招生学科:化学工程与技术 (化学工艺、化学工程、材料与化工)
2018- 郑州大学化工与能源学院,副教授
2016-2017 郑州大学化工与能源学院,讲师
2015 加拿大圭尔夫大学,博士后
2011-2014 加拿大西安大略大学,化学工程与生物化工,博士
2008-2011 郑州大学,物理化学,硕士
2004-2008 郑州大学,化学,学士
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于木质素结构调控的界面组装与选择性抑制机制研究,58万,2021年-2024年,项目负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,生物质苯酚-HMF树脂基碳/硅复合材料多孔结构调控及储锂特性研究,26万,2020年-2022年,项目负责人
3. 河南省科技攻关项目(国际合作),无甲醛生物基材料——基于糖转化的苯酚糠醛树脂制备及应用,10万,2018年-2019年,项目负责人
4. 中国工程科技发展战略河南研究院咨询研究项目,中原经济区木质素基材料及化学品产业创新发展战略研究,44万,2020年,课题负责人
Dr. Yongsheng Zhang received the B.Sc. (Chemistry, 2008) and M.Sc. (Physical Chemistry, 2011) degrees, both from Zhengzhou University. He got the Ph.D. (Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, 2015) from the University of Western Ontario (Canada), supervised by Dr. Charles Chuanbao Xu. He then worked as postdoctoral fellow at University of Guelph (Canada) with Dr. Animesh Dutta. He is currently the Associate Professor in School of Chemical Engineering & Energy, Zhengzhou University.
Research Interests
Bio-based chemicals and materials for their applications, including biomass conversion via catalytic/electrical processes, structure design & properties. The projects are supported by international and domestic grants/collaborations.
Highly qualified applicants for PhD programs and PDF are welcome to apply by email to yzhang@zzu.edu.cn, financial support and international exchange/co-supervision available.
五、代表论文/Selected Publications
1. Matthew Tymchyshyn, Armin Rezayan, Zhongshun Yuan, Yongsheng Zhang*, and Chunbao Charles Xu*. Reductive Hydroprocessing of Hydrolysis Lignin over Efficient Bimetallic Catalyst MoRu/AC. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2020, 59 (39), 17239-17249.
2. Matthew Tymchyshyn, Zhongshun Yuan, Yongsheng Zhang*, Chunbao Charles Xu*. Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol for organosolv lignin depolymerization – Catalyst screening and experimental validation. Fuel, 2019, 254, 115664.
3. Zhang, Y., Minaret, J., Yuan, Z., Dutta, A., Xu, C. Mild Hydrothermal Liquefaction of High Water Content Agricultural Residue for Bio-Crude Oil Production: A Parametric Study. Energies. 2018, 11, 3129.
4. Zhang Y., Ma J, Bai Y, et al. The Preparation and Properties of Nanocomposite from Bio-Based Polyurethane and Graphene Oxide for Gas Separation. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9: 15.
5. Zhang, Y., Ferdosian, F., Yuan, Z., Xu, C. Sustainable Glucose-based Phenolic Resin and Its curing with a DGEBA Epoxy Resin. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2017, 71, 381-387.
6. Zhang, Y., Yuan, Z., Mahmood, N., Huang, S., Xu, C. Sustainable Bio-phenol-HMF Resins using Phenolated De-polymerized Hydrolysis Lignin and their Application in Bio-composites. Industrial Crops and Products. 2016, 79, 84-90.
7. Zhang, Y., Nanda, M., Tymchyshyn, M., Yuan, Z., Xu, C. Mechanical, Thermal, and Curing Characteristics of Renewable Phenol-hydroxymethylfurfural Resin for Application in Bio-composites. Journal of Materials Science. 2016, 51, 732-738.
8. Zhang, Y., Yuan, Z., Xu, C. Engineering Biomass into Formaldehyde-free Phenolic Resin for Composite Materials. AIChE Journal. 2015, 61, 1275-1283.
9. Zhang, Y., Yuan, Z., Xu, C. Synthesis and Thermomechanical Properties of Novolac Phenol-hydroxymethylfurfural Resin. RSC Advances. 2014, 4, 31829-31835.
