姓名 | 王钰轲 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1989.02 | ||
职称 | 讲师 | 民族 | 汉 | 籍 | 贯 | 河南新乡 | |
电子邮箱 | wangyuke@zzu.edu.cn | 最终学位 | 工学博士 | ||||
学术头衔 | 国际土力学及岩土工程学会会员 中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会青年委员会委员河南省力学学会会员 国际 SCI 期刊《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》编委 | ||||||
研究方向 | 土的基本特性与地基处理、海洋岩土力学理论、桩基工程、基础设施检测与修复 | ||||||
主要学习、科研和工 作经历 | 2016 年至今 郑州大学水利科学与工程学院从事教学与科研工作 2016-2018 年 郑州大学水利工程博士后科研流动站,合作导师:王复明 院士 2011-2016 年 河海大学,岩土工程,工学博士(硕博连读),导师:高玉峰 教授 2007-2011 年 内蒙古工业大学,土木工程,工学学士 | ||||||
一、在研与完成科研项目 | |||||||
代表性科研成果 | 1、主持 河南省高等学校重点科研项目《非水反应类高聚物注浆技术在隧道突涌水及渗漏处治中的应用》(2019-至今) 2、主持 中国博士后面上基金二等资助《考虑主应力轴旋转的饱和软黏土长期循环软化特性研究》(2019-至今) 3、主持 中国博士后面上基金一等资助《主应力轴旋转下软黏土的非共轴变形特性及本构理论研究》(2017-2018 年) 4、主持 河南省博士后基金《高聚物注浆技术在隧道及地下工程渗漏处治中的应用研究》(2017-2018 年) 5、主持 岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目 《主应力轴旋转下饱和软黏土累积变形特性试验研究》(2017-2019) 6、主持 岩土力学与堤坝工程教育部重点实验室开放基金项目《天然软黏土在主应力轴旋转下静动力特性试验研究》(2017-2019) 7、参与 国家自然科学基金重点项目《海洋土软化特性及海床和基础失稳与灾变机理研究》(2017-至今) 8、参与 国家重点研发计划《膨胀土岸坡和堤坝渗透滑动柔性修复加固技术》 (2018-至今) | ||||||
1.Wang Y., Wan Y.,Liu M, Guo C.*, Zeng C., Wu D. Undrained multi-dimensional deformation behaviorand degradation of natural soft marine clay from HCA experiments. Soils andFoundations. 2020. Doi: 10.1016/j.sandf.2020.01.002 (On line)
2.Wang,Y., Wan, Y., Wan, E., Zhang, X.*,Zhang, B., & Zhong, Y.* The pore pressure and deformation behavior ofnatural soft clay caused by long-term cyclic loads subjected to traffic loads.
3.Zeng, C., Li, X., & Wang Y.* (2020). Behaviour of the interface between stored wheatand a steel silo under static and cyclic loading conditions. BiosystemsEngineering, 190, 87-96.
4.Zeng, C., Gu, H., X., & Wang Y.*. Stress-strain response of sheared wheat granular storedin silos using triaxial compression tests. International Agrophysics. 2020,1(34), 103-114
6.Wang, Y., Zeng, C.
7.Zeng, C., and Wang,Y.*. Compressive behavior of wheat from confined uniaxial compressiontests. International Agrophysics. 2019, 33(3):347-354.
8.Zeng, C., and Wang,Y.*. The Shear Strength and Dilatancy Behavior of Wheat Stored in Silos. Complexity. 2019. Article ID**, 9 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/**.
9.Zeng, C., and Wang,Y.*. Shear Behavior of Wheat-Concrete Interface during Monotonic and CyclicLoading, Complexity, 2019, Article ID **, 15 pages, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/**.
10.Wang,Y.*, Li, B., Chen, C., & Jia, H. Influenceof Groundwater Level Fluctuation on Lateral Deformation of Cantilever Enclosurestructure of Pit-in-Pit. MarineGeoresources & Geotechnology. 2020, 38(1): 108-113.
11.Wu, D.*,
13.Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*,Guo, L., & Yang, Z. Influence of intermediate principal stress andprincipal stress direction on drained behavior of natural soft clay.
15.Fang, H.*, Li, B., Wang, F., Wang, Y., & Cui, C. The mechanical behaviour of drainagepipeline under traffic load before and after polymer grouting trenchlessrepairing. Tunnelling and UndergroundSpace Technology, 2018,74, 185-194.
16.Wang, Y., Gao, Y.,Guo, L.*, Cai, Y., Li, B., Qiu, Y., & Mahfouz, A. H. Cyclic response ofnatural soft marine clay under principal stress rotation as induced by waveloads. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 129, 191-202.
clay involved the change of b-values and stressdirection. Marine Georesources&Geotechnology. 2017, 35(7):954-960.
18.Wang, Y., Gao, Y.*,Li, B., Fang, H., Wang, F., Guo, L., & Zhang, F. One-way cyclic deformationbehavior of natural soft clay under continuous principal stress rotation.
20.Wang, Y., Guo, L.*,Gao, Y. F., Qiu, Y., Hu, X. Q., & Zhang, Y. (2016). Anisotropic draineddeformation behavior and shear strength of natural soft marine clay. MarineGeoresources & Geotechnology, 34(5), 493-502.
21.Ma, L., Wang, Y.*, Wang, W., Xu, X., & Li, S. An analysismethod of laterally loaded pile in cohesive soil. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology. 2018.36(1):2-9.
22.Ma, L., Wang, Y.*.Calculation and analysis of negative skin of monopile applied for offshore windturbine. Marine Georesources &Geotechnology. 2017, 35(2):275-280.
27.郭林,王钰轲,王军*,郑敏,伍婷玉. 中主应力与主应力方位角对软粘土排水变形特性影响. 岩土力学.2016, 37(5):1380-1387.