable organic carbon determination in reclaimed water. Water Research. 2017, 123: 345-352. 2. Guo-Qiang Li, Wen-Long Wang, Zheng-Yang Huo, Yun Lu, Hong-Ying Hu. Comparison of UV-LED and low pressure UV for water disinfection: Photoreactivation and dark repair of Escherichia coli. Water Research. 2017, 126: 134-143. 3. Guo-Qiang Li, Zheng-Yang Huo, Qian-yuan Wu, Yun Lu, Hong-Ying Hu. Synergistic effect of combined UV-LED and chlorine treatment on Bacillus Subtilis spore inactivation. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 639: 1233-1240. |
4. Tong Yu, Guo-QiangLi, Wenqi Lin,Hong-Ying Hu, Yun Lu. Coagulationincreased the growth potential of various species bacteria of the effluent of aMBR for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, 24: 5126-5133.
5. Zheng-Yang Huo, Guo-QiangLi, Tong Yu, Yun Lu, Sun, Hao; Wu,Yinhu; Yu Cecilia, Xing Xie,Hong-Ying Hu. Impact of Water QualityParameters on Bacteria Inactivation by Low-VoltageElectroporation: Mechanism and Control. Environmental Science: Water Research& Technology, 2018, 4: 872-881.
6. Yu-Chen Pang, Jin-Ying Xi, Guo-QingLi, Xiao-Jie Shi, Hong-Ying Hu. Prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteriain a lake for the storage of reclaimed water before and after usage as coolingwater. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2015, 17: 1182-1189.
7. Zhuo Chen, Tong Yu,Huu Hao Ngo, Yun Lu,
8. HaiLiu, Xin-Ye Ni, Zheng-Yang Huo, Lu Peng,