10. Zhang, Y., Chen, M., Yuan, Z., Xu, C. Kinetics and Mechanism of Formaldehyde-Free Phenol-Glucose Novolac Resin Cured with an Epoxy. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. 2014, 12, 1-8.
11. Nanda, M., Zhang, Y., Yuan, Z., Qin, W., Ghaziaskar, H., Xu, C. Catalytic conversion of glycerol for sustainable production of solketal as a fuel additive: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016, 56, 1022-1031.
12. Ferdosian, F., Zhang, Y., Yuan, Z., Anderson M., Xu C. Curing Kinetics and Mechanical Properties of Bio-based Epoxy Composites Comprising Lignin-based Epoxy Resins. European Polymer Journal. 2016, 82, 153-165.
13. Zhang, W., Duan, D., Liu, S., Zhang, Y., Leng, L., Li, X.,Zhang, Y. Metal-organic framework-based molecularly imprinted polymer as a high sensitive and selective hybrid for the determination of dopamine in injections and human serum samples. Biosensors and Bioelectronics.2018, 118, 129-136.
14. Huang, S., Mahmood, N., Zhang, Y., Tymchyshyn, M., Yuan, Z., & Xu, C. C. Reductive de-polymerization of kraft lignin with formic acid at low temperatures using inexpensive supported Ni-based catalysts. Fuel. 2017, 209, 579-586.
15. Zhou, H., Liu, F., Zhang, Y., Fan, W., Liu, J., Wang, Z., & Zhao, T. Novel acetylene‐terminated polyisoimides with excellent processability and properties comparison with corresponding polyimides. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2011, 122, 3493-3503.
1. Xu, C., Zhang, Y., Yuan, Z. Formaldehyde-free Phenolic Resins, Downstream Products, Their Synthesis and Use. PCT国际专利,PCT/CA2015/050132。
2. Xu, C., Zhang, Y., Yuan, Z. Formaldehyde-free Phenolic Resins, Downstream Products, Their Synthesis and Use. 美国发明专利,申请号61/942222.
3. 徐春保,张永胜,袁忠顺。无甲醛的酚醛树脂、下游产物及其合成与用途。中国发明专利,申请号16C81623CN.
七、出版专著/Book Chapter
· Zhang, Y., Yuan, Z., Xu, C. Natural Fiber-Reinforced Biodegradable and Bioresorbable Polymer Composites, Chapter 8, Bio-based resins for fiber-reinforced polymer composites, P137-162. Alan Kin-tak Lau and Ada Pui Yan Hung, eds. Woodhead Publishing, 2017.
八、会议论文/报告/Conference Proceedings
1. Humic acid-based silica composite aerogels-a preliminary study, The TMS 2018 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 2018
2. Hybrid membranes using tung oil-based polyurethane and graphene oxide for gas separation, 2017中国化工学会年会暨The 8th China-Japan Symposium on Chemical Engineering,北京,2017年10月(oral presentation)
3. 基于腐植酸的SiO2复合气凝胶制备与表征,2017中国矿物加工大会,长沙,2017年10月
4. The Preparation and Properties of Nanocomposite Membranes from Bio-based Polyurethane, 6th International Conference in Biorefinery, Christchurch, New Zealand, January 2017 (poster presentation)
5. Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Tomato Plant Wastes for Liquid Fuels: A Sustainable Energy Solution for Agricultural Residues, Advanced Biofuels Symposium, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 2015 (oral presentation)
6. Bio-phenol hydroxymethylfurfural Resin from De-polymerized Hydrolysis Lignin and Glucose, 64th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, October 2014 (oral presentation)
7. Synthesis and Curing of Phenol-5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural Novolac Resin and its Formaldehyde-free Curing with Organosolv/Kraft lignin, 247th American Chemistry Society National Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, March 2014 (oral presentation)
8. Synthesis and Curing of Phenol - 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural Novolac Resin and its Formaldehyde-Free Curing with Organosolv/Kraft Lignin, 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 2013
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-24
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